Club Platinum
1905 Piedmont Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30324

As of May 2022, is it the best club in the A right now? PLUS: Bartender luck?

Avatar for jurassicman070320

Hey, y'all. Two things I wanted to open up to the group for discussion (apologies if these have come up before in this club's threads):

  1. In your opinion, is this the best club in the A right now? Are there any you would recommend (that include VIP)? I've gone to Club Blaze, Ace of Clubs, Goldrush, VLive, Strokers, Onyx and one or two others I don't even remember. Have to say: pretty much all of these have been either "eh" or flat out terrible for me. I've heard stories that Blue Flame, though popular, is not great either. I've been tempted to try it a few times but just never have. What do people think of it?

  2. Just curious: I know there are discussions/talks on here about OTC encounters with dancers, but has anyone made any headway (no pun intended. . .well, maybe a little, lol) with any of the bartenders? Honestly, most times I go now, it's to talk with some of them, and they are better lookers than some of the dancers, tbh. I got SUPER drunk with one of them a few times a few months and we ended up making out. She's not exactly single, though, and when I found that out, I kind of put the brakes on. But I saw this same one in particular again just this past Saturday and she was tonguing some dude in a T-Pain top hat, so I'm guessing the two of us aren't the only guys she's gotten extra friendly with.


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Avatar for tin man
tin man

She made out with everyone, single or not you could sleep with her

Avatar for shadowcat
  1. NO

a) it is difficult to get to

b) the parking lot is way to small

c) the club is small and run down

d) the men's room troll is the same obnoxious guy from Follies.

e) the DJ and music is nothing but rap crap

f) the VIP rooms are like broom closets.

g) it's too Smokey. they have a hookah bar.

h) no white dancers.

  1. never tried but Platinum did have one bar tender that was a former Follies bar tender and dancer that always treated me special and would have pursued it if she hadn't been married.
Avatar for Capt Obvious
Capt Obvious

It’s the best if you like Cubans/Latinas, but the club itself has some serious issues for me. Parking is way too small/cramped. The club is smokey and extremely small. If you don’t get there by 3pm, good luck finding anywhere to sit and it can even be a struggle to find somewhere for dances on a busy day.

Size of vip room is small but manageable but rather nasty/not clean looking. The same can be said of the club lol

Avatar for jurassicman070320

Agree about the parking spaces, cramped club and smokiness. @shadowcat, I think we may be talking about the same bartender...

Avatar for AtlLuker

I heard from one of the dancers that the club is closing. The owner’s liquor license application got denied last week. Can anybody confirm?

Avatar for jurassicman070320

WHOA?! Seriously? Jesus, glad I went this Thursday but damn, no Follies and no Platinum probably means that's a wrap on club life for me.

Avatar for AtlLuker

It’s just a rumor from 1 girl but they were having problems last yr when they just closed out the blue. Time will tell

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