OT: Hmm - Interesting

DeSantis Officially Declaring Presidential Run During Event With Elon Musk
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is officially entering the 2024 presidential race this week during a special event with Twitter owner Elon Musk.
The conversation between DeSantis and Musk will take place on Twitter at 6 p.m. ET on Wednesday, according to multiple reports. The conversation will be moderated by Republican donor David Sacks, who is supporter of DeSantis and a close ally of Musk.
The Daily Wire can confirm that the reports are accurate.
Musk seemingly confirmed the report on the platform by retweeting a Fox News reporter who shared the news.
A source close to Musk told NBC News that Musk believes that former President Donald Trump is not capable of winning the White House in 2024 and that DeSantis is. “He’s interested in the future, and he’s interested in winning again,” the person said.
The 44-year-old governor will then file paperwork with the Federal Election Commission which will officially launch his campaign.
Following the event on Twitter, DeSantis is expected to appear on Fox News to give his first post-announcement interview with Trey Gowdy at 8 p.m. EST on “Fox News Tonight.”
A source close to Musk told The Daily Wire that they believed that DeSantis’ announcement with Musk will “trump the manner in which other candidates have announced because the event will be seen by larger audience.”
last commentIf you vote for politicians who rely on the Bible Thumpers to win, you'll only have yourself to blame if the gubment closes strip clubs or forces them to only allow air dancing.
GOP Megadonor Who Backed Trump Flips To DeSantis: ‘Trump Should Drop Out Of The Race’
A Republican megadonor and one-time supporter of former President Donald Trump has flipped to supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for president, saying that he believes the former president should drop out of the race.
Hal Lambert, founder and CEO of Point Bridge Capital and creator of MAGA EFT, told Fox Business on Tuesday that he does not believe Trump can win in the 2024 general election.
“I don’t think he can win the general,” he said. “There’s states that matter, and we all know what those are. It’s going to be things like Nevada and Arizona and Virginia, Wisconsin. I don’t see Trump winning any of those states. And so we can’t win if we don’t win those states.”
“It’s time to move on to the next generation,” he continued. “And Governor DeSantis is a vision forward versus hashing out things from the past. I think it would be a moratorium on Biden’s presidency — or a referendum, I should say, versus a referendum on Trump.”
Lambert said that voters do not want another nine months of what they saw Trump deliver during his recent town hall event on CNN.
“We want what Governor DeSantis offers, which is a vision forward, not looking back,” he said.
Lambert said that he only went public with his support of DeSantis this week and that he’s “going to do everything I can to help Governor DeSantis win.”
“I’m going to try to help raise as much money as we can raise to help him win the election,” he said. “And I suspect that Donald Trump has peaked in the polls. So he loves to talk — talk about the polls. At 52 percent, I don’t think that’s that great in the Republican primary. I mean, he’s the former president, and yet basically half of the party would prefer someone else. And I think those numbers go lower from here going forward. I think DeSantis closes that gap pretty quickly."
Lambert said that Trump’s name-calling was getting old and that even many of his own supporters do not like it when he attacks DeSantis.
“Look, we want to unite the country, and we can’t have name-calling. We have got to move to an adult conversation on real issues. And I think DeSantis brings that to the table. If you look at a DeSantis versus Biden, I mean, it’s a very stark contrast. It’s the next generation moving forward, and I think — I think that’s what the American people are ultimately going to decide that they want to have.”
“I just don’t think we want to see a Biden-Trump reelection battle,” he added. “And I think Donald Trump should drop out of the race, quite frankly. For the better of the country, I think he should drop out of the race.”
The dilemma faced by the GOP is that DeSantis is more electable than Trump in a general election (by a significant margin) but Trump is far more beloved by the GOP base, making a DeSantis victory in the primary seem very unlikely.
Before the Alvin Bragg indictment of Trump, the polls had Trump ahead something like 50-30 in the GOP primary. Since Trump was arrested and the party base rallied around him, the polls are now more like 60-20 Trump over DeSantis. Can't see Heavy D winning this, but I suppose it's possible with a great campaign and tons of money (the latter of which he will have).
For better or worse, Trump has a loyal base in the tens of millions. Desantis has an interesting story and a bright future. However, running for Governor, then immediately pivoting to President, makes him look like just another ambitious politician.
Desantis has zero chance in 2024. He will be one of many running in 2028.
^ Trump is planning to ruin the DeSantis campaign launch, my guess is Trump will fail miserably, if your idol doesn’t drop out Biden wins a landslide.
I will never vote for a candidate, Democrat or Republican, who wants to impose religious values and restrictions on the citizens of the United States.
Anybody is better than the brain dead idiot criminal that is in there now, and not a dumb ass democrat again.
I'm don't use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or any other bullshit platform like that, and I have less than zero interest in ever signing up for them. I like Ron DeSantis, but anyone who chooses to communicate "exclusively" via Twitter, well, I take that to mean you don't have anything to say to me, and you don't want or need my support. So good luck, and fuck off.
