Make sure to order some of that fake money that they sell on Amazon and use it to pay for as many dances as possible on April Fools Day. The girls really love that gag, if you're lucky they even call the bouncers over so they can see how funny you are.
My sophomore year of college we elected co-presidents of the Student Government Association. So cutting edge for 1977. On 4/1/1977 the front page of the Daily Collegian (circulation 25,000) had a pic of a man on top of a woman, under the covers, having intercourse, with the BOLD HEADLINE - "SGA CO-PRESIDENTS PARTICIPATE IN INAUGERAL BALL". Imagine that, humor on 4/1.
Whodey I would say if you asked the manager to pick out a dancer with a sense of humor and you made it rain fake 100 bills on her than told her after it was April fools that would be good/funny.
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