

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Thursday, June 23, 2022 3:51 PM
"BREAKING: SCOTUS Strikes Down New York Concealed Carry Restrictions" [view link]


  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    The law was blatantly Unconstitutional, but liberals are all Mao, Stalin clones so they oppose the Constitution.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I know the libs snd leftists on this board are beside themselves with rage after this ruling, so I'm going to choose my words carefully. NYAH NYAH-NYAH NYAH NYAH! FUCK YOU,YOU FUCKING LOSERS!!! God bless the United States, God bless our Supreme court! God bless Donald Trump for puttin 1...2..3! intelligent and freedom loving justices on the court! Justices with the wisdom and courage to do what is right- to put the law of the Constitution above partisan activism. Choke on it, commies!
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    As a practical matter, the New York law meant that gun permits were only given to people who were politically connected with democrats.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Concealed carry (but not open carry) has been shown to reduce crime. It deters criminals not to know if there might be someone else packing. The left wants nothing less than an end to civilian gun ownership. Which, since they can't (or increasingly, won't) enforce the laws we already have, means we're all sitting ducks for "mostly peaceful protestors" and thugs.
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    Good ruling. I own guns and carry a concealed pistol (legally). Conservatives claim that "liberals" want to ban guns, but that is not true.
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    True liberals don’t. “Progressives” do.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Hey great news. I actually think there's a chance the republicans can win back the governors seat from these radicals. I don't think Tom Suozzi (moderate) can win on the Dem side. Not in love with the GOP candidates wish there was more of a slam dunk candidate but Andrew Giuliani (Rudy's son) couldn't attend the debates in person because he wasn't vaccinated. That tells you this guy is the real deal and he's about that life. I'll probably vote for him in the primary. I'm gonna see what happens but I'm not gonna keep going down the tube with the bullshit, I'm watching November closely but if it's not looking good, I'm out. I do not have a suicide pact with this state. For the record I think NYC is a fucking awesome place and really something to behold certainly physically but it just got taken over by lunatics and you can only take so much bs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    "... Conservatives claim that "liberals" want to ban guns, but that is not true ..." IMO many liberals tend to be more idealists than realists; as one example look how the homeless are coddled in many blue-areas and the results of that even if some of the coddling is well-intentioned - so often you have libs that live in leafy safe suburbs with with well staffed police departments and often private security and gated communities that say/feel/think "hey we don't need guns"; but they sure like and expect to be protected by people with them and they can afford that privilege.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @Papi, the energy and money of the Democratic party is in the progressive camp. Below is one of their thought organs. [view link] They've gone from "no one wants to take away your guns" to "hell yes, we want to take away your AR-15s" and "we have fighter jets and tanks." Besides, Uvalde, and before that, Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, have shown that the police are not liable for failing to come to your defense. And progressive prosecutors are more concerned about emptying jails than taking gun-toting criminals off the streets.
  • crosscheck
    2 years ago
    I don't own a gun. I have no intention of ever owning a gun. However, I totally support the right of any law-abiding citizen to own whatever guns they so desire. It is their constitutional right, which has now been made crystal clear. For too long, the Second Amendment has been treated as like the bastard stepchild of constitutional rights. No longer.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You fucking idiots don't even know what you're gooating about. New Yorks law said you had to have "proper cause" to apply for the license. That's the part that got struck down. It's not a big deal as a license can still be required.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    ^ the issue being challenged was the "proper cause" issue that the state used to deny most people from getting a permit and thus not able to carry a gun for protection as in most states - the issue was never about being able to carry a gun w/o a permit, but being able to get a permit to lawfully carry a gun; and now most NYers should be able to get that permit if they wish to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The left won't let a little thing like a SCOTUS ruling, or even the law, stop them from doing what they wanna do: "Gaetz blasts IRS, railroad agency buying up ammo: 'The heaviest artillery they need is a calculator'" "... House Judiciary Committee Member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., sounded off Tuesday on news that the Internal Revenue Service, Railroad Retirement Board and other federal agencies have been stocking up on thousands of rounds of ammunition as civilians face shortages and President Biden continues to claim no one needs such volumes of bullets ..." "... Undeniably, part of the strategy is that with one hand, the Biden regime is doing everything they can to suppress access to ammunition for regular Americans, while with the other hand, they are scooping up all the ammo that they can possibly find ..." Why would the IRS and Rail Road Retirement agency needs thousands of rounds of ammo? Answer is they don't; if the Brandon administration can't keep law-abiding Americans from owning/carrying guns; they will try the best they can so they can't get any bullets and thus bypassing the 2nd-ammendment that way. Similarly I think I heard a report that the government was trying to force Winchester to only supply ammo to the military and cease being able to also sell ammo to the public.