Today is National Viagra Day.

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Everything you ever wanted to know about Viagra.…


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2 years ago
One thing about Viagra (and similar ED drugs) is it's use for dementia/Alzheimer patients. I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.

My wife as Stage 2 Progressive MS. She had Small Cell Lung Cancer that can spread to the CNS/brain (in that case, game over). As part of chemo treatment they do PCI - Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation - low dose to nail can cancer cells that are too small to resolve on MRI. Her dementia is slowly developing from MS and/or brain radiation. Dementia occurs in the deep white matter and one cause is typically the collapse of capillaries from MS attacks and/ or radiation that stay there for a very LONG time limiting blood flow/O2.

When these drugs were developed the original purpose was for coronary issues w/blood flow. During the trials the men reported , "WHOA, guess what happened! Are Happy Endings part of the study?" So, the drugs are now used for ED ( and fun.)

Recent studies have been done on Alzheimer patients w/daily low dose to help improve blood flow in the deep white matter, and it does work quite well. Problem with Big Phara they are looking for the Holy Grail drug ($$$$$$$), investing Billions on MANY projects and get cash flow from govt (follow the money....sound familiar?) HOWEVER, the current batch of ED drugs are cheap generics and will never generate big bucks for Big Pharma.

When a low cost generic is showing like 68% efficacy in Phase 2 Trials, it is really worth asking the neurologist or doc treating dementia:
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