avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
A new study revealed that 80% of men have shown up to a funeral with a condom on hand… just in case one thing leads to another.

2,000 adults ages 18 to 35 took part in the survey which was known as the State of Sex survey. One of those questions happened to touch on bringing protection to a funeral.

The survey — which was perhaps unsurprisingly the work of condom brand Trojan — found that 8 out of 10 (or if you want to simplify it with some sweet math skills, 4 out of 5) men had brought a condom to a funeral.

That probably sounds weird. However, believe it or not, some believe that grief can activate one’s libido.

Sexologist Patti Britton explained this phenomenon to Mel Magazine.

“It’s really about filling the void – literally and figuratively,” he said (calm down, Patti). ‘The grief trajectory is about a loss of closeness – a loss of intimacy. That’s why our libido kicks in: To fill that void.”

That’s interesting. I’ve usually found it results in bumming around and watching The Simpsons for hours on end.

But I guess to each their own.


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avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Maybe they just want to crack open a cold one. :)
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I’ve oddly had sex several times the NIGHT before a funeral for a family member. I was down and it was a way someone could “cheer me up.”

Meanwhile Subraman is trying to get a BJ from the corpse.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Oh Roger... Goddamn you Roger!
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
I saw that article and thought, wow that’s odd. But the survey was conducted among young men, aged 18-35

I’ve never carried around a condom but for that age group perhaps it’s way more common that I thought. How about asking the more typical funeral going - aged 65 plus
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Never got laid at a funeral. Gotten laid at numerous weddings though.
avatar for busta_nut
2 years ago
Been watching the Wedding Crashers? js

avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
Pretty much required. That embalming fluid can burn.

Or so I have heard.
avatar for Manuellabore
2 years ago
Damn. I did that. Funeral of an old friend from back home, which I rarely get back to. I knew it would be like a de facto high school reunion except mostly with cool people I liked. Imagined I might run across a divorcee who was up for a roll in the hay, al la Tom Berenger and Jobeth Williams in The Big Chill. Didn't happen, of course.
avatar for jackslash
2 years ago
My friend got mad at me for sniffing his sister’s panties. Even worse, she was wearing them at the time. It made her funeral very awkward.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
before I met my now ex-wife she was married before and her husband got killed in a plane crash. her husband's brother took advantage of the situation with her grieving. this all occurred back in the 70s.
avatar for rickthelion
2 years ago
I hope you damn dirty apes know that joking about sex with the departed is highly inappropriate.

You may ask yourselves “what kind of creatures make those jokes?” and think “those jokes ain’t so bad.” Well, lemme tell y’all something: rickthevulture wouldn’t pull this kind of shit. He may eat the dead and decaying but he limits his sexual activity to the living sexy female hairless apes.

Well…there was this one time that ol’ rick and I were partying and a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ might have happened. But we were really drunk in preparation for a cross country road trip. And shit that happens when you’re really drunk doesn’t count. ROAR!!!
avatar for bang69
2 years ago
You learn something new every day.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I'd wager that's because 80% of men (in whatever demographic was polled) have a condom on them at all times.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ That same study shows that the 80% who have a condom on them at all times have been carrying the same condom since Jr. High School
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@twentyfive, you say that and I discovered that the one I have in my wallet has been expired for about three years. 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
@georgmicrodong - I sometimes bring my own (strip club, not funeral). I have had girls check the date and condition of the package.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
If you count having them in my car I have. I generally have at least one condom in my car at all times. I usually only get them out of the glove box when I am going somewhere I expect to need one, such as certain strip clubs, but it is always a good idea to have them nearby just in case. Luckily I do some sort of p4p often enough that I have never had them expire on me.
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