+1 on what drew said. How fucking stupid could that lawyer possibly be? He must have been drunk off his ass in order convince himself that this was a great idea.
Much worse than the lawsuit itself though is the incalculable damage to the law firm's reputation. This is a workers compensation <strong>defense</strong> firm, meaning that their clients are overwhelmingly corporate. In this day and age there's no way that they don't lose clients over this. I have no doubt that this guy is kicking himself when thinking back to that pivotal moment when he should have said goodnight to everyone and then gone on his own, but instead decided how great it would be to team build with his female employees at the titty bar.
It's a dumb move, and if the two parts about "he directed and required some of the employees present to submit to lap dances and engage with the strippers" and "the firm threatened to prevent her from getting another legal job in Fresno. The lawsuit states that Ritchie was a top candidate for a job with another firm when they called and canceled their interview with her." then it's way beyond fucking dumb and he deserves what he gets.
The first part may be drunken stupor, and probably doesn't warrant more consequences than him losing some of his top employees and likely a good chunk of business. But that second part about interfering with her ability to get work elsewhere, that's gonna hurt. You can't explain that away as questionable decision making after a few drinks, or victim blame and say she wanted it. That could be a career ender in today's climate.
The top firm where she was going to work cancelled the interview? They cancelled the interview because she went to a strip club or the cancelled the interview because the weak as puppy shit lawyer sued her employer. Who the fuck would want to hire her, but a perfect example of why I have gone without a staff for 7 years, except on a per diem basis.
Lawyers file lawsuits if they have a bad hair day, it’s easy for them, that is why it sounds like a set-up she didn’t have to go to the strip club, so who knows what actually transpired between them.
Strip clubs for many are beyond the Pale. Would you take your subbordinate to an adult book store?
We need to move off of fossil fuels, and we need to stop using economic expansion as a justification for promoting more consumption. Capitalism is insane.
I like strip clubs and adult book stores, but I am careful.
^ You seem to have an opinion on everything, right or wrong it never stops you from expressing it. In this case you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about
You are so fucking stupid 2Icee it amazes me you know how to breathe. Adolph Hitler's opinion of Jews is that they should all be dead. You think he was right, because opinions cannot be wrong you fucking span from the drippings of aids infected pedophile's dick. Most lawyers do hire other lawyers, not all, and lawyers are the worst clients possibl.
Hey Iceefag you have major reading comprehension issues I never said lawyers don’t hire lawyers I said they have access to the courts and it’s easy for them to file but go ahead be stupid as usual, just to make a point it’s not about the hiring it’s about access and lawyers have much more access then lay folks.
Everyone has access to courts. The difference is lawyers know court procedure. So it's easier to file shit properly n shit. But there's free help for all of that including websites that guide you step by step on some jurisdictions
Iceefag if i said the sky was blue you'd argue that it's not, if you want to disagree with me over something as innocuous as whether or not lawyers have easier access to the courts, argue that point, you'd still be wrong, but putting words in my mouth like saying I 've said that lawyers don't hire other lawyers, just make you look as stupid as you are. look at the thread and read it out loud, slowly, to your self, sounding out any words too big for you to understand, then come back here and tell us what I said.
^ I suggest that you go back and read this thread my first post on it didn’t mention anything about you, so who started attacking you And you fuck off you little bitch
last commentThank you folks, goodnight!
The first part may be drunken stupor, and probably doesn't warrant more consequences than him losing some of his top employees and likely a good chunk of business. But that second part about interfering with her ability to get work elsewhere, that's gonna hurt. You can't explain that away as questionable decision making after a few drinks, or victim blame and say she wanted it. That could be a career ender in today's climate.
We need to move off of fossil fuels, and we need to stop using economic expansion as a justification for promoting more consumption. Capitalism is insane.
I like strip clubs and adult book stores, but I am careful.
Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
In this case you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about
And you fuck off you little bitch