Georgia football player dies after visit to strip club

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

Incident really raises a lot of questions. Player and staffer died in crash after leaving a strip club in Athens.

According to the article university employees are prohibited from relationships with players. And they died in a university vehicle which was designed to be used for recruiting purposes only.


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avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Does it really raise questions? Maybe only if you have your head in the sand. All colleges use young men and women to help with recruiting. They drive the recruits around, often to parties and other events where they make sure the recruits have a good time. Drinking and sex may happen, oh my, and the lines of when the staffers are on duty, doing activities between consenting adults are blurred. Is a single occurrence blowjob a relationship that violates university rules? Doesn’t matter. It’s all too ordinary. What was the old Ray Allen and Denzel Washington movie where they recruit Jesus Shuttlesworth with a couple of porn stars? He Got Game I think. We may not know the exact details, but we know this story. We’ve seen this movie many times.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 yrs ago

Well in any case that University is going to be writing a big settlement check $$$$

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

Jimmy, yeah I get it, but if the article has the facts correct there were two major violations

The SUV was supposed to be used for recruiting visits only. The female staffer that died in the accident was a recruiting coordinator. The athlete that died was an active student-athlete not a recruit. A clear violation of the use of the vehicle.

And consensual relationships between student-athletes and members of the athletic staff is prohibited. While maybe not as egregious as a high school volleyball coach boning a player, it’s still against the rules

The player’s family has hired an attorney. Toxicology results are pending but if I was a bettor, UGA is gonna fork out some bucks

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

This is awful - for one I didn’t realize they were leaving a strip club. There were also two other people in the SUV which survived. If you’ve seen photos of the SUVs it’s a miracle anyone survived. There hasn’t been much talk about the recruiter and the player being romantically involved but I assumed that after I first read the news.

Anymore when I go out especially when out of town I just get an Uber. I don’t give a shit how much it costs, it’s cheaper than a DUI or worse. I get so mad when I hear people complain about the cost of an Uber and instead will drive intoxicated even though they think they aren’t intoxicated. Happens way more than most realize.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Motörhead- yeah, I was picking nits, just that there aren’t really unanswered questions. Maybe we don’t have all the details, but we know what happened here. Univ employees was socializing with players while celebrating. The staffers job description is basically being pretty tour guides. The players were no longer recruits, but athletes and college tour guide fraternization wouldn’t be news except for the tragedy of the accident. The rule violations seem pretty minor in light of the deaths.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

The club was Toppers international Showbar

I’m not one to read reviews for no reason, but that’s an off the radar Georgia club I don’t recall hearing much about

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

^ dark web? Is that where you buy your power washers too?

avatar for LecherousMonk
2 yrs ago

Typical dirty SEC tactics. We've known about this corruption for a long time, but name and likeness puts it shamelessly in our faces.

avatar for Daddillac
2 yrs ago

Founder, you want an idea af why some people have decided enough is enough. Look at this thread, while there is info about a titty bar which is reasonable for this site much of what was written here is bullshit.

I knew Chandler, she was a friend, I went to her funeral, I spoke with her parents.... to see desertscrub's description of her is so offbase from the Chandler that I personally know is infuriating. But that is what today's society and this site has become. It is sad.

avatar for Daddillac
2 yrs ago
  1. I don't believe it is true based on my personal knowledge of the situation, My personal knowledge is far greater than anything you have read on the "Dark Web"
  2. I'll never convince you of that in this forum and I really do not care what you believe
  3. I hope her father never reads your comments
  4. You are a disgusting individual for speaking this way about a dead young lady, anybody who thinks the things you have said is OK to say is just as deranged as you are. It is not OK to speak that way about the dead even if it is true, which in this case I know for a fact it is not.
avatar for Daddillac
2 yrs ago

Finally my Grandmother always said, Don't wrestle with a pig... you both get dirty and the pig likes it

Desertscrub... you are a fucking pig and I'm not going to argue with you

Just fuck off and die, but tell us where you will be buried so I can come piss on your grave

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

C’mon. Can we stop pretending the big time college football isn’t driven and much different (corrupted?) than it was in the 70s. It’s a billion(s) dollar industry!

Cut the pretense, pay the players and acknowledge they’re a means to an end just like NFL players. They’re there to win football games. If they get a degree along the way, fine.

Nothing should shock you when the outcome of a game or season can mean $millions for the coaches and AD. They will act as employers, not parents. Protect them? You’re fucking delusional.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

This is very sad news. Recruiting violations would be the last thing I would consider when several young lives were cut short. I hope the families can find peace after such a tragedy.

Nothing about this js shocking. It's pretty straightforward

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

The top 4 NIL earners are female. Not some SEC football player. Livvy is #1 in earnings over $2 million. God bless America

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

If a few superstars get NIL money, fine, but every player on the roster should get a cut of the profits. The golf team can pay their own way, not with the money the football or men’s basketball teams make.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Yeah, the number 27 football recruit QB had an SEC deal to play at Florida for $13 million. They reneged, so he’s transferring. Might even be able to sue them. If the number 27 football recruit is worth $13mm, what is number 1 worth? Football, and SEC football specifically, is where the big bucks are and where they’ve always been.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

Looks like a major player from UGA, and potential top NFL draft pick, is facing charges from this wreck.

Turns out Jalen Carter was racing the staffer who was driving the suv that crashed and then fled the scene before cops showed up.

He left one teammate and the staffer dead and two other teammates injured in the wrecked SUV while he fled to protect himself, what a great role model for some NFL team to add to their organization.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

So, there were two vehicles? That’s the first I’ve heard this reported. Since Jalen Carter is the number #1 draft producer on Mel Kiper’s Big Board, a cover up until now sure seems likely.

I figure the staffer hoe was going quite fast as she sheared off two utility poles, so now they are saying 104 MPH. and get BAC was .197

That’s a lot for anyone but especially a female.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

Yep he left the scene so they had to use camera footage from nearby to find out there was another vehicle involved.

avatar for goldmongerATL
2 yrs ago

There were actually two other vehicles. There was another player driving a Hellcat with them.

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