

I stand by my previous comments that fauxi has profited from the virus! He's slowly admitting it.



  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    If we didn't have a completely corrupt-media, people like this, and Brandon, would've been driven out.

    Trump did 1% of what these fuckers have done yet he was hounded everyway of his presidency and 99% of what he was accusaed of were complete-lies fabricated to undo a duly-elected President
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    They're all just like cacaplop . I don't get why they dislike him unless they hate looking in the mirror
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    It's not just Fauci and other government bureaucrats getting money from the vaccine companies. Biden received political donations from the vaccine companies before the last election and the mainstream media gets a lot of advertising dollars from the vaccine companies. You can't depend on the government or the mainstream media to provide objective information about the safety or effectiveness of the vaccines. People need to be able to hear the other side and that other side should not be accused of "misinformation" and silenced.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The current regime is all about "following the science" as long as they get to be the ones that say what the science is - science is about there being multiple theories and challenging theories; not one side saying what it is then using their power to smear and shut everyone else up.

    The current regime has been wrong on almost everything about this vurus from first saying you don't need to wear a mask to then forcing everyone to wear one; then saying that you're killing people by not getting vaxed bc you're passing the virus; to other multiple other falsehoods; while all along they themselves don't follow/do what they are forcing us to do like Gabin Newsome dining maskless at the French Laundry and his kids being enrolled in fancy private-schools while he keot the publc-schools closed; and a whole bunch other examples I don't have the ability to type bc I'm on my phone.

  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Fauci has lied to congress multiple times already. It is completely unjust that the media continues to cover for him and refuse to investigate his lies and his role in aiding the Chinese in their gain of function research which created this virus. Nothing he says can be trusted, yet the corrupt left (virtually the entire left) refuse to hold him accountable, because it does not fit their narrative.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    "... Anybody pushing otherwise has long been discredited ..."

    Discredited by the same people saying it came from the wet-market - discredited by the same crowd that said the Hunter Biden laptio was Russian disinformation - discredited by the same crowd that ran with the Russian collision hoax - yeah right
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    ^ you're drinking the Koolaid likely being served to you by the corrupt one-sided-liberal-media that only feeds you what they want you to see and and will block or smear anything that decents from the narrative - l just like social media consistently censures only one side as if the Dems are never wrong and the Republicans can never be right if they don't go along with the narrative.

    Reality is that power in this country hasn't been as consolidated as it is now sice maybe the 19th century where a small # of people have most of the control whether it'd be corporations like Blackrock or just a couple of social media giants - back around 2000 there were approximately 50 major news programming outlets/corporations - today it's just down to 4 that control everything from cable news to publishing companies to the local news programs. Similarly Fauci and governmental health agencies have a lot of control of the medical establishment thru regulation and more importantly the pur$e-strings (research grants; etc) and thus they can force, and do force, medical institutions and journals to do and write as they say - you are being lied to and only being given lies or half-thuths at best - it's only a question if it's willful ignorance on your part or you just don't know any better.

    Free societies encourage debate - it's totalitarian regimes that try to squash decent and squash anything and everything that threatens their grip on power.
  • wld4tatas
    2 years ago
    Fauci has been a great credit to the scientific establishment during covid. I see no evidence yet of conflict of interest or undue influence of government decisions, let us know if you find any.
  • yahtzee74
    2 years ago
    An example of politics influencing scientists' conclusions:

    Scientist Admits Peers Didn’t Promote Lab-Leak Theory Because Trump Did

    The science around the lab leak theory hasn't changed. But here's why some scientists have.
  • mike710
    2 years ago
    In my lifetime, I can't recall a virus that was as closely monitored as this one. That being said, I also can't remember a virus that has mutated as fast as this one.

    I would almost rather have it that man has contributed to this one than know viruses have become so potentially deadly on their own in nature. Even AIDS doesn't seem as big of a death sentence with the advances in medicine.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The Dems have weaponized Covid like they've weaponized social media; news media; the FBI; and the justice department; against anyone that does not bend-the-knee
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    This thread.... coz an old man in a hick town in the Midwest has too much time on his hands so he trolls and spams right wing neonazi bs
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago

    Previous comment brought to TUSCL by a lifelong TUSCL troll who is actually probably older than the people he calls old, aka dougster, who can't figure out if he wants to post as an educated white guy or street talking chicano, a pimp and woman beater or an advocate for women, a commie leaning punk or a muslim sympathizer, but one thing is sure, he's just here to stir the pot with contrary BS same as his different personalities over the years.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    'Someone learned his terminology from cacaplop'

    Actually I've called him fauxi since before your buddy cplop showed up here whenever that was I don't recall because I usually didn't pay attention to him but with the way he slapped you around I can see why you're butthurt and think by comparing others to him is an insult
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    ... when actually I really DGAF.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Cacaplop sounds just like all the other bigots on here.

    And theosu seems to be gay for dougster and delusional about me.

    And thatxguy is just as much of a clown
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    ' If anything, I'd think you're another alias account. It's not hard at all to compare verbiage patterns.'

    Considering that your simpleton deduction is 180 degrees off it's obviously extremely challenging for you.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Oh darn, I'm so so broken hearted that a rainbow chasing liberal that has to follow the party manifesto on what to think, feel, and say has put me on ignore, LMAO!

    And why is it that the biggest girlie boys always use 'guy' in their screen names? Trying to over compensate for their obvious inadequacies but it never works, might as well change your name to thatxgay or thatxgirl and you'll have the same result, Lol

    Buhbye loser!
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Oh BTW exgirl, sticking your head in the sand because you can't handle what another is saying is in effect slam dunking yourself moron, but hey i'm so happy that you found your imaginary safe space, LOL
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    "When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected." -Anthony Fauci on May 17, 2021.


    Fauci tests positive for Covid-19:


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