Homage to Satan

Four priestess hitch the candidate to restraints on the altar. The presider comes out. It has been set up so that he is someone who has never fucked the candidate before. One of the women holds a holy book open for him to read from, then they accept his robe and he climbs onto the candidate. Giving her a little bit of camel toe slide.
The other women have their hands on her shoulders, and they are holding her hands and her ankles, to steady her. In an initiation women are not allowed to speak unless one of the men speaks directly to them. But a knowing look can still make a big difference.
A little bit of very gentle kissing, and then speaking into her ear,
"I can tell that there are parts of yourself you have never opened to anyone. See that is Satan's job, to find virgins" ... [entering her] ..."and rape them."
And Satan is the greatest rapist of all time. Women never resist him, they lie down to sleep at night dreaming about him. It can happen anywhere too, on the dance floor, up against a wall, or in a closet or dark corner. Satan is so smooth about it that often the women are not even cognizant that anything is happening.
The priestesses are wearing the same sex slave uniforms that the candidate is. And the candidate may have seen some of them fucked on the altar in restraints like his already.
This is the candidates second day. On the first day guys put her through her paces, and then they disturbed her sleep. But this is the first time she's been in restraints before seeing who was going to do her.
And it takes skill to fuck a woman in restraints. These are soft restraints, but her range of motion is still limited, and you don't want to injure her by bouncing her around. One has to know what they are doing.
Getting offered up on the altar and raped by Satan is only one of the key events in a candidates initiation.
And I won't even need to be involved in it or know about it, as there will be far too many women. I'll be saving my time for the ones who distinguish themselves and seem promotable into leadership positions.
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last comment^
Exhibit A of what the sleepy time rapist day dreams about when he's not day dreaming about his sewn up anus.
Most cult leaders are delusional and think they are the second coming of Christ. Leave it to you to even get your delusions wrong.
Commit yourself bro.
Can someone do the html process on this thread? I havent figured out how to do it yet, so maybe some simple instructions on this thread will arm the masses to destroy creepy ass shit like this post from SJG.
It would be more appropriate if someone reported him to the authorities, he’s a genuinely deranged individual and the way he posts make me wonder if he’s ever harmed anyone
You wouldn't think that a website that purports to be welcoming to dancers/sex workers would want to host rape fantasy (particularly in a forum that is crawlable by Google, etc.).
But, you know, here we are (again, #scpandit).
I've occasionally taken grief for describing SJG's "organization" as a rape cult. Considering this post, I feel like I hit the nail on the head.
The good news is that he's not hijacking another person's thread to obsess over rape fantasy. So, anyone can hide it if they wish.
“It would be more appropriate if someone reported him to the authorities, he’s a genuinely deranged individual and the way he posts make me wonder if he’s ever harmed anyone”
I have his last known address, you know, because his F2F life/privacy wall is so well protected
Yep, fantasizing about raping sex workers using religious imagery is A-Okay. Posting about strangling Christians with the entrails of libertarians is A-Okay. The only frowned upon no-no on this site is portraying Jesus as one of us disgusting sex workers. 🤷🏻♀️ https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=11806
@nicespice... That comment is so perplexing given previous positions/opinions that I'd like to believe that there's a missing "lol" or laugh emoji.
If your image is considered offensive and wrong to post here, then this entire thread would fall under the same category by a wide margin.
Sounds like a pimply teenage virgin sexual fantasy.
Our initiations will be the most extreme, where the women are not to speak unless one of the men speaks to them directly.
We can't operate like that other times. But we will have slave nights.
In those I might like to use the restraint altars. Pick a girl I have never fucked before, and only if I am sure I have never fucked her. Get her out to the altar and up on it. Maybe some of the priestesses help. Climb onto her, some kissing and titty sucking to soften her up. Then support my weight on my forearms, reaching under her back and doing one of her wrists at a time, get her hitched at all four places.
Now she has been through her entire sex slave initiation already, so this likely won't be a big deal to her, just harmless fun. And as the leader, I won't ever push myself at the women. It all works because everyone plays along. Have to be careful not to overuse my position. Certainly a lot of them will be throwing themselves at me, so I will always try to accommodate them.
So do her on her back in light restraints.
