Bill Murray
Well Bill Murray is the latest celebrity to be in hot water
It's an interesting opportunity to ask your thoughts on Bill Murray. You guys fans? I've always loved Bill Murray, he's just lovable kind guy and I ran into him at a Mets/Cubs playoff game once, but I've always known he's not a funny guy on the level of like a Jim Carrey or a Will Ferrel someone like that and a lot of his stunts seem like desperate attempts to try to be humorous, (which btw I myself am not innocent of) and the only reason a lot of people laugh is because it's him doing it. I remember one time I think I saw it on youtube but he threw a bottle in the crowd at some Golf event and hit somebody in the face, cutting their face open. Like dude, normal people don't do that shit.
I'm a guy that's watched Ghostbusters and even Ghostbusters II like a million times, I like Groundhog day but some other stuff you watch and you won't laugh one time. Stripes sucked, I don't get it at all. The Life Aquatic? Rushmore? What about Bob was annoying. Lost in Translation nothing happens in the movie, I just jerked off to Scarlett Johansen. I'm usually let down if I'm being honest. Bill Murray I mean I grew up with the dude, I do like him but I have to admit his stuff is kind of overrated. Stop making shitty movies dude. I feel like people think because it's Bill Murray we're supposed to love it and laugh, yeah I'm sorry but no.
last commentMuddy, everything you said but... His performance in Caddyshack makes up for everything else! Cannonball, Dalai Lama, Friendly little rabbit - not a plastic explosive or anything, eating the Baby Ruth - It's no big deal!
as i'm sure most know, murray came up through the ranks as a comedian before he became an actor and it seems that all comedians have a troubled dark side, blatant example, robin williams. many omedians have admitted that while they're laughing on the outside they're crying inside.
that story may be part fact part hollywood gossip but it wouldn't surprise me if all of it was true, maybe he's next in line to get cancelled but it doesn't change my opinion of him. i like his low key humor.
i haven't seen all of his movies and some that i previously liked don't do much for me now but i still like groundhog day and i think quick change was great, an underrated classic. just posting about it now gave me the urge to want to watch it again.
yeah i forgot about caddyshack, another classic.
That's not new. A lotbof the stuff mentioned is old.
if 1/4 of that ny post article is true then i am very surprised no one has even attempted to break his face or one of his legs.
one of several saturday night live alumni - class of douchebags that includes kattan and chase.
dipshitscrub don't forget those cocks waiting for you, get back to your gloryhole you maggot punk.
He seemed like the type of guy that would succeed at that specific time in movie making. He had an everyday annoyed figuring shit out guy, but that's all he had. He wasn't a great comedian or great actor. He always had the same facial expression! Which is why he fizzled into nothing but memory of the good ol days.
This kind of shit never surprises me. Whenever guys feel like they can speak freely, you soon see there are a lot of fucked up, rapey-ish dudes around. I've got some hope it's not as bad with millenials and zoomers, but I wouldn't bet big money on it.
I'm kinda neutral on his comedy - I wouldn't watch a movie just bc he was in it unless I heard it was good/funny - but I don't find him completely unfunny.
The 80s in when I watched movies the most which is when I was in my teens (started watching less and less after that and I've barely watched any movies in the last few years).
I thought Stripes was a classic - I was 11 when it came out and I remember seeing it in the theater with my older-brother who was 14 and his friend - I was in awe of the shower-scene near the beginning of the movie - wow.
My favorite movie of his was Kingpin.
I always thought he was overrated, I think he got away with a lot of shit because of his association with Saturday Night Live when the show was good He did make some good movies but I never thought he was the reason I always thought he had good instincts to pick projects that were successful, had more to do with the hit movies than his actual talent.
He made some truly iconic comedies earlier in his career, but there's not much from his more recent work that appeals to me.
I knew a few people who worked with him in some capacity when I lived in LA years ago. Opinions ranged from 'complete asshole' to 'a bit moody', with the fat part of the bell curve existing somewhere around 'sort of a dick'.
I wasn't very surprised by the recent allegations.
It’s hard for comedians to always be funny or for all their jokes to land – also hard to make good movies – it seems over the last 20 years or so movies have gotten shittier and seems Hollywood is mainly-looking to make a fast-buck by overly-focusing on profits vs quality (as Will Smith once said ‘Hollywood currently only makes movie$ for teenagers and China”) – seems Hollywood just sticks a popular comedian in a movie and think/hope it’ll do well ($$$) based on the name-recognition and as a result there seem to be IMO a lot of shitty-movies w/ popular comedians in it where the movie may have a couple of funny-scenes but it’s overall meh to shitty; not to mention it’s hard for comedians to always be funny whether than means that every-joke-lands or that they remain funny over-the-years.
w.r.t. Murray being an ahole – a lot of people that are successful seem to have an ego (perhaps if they didn’t have that ego they would have not made it?); whether it’s movie-stars; business people; politicians; etc – also, back in the day it was probably much more common/easier to be an ahole and it not be known since there was a lot less media-coverage back-then and no-social-media; and the few large media-outlets probably often covered for celebrities; etc
Great movies, but he and his movies are from a different time. Today, people are just a lot more sensitive to mens’ behavior esp wrt to women. His movies, persona, etc just wouldn’t fly today at all if he didn’t have a huge legacy propping him up. The new normal is pretty touchy. Makes me glad my civvie pussy chasing days are behind me.
This doesn’t surprise me. Funny guy though.