I'm as big of a Tucker Carlson fan as anyone. When Fox News took him off the air, I quit them and started watching Newsmax. Then Tucker announced that he'll be rebooting his show on Twitter. WTF? I didn't even know you can watch a full length TV show on Twitter, and I don't care. I hope he plans to use Twitter "in addition to" some other more traditional platform. If not, well fuck him too.
My agreement is with “well fuck him too”
I’m one of those old farts who spends more time on Twitter than TV. The new Twitter doesn’t censor. People say whatever they want. Ideas are debated. It really is the public marketplace of ideas. It might be the only platform where Tucker can say whatever he wants.
Republicans seem to have tilted the primaries to favor Trump by increasing the number of winner take all states , in doing so are increasing the likelihood that Biden gets re-elected. My bet is Trump will kill all of the chances that the Republican Party can come up with an electable candidate.
From Jack Poso on Twitter:
Imagine, if you will, a Republican who thinks he can win the general election without the base
Ask President Romney how that worked out
Imagine if you will a Republican who starts his presidency as a lame duck
A former president who
But trump will win the primary, and lose the general. So it shall be.
Also, DeSantis is his own kind of idiot but would win against 200 year old Biden. If he could win a primary. But if the republican party backed -anyone- just anyone that seems half baked normal then Biden is an easy beat. I mean if they just want to hire an ultra capitalist with no breaks then get a multi-millionaire with some sense of charisma. Why with the bumbling idiots. Democrats are so easy to beat it's incredible noone is saying... Maybe we should TRY to not fuck it up.
If Trump is the Republican candidate, then the United States is the biggest loser. Scott/Haley or I don't give a fuck.
Trump was way outspent by Mrs. Bill. DeSantis can't buy a win. DeSantis hasn't gotten himself cast in a slick "reality" show, with a persona of a billionaire who never gets it wrong. (Which masked Trump's history of fucking up royally.) Most people didn't realize that Trump copied his platform from Pat Buchanan , and his style was extreme version of Ed Koch's. Whereas DeSantis is obviously copying Trump. There's lots of people who feel like they're treading water at best, who only bother to vote if the candidate offers a totally new direction. Most of those people were disappointed by Trump, unlikely to bother to vote for Trump or his copy.
DeSantis seems to think he can get even more Bible Thumpers to go out and vote for him than Trump did. But Bible Thumpers see politicians as being like KIngs Solomon and David, God's tools, generally not highly pious. My guess is that DeSantis going after Disney will backfire, like when North Carolina nearly drove NASCAR out of Charlotte.
I’m surprised this isn’t getting more traction. The 2024 election may run through West Virginia of all places. Sound far fetched? Maybe not.
Jim Justice governor of WV term is up and he is planning on running for senate, specifically Joe Manchin’s seat. Justice is the one person in WV that can actually unseat Manchin. It may not matter anyway because Joe may be running under a new 3rd party.
Does Joe think he can win? Of course not but if he can steal enough democrat votes to swing the favor to the republicans (Ross Perot anyone?) and stuff his pockets full of more cash he doesn’t already need then mission accomplished. Think of it as a golden parachute for giving up his senate seat.
It’ll never happen but a third party wouldn’t be a bad thing. I don’t even have to go into details on how screwed up some policies each side is floating has become.
Only an asshole would use the term bible thumpers - or some fucked up tranny weirdo....
Biden's approval rating remains at a historic low of 36 percent.
"Biden's overall approval rating remains underwater. That's the lowest for any American president at this point in their first term. That's dating back to Harry Truman."
The reaction to his Twitter announcement is brutal. He sounds like he’s reading the phone book out loud.
Wait Ron Desantis is 44??? Dude looks like he's closer to 60 than 45.
Not sure where you're getting that Biden approval number from. 538 has him at 41.9, which is above Trump and way above Carter.
Also understand for Democrats half that disapproval comes from the left. Those angry purple hair left wingers will show up to vote against Desantis or Trump.
DeSantis' campaign-launch video:
I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s a good governor, a good manager, and understands local issues. The Presidential stage is just too big for him right now. He doesn’t inspire and he knows little about international issues. He probably needs the experience of running in 2024 to be better prepared in 2028. That’s true for most governors who decide to run for President.
Desantis had planned to roll out his campaign in Florida but cancelled it for fear of backlash from voters unhappy with his pivot to the Presidency. Personally, I think Desantis did permanent damage to his brand by being deceptive about his ambitions.
DeSantis’ campaign is expected to be largely centered around the enormous achievements that he has secured as governor for the state of Florida, dubbed the “Florida Blueprint,” and on how he can transfer those successes to the national level as President of the United States.
The governor’s rise to the top of the Republican Party was cemented by his handling of the COVID pandemic, which included bucking Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public health official whom the previous administration repeatedly took advice from throughout the course of the pandemic, and resisting draconian measures that impeded the freedoms of people in his state. As a result, the state led the country in net-in migration over the last couple of years.