Don't make it take a long time, but let her go over the top.
She has heard the main lines in her initiation. So now,
"Always virgins wandering out into the jungle. Everyone knows what is going to happen, but this doesn't scare them off, it is why they come. Never any rest for Satan ...[entering her]... so many virgins to rape."
The next time it will be the more standard Front Room porno style scene, emphasizing upright positions on the furniture, and with a very well thought out choreography. And then especially since I am the leader, I will always offer eating and TLN after. They don't have to go for this. Not really interested in just trying to fuck as many as possible. Like to spend time with some as I will always be looking for those i can promote to leadership positions.
Alvin Lee – The Bluest Blues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB6OlJqV1rQ
Man there are some really strange people in this world, pray I never go down a hole like that.
California sex offender registry https://oag.ca.gov/sex-offender-reg
Keep him away from small children and animals!
Sjg that's hownsex traffickers break captives down and exploit them
any lawyers here, is this stuff legally discoverable when SJG becomes a level 3 sex offender? I don't want to get subpoenaed for not reporting this to the San Jose PD.
And when Tetradon becauses level 10 asshole and jerkoff, why didn't we shut him off before it went that far?
Lol I love when you get to the scatological name calling. That's when I know you're beaten.
Tetradon, your posts are never really anything more than scatological name calling.
^ I'm a top reviewer, you're a top ignored. That says it all.
Whenever anyone interacts with you, it's to call you out or mock you.
Fact, not opinion. Cope.
But you are still a fuck head. I guess you are not alone here, but you are still a fuck head.
School of Rock AllStars perform "Highway Star" by Deep Purple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oGjZRe1i3g
F2F you would not call me such things, honey.
I wouldn't even mock you. I'd drive you to Providence and have you demonstrate a FRMOS while I watch.
No you would not Tetra, my f2f life is Private, and Extremely Well Protected.
School of Rock AllStars perform "Highway Star" by Deep Purple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oGjZRe1i3g
Yes I would. And I'd laugh as you paid them for sex and insisted you weren't paying them for sex.
And it would be the first time you've seen bare titties in five years.
One thing about Trolls, they are not long for this world and they seem to know it. They can try to do things which have a certain result.
School of Rock AllStars perform "Highway Star" by Deep Purple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oGjZRe1i3g
Good luck finding sober women who want to join your organization. I don't think things like this are a good selling point
We are now just a handful of people. But if it all works out there will be similarity to Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.
And also highly inspired by The Golden Dawn, Julius Evola's UR Group, Crowley's OTO, Horus and Maat Lodge, Maria de Naglowska's Order of the Golden Arrow (Paris 1932 - 1936), and the German Fraternitas Saturni (1926 forward)
Thanks, SJG
School of Rock AllStars perform "Highway Star" by Deep Purple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oGjZRe1i3g
Two young women talking outdoors:
"What happened in there?"
"Well, I got raped by Satan."
"They put me in restraints, 4 women did this, then the priest came out. He read an invocation and the women took his robe. The he climbed on to me, and he was really sweet and he did me."
See we have to make sure that our candidates are properly screened and prepared.
If word of this leaked out, we'd have a line of virgins waiting for their turn with Satan that stretches around the block. And this in not our intent.
"What did they tell you?"
"Well the Lodge Master was in charge of our initiation, and he has always told us that we are to do anything one of the men tells us to that is for their sexual pleasure. And during the initiations women are not allowed to speak unless one of the men speaks to her directly. But during the week we had a class with the Ranking Priestess, and she said that women are to give of themselves freely, without reserve, and expecting nothing in return. In this Organization we are to make each man know that he is King of the World and that All Women Serve His Sexual Pleasure. She explained that this is how it was in Maria de Naglowska's Paris group in the 30's. de Naglowska explained this, and she also demonstrated. And it is like this in our initiation. Guys get us, but the experienced priestess get the same. We've been told that they will fuck us a great deal more than any one man ever could, to make us know that we belong to the group and that we are to serve the group, and the group will always take care of us."
Story of 'O' Dress
Published in 1954.
Ideas about women's clothes have changed a lot since. We have our own ideas about the women's initiation uniforms.
