Club Platinum
1905 Piedmont Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30324


Avatar for Summit21

Heard from a few of my regulars that they might be reopening in the next couple of weeks, but they will wait and see. They are renewing there licenses supposely.


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Avatar for goldmongerATL

Saw on another site Oasis rumored to be opening somewhere on Piedmont. Could be at Platinum. I wonder if it would be possible to open in the old Gold Club site.

Avatar for shadowcat

Been hearing that for 7 months.

Avatar for joewebber

i spoke with someone that used to be a bouncer there. he says that the issues are within the organization, and not with the city. the building owner and the business owner have been going to court trying to resolve how much money each should be receiving from the business proceeds.
in a way, they are currently not making ANY money while they bicker.

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