Atlanta suburb
A new study revealed that 80% of men have shown up to a funeral with a condom on hand… just in case one thing leads to another.
2,000 adults ages 18 to 35 took part in the survey which was known as the State of Sex survey. One of those questions happened to touch on bringing protection to a funeral.
The survey — which was perhaps unsurprisingly the work of condom brand Trojan — found that 8 out of 10 (or if you want to simplify it with some sweet math skills, 4 out of 5) men had brought a condom to a funeral.
That probably sounds weird. However, believe it or not, some believe that grief can activate one’s libido.
Sexologist Patti Britton explained this phenomenon to Mel Magazine.
“It’s really about filling the void – literally and figuratively,” he said (calm down, Patti). ‘The grief trajectory is about a loss of closeness – a loss of intimacy. That’s why our libido kicks in: To fill that void.”
That’s interesting. I’ve usually found it results in bumming around and watching The Simpsons for hours on end.
But I guess to each their own.
2,000 adults ages 18 to 35 took part in the survey which was known as the State of Sex survey. One of those questions happened to touch on bringing protection to a funeral.
The survey — which was perhaps unsurprisingly the work of condom brand Trojan — found that 8 out of 10 (or if you want to simplify it with some sweet math skills, 4 out of 5) men had brought a condom to a funeral.
That probably sounds weird. However, believe it or not, some believe that grief can activate one’s libido.
Sexologist Patti Britton explained this phenomenon to Mel Magazine.
“It’s really about filling the void – literally and figuratively,” he said (calm down, Patti). ‘The grief trajectory is about a loss of closeness – a loss of intimacy. That’s why our libido kicks in: To fill that void.”
That’s interesting. I’ve usually found it results in bumming around and watching The Simpsons for hours on end.
But I guess to each their own.
Meanwhile Subraman is trying to get a BJ from the corpse.
I’ve never carried around a condom but for that age group perhaps it’s way more common that I thought. How about asking the more typical funeral going - aged 65 plus
Or so I have heard.
You may ask yourselves “what kind of creatures make those jokes?” and think “those jokes ain’t so bad.” Well, lemme tell y’all something: rickthevulture wouldn’t pull this kind of shit. He may eat the dead and decaying but he limits his sexual activity to the living sexy female hairless apes.
Well…there was this one time that ol’ rick and I were partying and a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ might have happened. But we were really drunk in preparation for a cross country road trip. And shit that happens when you’re really drunk doesn’t count. ROAR!!!