In the various film adaptations they have come up with their own interpretation on the sex slave dresses.
Here is another one though:
I have my own ideas too.
About Story of 'O".
This group in the Netherlands is one of many who try to make Story of 'O' into reality:
This is from one of the film adaptations.
I think the idea is that it is a full action uniform, does not get in the way, but it is a lot more kinky and submissive than just wearing nothing.
Some have had mini-dress 'O' designs. Can't find them now.
But these should also be something you could never seen worn anywhere else.
This is not bad!
And this is why this site is frowned upon and everyone is flocking over to r/StripClubs and r/Strippers. This is why you have little dancer participation here and this is also why many women bitch about this place on Facebook and r/stripper.
jeez this is what happens when I leave and come back slightly curious. Nope this is level of weird I won't partake further in. what sick fantasies do you have man?
This thread constitutes the intention to commit a felony.
Unfortunately but realistically, I don't think you can be a dancer (or even work at Starbuck's) if crossing paths with a creepy person causes you to have a melddown. And really, at even a mediocre strip club, it's easier for strippers to avoid creepy customers than for most people with retail jobs that involve contact with the general public. If SJG makes strippers avoid this site, and the problem isn't that they don't know they can put people on ignore, they might be happier earning a living a different way.
Do Girls Like Bondage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuhEBwbut5E
"So what happens next?"
"Well the first day they did give us a work out. I know that some of the girls are sex workers, so they are used to quantity. I am not, so I wasn't use to that. But it was fun. I always look to the senior priestesses. They know what this is all about and they have been through it many times. So when the Lodge Master tells us what we are expected to do, it sounds bad. But the other women aren't perturbed at all. So I just figure wait and see.
So they were on us all day and through out the night. But the second day it went to restraints and Satan. But he volume was very low.
So now they say they will wait one month for the second weekend of initiation. People say that then it is anal. I know guys like that, cause it is like they have total dominance of your body. But they say the volume will be low and the guys who do this are slow and gentle.
I want to get to full membership, which means three weekends of Sex Slave initiation. Then I an always be at their events, and I do like the guys, and I can be involved in their business affairs and have a golden parachute contract if I ever decide to get out. They say they can also make me into an entrepreneur if I want that, and they are already helping me to get an education. "
"Hum, three weekends of sex slave initiation, that does sound like of fun."
So our same two women are talking again:
"So what do you think of it all?"
"Well, after this first weekend I'm really getting to like it. That first day they were really on us. Didn't know I could do that many. And they aren't romantic about it at all. They let you see them before they grab hold of you, but that is about it. The don't hold your hand, they grab you by the upper arm. Then they go for either your ass or your boobs. And our uniforms always display both to encourage this. Then when they kiss you, it is nice, but they are telling you that they own you.
Women can't talk during initiations unless a man speaks to them directly. But at the class we had before with the Ranking Priestess she told us that it was supposed to be like this. They do own you. And I saw that the priestesses are getting jumped the same way all the time too. If I hadn't seen that right in front of me, I might not have wanted to cooperate. But I see that it is standard.
The Ranking Priestess told us that for initiations they have to rotate in extra men so that the candidates are given a good work out. But at the group's regular events things are lightened up a lot and there are about the same number of women and men, which really means there is a huge surplus of women. And of course women can talk all they want. So often guys will just pick one and bed down with her and do slow tantric sex and sex magic rituals.
That first day they were on me all day and into the night. And then the second day I was raped by Satan. And then a few other times, I guess since I was still wearing the restraint points, guys got me and priestesses helped to get me hitched up and they did me.
But you know what, the restraints don't mean anything. Its just a head game and something to shock people who hear about it. They don't need to hold me in restraints and I'm already all go. Restraints actually simplify the sex, because we can't change positions and try to make porno movie scenes.
And compared to that first day of volume, the second day with some use of restraints was nothing.
And the guys who did me in restraints, like the first, they were really sweet. It might sound like it would be bad, but it isn't at all. These guys are skillful. They have learned from being with the senior priestesses.