Due to the governor’s overwhelming popularity in the state — which was made clear last year with his 19-point blowout victory during his re-election — the state’s legislature largely does what he says in implementing his agenda.
Some of the key legislative victories that he has secured this year alone include:
Protecting Florida’s children from permanent mutilating surgical procedures, gender identity politics in schools; protecting them from attending sexually explicit adult performances; and protecting them from woke pronoun usage in schools.
Prohibiting institutions from spending federal or state dollars on discriminatory initiatives, such as so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)” programs, and banning political loyalty tests.
Combatting human trafficking by strengthens criminal penalties against traffickers and creating civil actions that victims can take to recover damages and attorney’s fees from adult entertainment establishments.
Sending more than 1,100 assists to the help secure the U.S. southern border from the illegal immigration crisis caused by President Joe Biden’s policies.
Banning federally adopted central bank digital currency (CBDC) by excluding it from the definition of money within Florida’s Uniform Commercial Code and banning foreign-issued CBDC to protect consumers against globalist efforts to adopt a worldwide digital currency.
Protecting Floridians from medical mandates and prohibiting dangerous gain-of-function research.
Signing the strongest anti-illegal immigration legislation in the country into law.
Cracking down on Chinese Communist Party influence in the state by banning their ability to purchase agriculture land and land near military bases and critical infrastructure, protecting digital data from Chinese spies, and stopping their influence in the education system.
Protecting Floridians from the corporatist environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement — a worldwide effort to inject woke political ideology across the financial sector, placing politics above the fiduciary duty to make the best financial decisions for beneficiaries.
Signing into law his third consecutive anti-crime, pro-public safety legislative package that strengthens pre-trial detention and pushes back against “bail reform” efforts, increases sentences for drug traffickers that target children, and subjects child rapists to the death penalty.
Strengthening Floridians’ Second Amendment rights by allowing Floridians to carry concealed weapons without a government-issued permit.
Expanding available school choice options for all students in Florida by eliminating financial eligibility restrictions and the current enrollment cap.
Ending Disney’s self-governing status and special privileges — which no other company in the state had — and forcing them to play by the same rules as everyone else.
Protecting unborn babies by signing a heartbeat bill into law that bans abortion the moment that a heartbeat can be detected.
Of the 113 Republicans in the Florida legislature, 99 of them endorsed DeSantis for president last week while only one — state sen. Joe Gruters — endorsed the former president.
But even Gruters could not deny the overwhelming impact that DeSantis has had on advancing the conservative agenda in the state.
“We’ve had conservative leadership in Florida for the past 23 years, but we’ve passed more conservative bills in the past two years than the previous 20, and more this year than the past 22,” Gruters said. “It’s a rocket ship, a steam engine.”
James Uthmeier, a former official in the Trump administration who now serves as DeSantis’ chief-of-staff, said he’s never seen someone get as hands-on as DeSantis when it comes to crafting legislation and getting it passed.
“He sits and talks through the nitty-gritty of policy and the budget,” Uthmeier said. “He’s ingrained in the process in a way I haven’t seen working in the Trump Administration or with other public officials.”
Ron DeSantis is going to be the next President. Book it.
^Shit. I guess this is the end of the American experiment. It was a good run.
Ron DeSantis wants the USA to be like Florida. Good luck with that. Not enough Cuban strippers to spread around the country for that plan to work. For someone having both Yale and Harvard degrees, he's pretty dumb and Trump (or Haley for that matter) would pants him in any debate.
DeSantis screwed the pooch !
What we need to see is a Musk-Trump showdown....battle of the egos.
^ Trump is afraid of Elon Musk, that would be funny a guy who actually is a billionaire, vs a guy who's so cheap he squeaks when he has to pay for something.
The War on Drugs was a godsend for parasitic people in LE. Since the public is starting to wise up about this, these parasites want to replace it with a "war on human trafficking". There is real human trafficking, as there are truly violent drug sellers/users. But, for the parasites, it's about maximizing the tax money they suck up, regardless of bad consequences. So they are going to go after commercial sex between consenting adults. Just as they went after people who just wanted to light up a doob after getting home from work.
DeSantis is similar AOC. Encouraging people to think solving problems is always about demonizing others.
I agree that public school lessons should be kept non-controversial. But, sounds like in Florida, the teachers can't even require basic manners in all cases. If a kid with same-sex parents is getting harassed by other kids, the teacher can't even tell them what they're doing is not justified. And if some parents thinks certain historical facts are controversial, well, where is that going to end?
^But, sounds like in Florida, the teachers can't even require basic manners in all cases. If a kid with same-sex parents is getting harassed by other kids, the teacher can't even tell them what they're doing is not justified.
Back up this claim by citing the appropriate legislation in question. How is it that "If a kid with same-sex parents is getting harassed by other kids, the teacher can't even tell them what they're doing is not justified..." in Florida?
"I will never vote for a candidate, Democrat or Republican, who wants to impose religious values"
Woke is a religion.