
OT: jobs that are easy on the back

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
A fav of mine is worried back pain is going to force her to stop dancing. So she needs a new gig, that requires little to no prior training, and only requires a HS diploma. Any suggestions? She was talking to another dancer who works at the Post Office. The other dancer said she does next to nothing, but makes pretty decent money ($40 - $50 K). But I also thought, in any package handling job, they want you to be able to lift 50 pounds.


  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    My ATF got a job as a lawyer receptionist when she got too old to strip. There's lots of clerical jobs like this that don't require much beyond basic office skills like typing and being pleasant to people. A friendly personality is a plus and women who had successful stripper careers often have that. A stripper past probably won't seriously harm future career opportunities. The only problem my ATF had was she had to buy clothing with long sleeves to cover up all her arm tattoos. Many employers still expect their female employees to look and dress somewhat conservatively.

  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    So, it was $38.50 to splooge then?
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ 29.50 if it was done in one song.

    I would say any job where you are sitting down most of the day. In a post office aren’t they usually standing most of the day?

    Customer service rep answering phone calls


    Date entry clerk

    All these jobs I mentioned require someone usually to be at a desk and mostly in front of a computer. Sitting all day in the same position can be tough on someone with back issues too.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ you can even take a nap while at work there and nobody will say anything
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Sling boxes at the local UPS hub from 4-8 AM. They pay well and yiu can move up to a union driving position w/pay starting at $80k with great benefits. They can’t hire enough because people dont want to work labor, and wake up early. If I was to do it all over again, I’d go that route and be retired by now. Oh yeah, the back thing. They give you a brace and if you get hurt on the job will find you another position with equal pay without labor. Got to play the long game.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    She says sitting too long is also painful, it's best with moving around but nothing strenuous. I suggested waiting tables at a more expensive restaurant. She said it takes a while at those to make decent money, you get bad shifts till you're there for a while.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    “Customer service rep answering phone calls”

    The CSR’s at the company I work for may object to the phrasing they answer phone calls, if that implies all they do. LOL

    They are highly trained with technical skills - far from being just order takers. We have many openings. Many are college grads, but not all. Former military do quite well. If she has decent computer skills and is smart enough to learn they can make decent money. And if sitting is a problem, all have movable computer stands and standup for at least half the day if sitting becomes too tiresome
  • gSteph
    2 years ago
    I was gonna say retirement, till I read the rest of the post.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Like all the strippers I've gotten to know some, going to the unclothed penis touching level of sex work doesn't work for her.

    Most say no to this, period.

    Some (like her) say it's more about customer expectations for this level sex work. Customers commonly see you as a ho, a best some species of human of lesser value. These customers may get it that a animal shelter would check them out a bit, ask some questions, before letting them adopt a dog or cat. But a ho is supposed to be fine with any and all customers, as long as they have the money. She has no right to check you out, decide if you're a customer she's comfortable with.
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