Food or Dances

What would you rather spend your hard earned money on...
Spend $100 on an evening getting a great steak dinner at a great restaurant?
Spend $100 on getting lap dances in a strip club?
Which one would you consider a better value?
last commenta GOOD sc lap dance experience.
That’s a tough call because I’ve had mixed experiences with regard to both steak and dances. But generally, I think the steak will be a better value, on average, in my area.
I can cook my own steak… but I can’t suck my own dick.
I prefer OTC with a DS with GFE and PSE, with NSA that we both walk away happy, believing it was a Fair Trade and a win win experience.
I'd work harder so I had another $100 to spend.
This is a question? Jesus Christ. The only roast beef I'm interested in is a 40 year old dancer's pussy lips.
Lap dances if they are gonna be good but it’s not far apart.
I get da $20 lot lizzardz for sure