Increase in wild animal sightings.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
It seems a lot of rare wild animal sightings have been in the news recently.
Bears are becoming common in NE Ohio and there’s been sporadic reports in many other parts of the state.
The Michigan DNR confirmed a cougar sighting this week in the Upper Peninsula. Cougars were thought to have been killed off in Michigan in the early 1900’s. And there’s been anecdotal reports in other parts of the state including a trail cam sighting as far south as the Indiana border.
And yesterday there was a confirmed wolverine sighting in the Sierra Mountains in California. Only the second time in 100 years.
I find stuff like this interesting.
Bears are becoming common in NE Ohio and there’s been sporadic reports in many other parts of the state.
The Michigan DNR confirmed a cougar sighting this week in the Upper Peninsula. Cougars were thought to have been killed off in Michigan in the early 1900’s. And there’s been anecdotal reports in other parts of the state including a trail cam sighting as far south as the Indiana border.
And yesterday there was a confirmed wolverine sighting in the Sierra Mountains in California. Only the second time in 100 years.
I find stuff like this interesting.
Also wild hogs are taking over Texas and the South we cannot kill them fast enough.…
Some good news is you see whales and dolphins in the New York Harbour now for the first time decades some pretty cool…
Motörhead you listen Joe Rogan at all? He loves this topic.
Tell it like it is to damn dirty apes like funonthaside. I mean really…how damn many hairless apes do we need in the world? Way fewer than we have. My brother from a hairless ape mother - the dugan - is okay, so his existence is justified. Mate and Shailynn seem like good apes, so I’ll give ‘em a pass. And the hot and sexy females are great.
But face it…99% of y’all are superfluous. Only reason you guys have managed your takeover is your damn opposable thumbs. But we’re catchin’ up. Whatcha gonna do when a lion wearin’ a frickin’ suit points an AK atcha? ROAR!!!
Now that there are adequate stands of trees along the meadows the beaver dams are starting to increase and beaver are multiplying. Now who doesn’t like themselves some good beaver??!!
Rick the Lion, how many conquests of the beaver have you thought back fondly about? These are fury beavers!