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Between this ruling, and Roe v Wade; the left is gonna lose its mind. Of course they have already started their "mostly peaceful protests" by illegally demonstrating in front of judges' homes; and attacking pregnancy centers; but now they've upped the ante: "Abortion Supporters Take Over Wisconsin Capitol Building" (but of course these are just "demonstrators" not insurrectionists): [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The First and Second Amendments were the first and second b/c the Founding Fathers wanted Americans to be safe from tyranny as much as possible - yet it is these two amendments the left goes after the hardest - speaks volumes
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    They were never barred from getting guns. This is really a moot issue.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Just listen to this idiot Hochul at around 1:20 in this video. [view link] Along with the comparison to yelling "Fire" in a movie theater, she's basically saying that ALL restrictions on the 2nd Amendment have been stripped away. Therefore, UNLIKE how you're not allowed to yell "Fire" in a theater, this 2nd Amendment ruling now allows anyone legally carrying a gun to just whip it out and start shooting indiscriminately whenever they feel like it. What she is implying is the exact opposite of common sense and reality. It's hard to believe that even her several dozen supporters (if she has that many) could think there's any value in that irrational statement. Since it can't be taken literally, and the plain English meaning of what she says is completely bizarre, it is nothing more than throwing a fit like a little child when you take away her candy. Or perhaps she actually believes that Democrat voters are stupid enough to believe what she's saying? Wow, even I don't believe that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The left has gotten used to having almost complete-control of the conversation/narrative - and that is the only way their zany ideas can hold any water - if they lose that control they can't phantom competing equally on the playing field of ideas and why they lose-it once they don't have the unfair advantage of control over the narrative
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Living in NJ, I bought a CCW holster a couple years ago in anticipation of either: A) Conditions become so dangerous and unlivable that I'd be forced to carry illegally, or B) By some miracle, it becomes possible to obtain a legal carry permit in NJ Fortunately, it looks as if the latter may actually happen. And I couldn't care less if it's still prohibited for public transportation, government buildings, schools, Uber, or Starbucks. None of those things matter to me so long as I can be armed in my car or while just walking around.
  • yahtzee74
    2 years ago
    "Conservatives claim that "liberals" want to ban guns, but that is not true." How many quotes can you find of an elected Democrat defending this ruling? Is there a list somewhere of pro-2A Democrats?
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Sure, the list starts right after this sentence that I'm typing.... ^ Ok, that's the list.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    "Attorneys Who Won Supreme Court Gun Case Forced To Quit Law Firm" The lawyers who won a major Second Amendment case before the U.S. Supreme Court this week got even less than a pat on the back from the white-shoe law firm they work for – they were forced to quit. Paul Clement and Erin Murphy, the lawyers who successfully argued against New York’s law restricting conceal-carry gun permits, were told by Kirkland & Ellis they had to stop representing Second Amendment plaintiffs or find another firm. In a Wall Street Journal article, the duo explained how their celebration was cut short. “Having just secured a landmark decision vindicating our clients’ constitutional Second Amendment rights in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, we were presented with a stark choice—withdraw from representing them or withdraw from the firm,” they wrote. “There was only one choice: We couldn’t abandon our clients simply because their positions are unpopular in some circles.” [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    ^ Brandon has done a "fabulous" job of being "the great uniter" as he was sold/gaslighted to the American people in 2020
  • 48-Cowboy
    2 years ago
    I am bringing all of my guns to New York City. Muddy and I will ride around NYC on our horses and keep law and order. Muddy and I will run this town!
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    Everybody's trying to be a psychopath about left versus right but I'm just thinking great now I can pack heavy under my shirt. Can I carry that in a private business?
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