The Ranking Priestess told me that they only use restraints on special slave nights, or with sone women that really like it and go get themselves hitched up and wait for who ever wants them.
has little video. These back door patterns are getting more and more common. The thong bottom seems to be going away. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1296788274/open-lingerie-set-open-crotch-lingerie?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=open+crotch+teddy&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&pro=1&frs=1
So our same two women are talking again:
"So tell me more."
Well the first day the guys kept me busy throughout the day and into the night. The priestesses were always painting me up again for the next one. The Lodge Master said we are always to look like we are having one orgasm after another. And this is not that far from the truth either.
The the second day it went to bondage and I was raped by Satan. The 2 other guys did me in restraints.
Then my boyfriend came at night fall, and he was just saying, "I am so proud of you", as he really went at me. I knew he was like this because really he was jealous because other guys had been fucking me. But he did want me to go through this initiation sequence and to be in the Organiztion.
Then that night two more guys came to me.
The Lodge Master told us, "Some of you dance in strip clubs and you are all young hotties, but don't think that you'll always be getting this much action. We are rotating extra guys in for your inititation to make sure you get enough cock."
At our class the Ranking Priestess pretty much told us the same thing. The guys go for the women they know and who have earned their respect, and that takes time.
So everyone in the Organization has four advocates. These people make sure that the organization is meeting your needs. You need anything you just message them. I have these already, one each for my education, my housing, my career, and for the philosophy of The Organization.
They have given me a book now about the philosophy of The Organization, and I have started reading it. It references many outside things like Pre-Socratics, Plato, some Aristotle, Neo-Platonists, Existentialists, Post Modernists Occultists, Gnostics, and Satanists.
Or initiation is patterned after Story of 'O", which is inspired by Maria de Naglowska, and she was seen as a Satanist.
So we have another class with the Ranking Priestess, and then I go to the Second Weekend / Third Day.
in high heels in the little video, great front door and back door access. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1295742500/open-crotch-lingerie-uncensored-lingerie?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=open+crotch+corset&ref=sr_gallery-3-40&pro=1&frs=1
So our same two women are talking again:
"So tell me more."
So this second weekend they did go to anal. My BF does me like this regularly. Guys like this when they are already pumping enough loads into your pussy that you have no more defensible boundaries, they like to do the back door too.
So there was a change, they added this pelvic harness and this shoulders and upper arm yoke to my slave uniform. My wrists were shackled at my hips. For priestess again let me have a last toilet visit. Then they marched me out and hitched me up to this verticle pole thing, at the hips, then at the ankles then at the upper arms.
So I could not move much, but guys could oggle and and feel us up. THere were the four candidates and too of the priestesses too.
A guy cam out, checked me out, whispered something to me and then nodded.
So the priestesses unhitched me and marched me off this time to a private Monad Chamber with him. Then they removed the yoke and upper arm piece, unhitched my wrists, and then took of the pelvic harness and the left me along with the man.
He was really nice. And yes, in this second weekend women are allowed to talk. And we had access to a bathroom if we needed it.
So we began and he was real sweet and did me vaginally in different positions and he let me go over the top a couple of time.
But, he did not cum in my pussy. He pulled out and then real nicely gave it too me up the ass. And then he came.
They did me twice that day that way, always the sex slaves on display, and then being put alone with im.
First two days were not romantic, except sort of being raped by Satan.
But this third day, actually quite romantic.
And then a third guy visited me in my sleeping chamber, and the same thing, vaginal preliminaries, and then his load up my ass.
I am really coming to like the Organization.
full front door and back door action uniform https://www.etsy.com/listing/1196488272/cupless-braopen-lingerieerotic?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=open+crotch+tanga&ref=sr_gallery-8-35&pro=1&frs=1
What makes this dramatic is the green color and the girl's coloration. That, and her awesome exposed boobs.
I didn't save a rear view of this outfit, but I know that it is esty's signature backdoor design.
Full boobs out 3 inputs action uniform. These patterns have really taken off!
Getting a girl you've just met into a Breasts Bared FRMOS is a heady trip, having her that exposed, and just drawing her to the surface, and in front on an audience, in front of her friends.
Well, in the organization I am working to build, that will be very common.
In part it is because it is a very safe members only environment, and also because we supply the women with such uniforms. Our more covered version, more formal, long skirt, will still, following Story of "O", be boogs out.
The best part about you posting all these photos is you are getting your porn from ETSY.com. You are so fucking broke that you have to get internet access from the library and your porn off an arts and craft site. Your life goals are awesome SJG! Just awesome!
Shailynn and his mom have got the recipe, got the money coming in. Shailynn has been made over into something like Liberace.
And the old ladies come out to meet him where ever he goes, and they send their social security checks in so they can get a monogramed prayer hanky.
Breasts Bared FRMOS, and in front of an audience, is an incredible power trip!
So our same two women are talking again:
"So tell me what happened on the third and forth days."
" Well you know the thirds day they did me anally. I was in bondage on me feet, rather like a slave auction. Then the guy who wanted me came out, and the priestesses to me to a private Monad Chamber with me. He did me vaginally, real nicely, but he did not ejaculate. He instead put his load up my ass.
And then later that day and evening they did me another two times like that, with the restraints and the private room, and always putting his load up my ass.
These guys were very skilled and actually more romantic than the guys who did me vaginally only the first weekend.
The rest of the time I was waiting tables, serving the men, until someone wanted to have me hitched up for them.
Then the fourth day I was waiting tables. No more restraints, but who ever wanted me could have me. I was wearing the mini-dress version of our initiation uniform. So short if covers nothing in back, and totally open in front and boobs out. It comes off with just one waist level fastener, but there really is no reason to take it off. Waist cincher, garter straps and thigh highs underneath, and our 10" platform heels. It is a real trip for the guys to watch us walk around in those. I am sure that motivated many to get to their feet and move me a bit where they have things for us to bend over and climb onto.
I am very happy. I have never felt better than when I am with these guys. And the more who want to fuck me each day, the more I like it.
THe guys who do me vaginally and anally are more romantic because they take me to a private room, and because all of that takes more time.
No guys have cum in me both ways. The priestesses say that that will be common after my initiation, when guys take me for a whole night. And there will be sex magic rituals to learn and do.
The priestesses told me something which I had seen. They are directing guys away from themselves and to us, the 4 young candidates.
These guys don't always go for the youngest ones. With the priestesses they have long term relationships, they have been with them in sex magic classes.
They say it will be more the young ones who go first for us, but the guys in this intitation are higher ranking, and they really are experts.
I just want to fuck them as much as I can, all day and all night.
And evening on the 4th day, my BF came to me, and he jizzed me front and back. And he told me again how proud his is of me. He really knew that being in this Organization would be best for me.
School of Rock Highway Star
So our same two women are talking again:
" My financial future is totally in the hands of The Organization. I will be helped to develop a career. If I want they will make me into an entrepreneur. I get a legally binding Golden Parachute in case I decide to get out. I am already starting to get an education. I have Advocates who help me with housing and career.
If I opt for the inner order I will live on the property and never need to handle money again. But this takes a number of years.
For young women like me, if they want to walk on their life, like residence, job, friends, etc, they will also be put up on the property. I am thinking of going for this right away.
Hey fuckstick - you can’t even access this website on sundays so how do you think you’re going to get women to join your organization?
Sunday's I watch Shailynn Ministries Inc, Prayer and Prospertity.
I don't have a monogramed prayer hanky yet, because I am too poor to send them any money. But eventually The Laurd will hear my prayers and make it rain in me.
So our same two women are talking again:
" I'm just totally happy to be fucking our guys all day and night, and as many of them as possible.
My initiation will be concluding soon, but they will have other sexual things they want to see me do, fun stuff, not stuff which tests my limits, relaxed and easy. But mostly it just means servicing our men, and in quantity.
The priestesses have to orchestrate this because usually there are around the same number of men and women at events, and that works well for doing tantric sex magic and overnighters. So for one girl to get quantity, the priestess have to pull some of the other women back. These things help us advance to high degrees, and they want this because it changes us. But just as far as having enough women to go around, that really is not a problem. "
This girl's got stuffings where they are needed. But for these pics they've got to do a better job of keeping the women in high heels, and often in thigh high stockings too, often fence net. My Organization will excel here.
<img src="https://i.etsystatic.com/20005612/r/il/064ad9/4017615906/il_1140xN.4017615906_z1p2.jpg'>