Sovietization of America

Victor Davis Hanson reveals the root cause of all the problems we’ve faced as a country in recent years: Sovietization. This puts ideology above common sense and the common good.
Victor Davis Hanson reveals the root cause of all the problems we’ve faced as a country in recent years: Sovietization. This puts ideology above common sense and the common good.
last commentAh, I figured it would have been that the USSR had a pretty catchy theme song.
Responsible for the deaths of tens of millions through forced starvation and political repression but, sure, cool song.
It's not like 80% of all economists told us that Biden's monetary giveaways would cause this. It's not like cancelling leases and refusing to put others up for bids has caused energy problems. Its not like everything Biden has done has been done to placate the anti-American leftists in his party. This is 100% on all Democrats.
I read this article earlier today, and while VDH's article (like others) is somewhat "red meat" for the conservative base, it is underlain by truth.
"Biden rejected commonsense, bipartisan policies that in the past kept inflation low, energy affordable, crime controlled, and the border manageable."
This is all true, with partial blame for the Republicans on inflation. We've been pumping easy money into the economy since 2008, and I'm surprised we haven't triggered more inflation already. Biden just pumped the last few trillion in, at a time when more people were warning him than ever.
He took steps to limit domestic energy production and transfer, leading to oil and gas price spikes LONG BEFORE the Ukraine invasion. Blaming energy prices solely on Ukraine is weak sauce when it started OVER A YEAR IN ADVANCE.
Crime isn't a Biden thing, but it's a broader Democrat thing. "Equity." "Social justice." "Decarceration." It all adds up to riots burning black-owned businesses, looting chasing capital out of the region. This plus gun control means law abiding citizens are target practice. Until you're willing to set your belongings on your front lawn to get stolen, and your wife and daughter to get beaten and raped, you're not putting your money where your mouth is.
The border is squarely on Democrats' shoulders. It was orderly under Trump, then opened because racism or something. Now it's a free for all. Border patrol agents describe it as anarchy. Oh and Biden is flying them all over the country.
"Do we remember those stellar economists who swore at a time of Biden’s vast government borrowing, increases in the monetary supply, incentivizing labor non-participation, and supply chain interruptions that there was no threat of inflation?"
Yes, we remember them. Democrats own this, too. As long as they are pushing Biden's BBB, let alone the crazier shit like the Green New Deal, they own this. Modern Monetary Theory was invented to rationalize infinite government spending, saying as long as we have the reserve currency we can spend as much as we want. Guess what--that's been disproven.
As far as supply chains, some of that was inevitable, but Biden has missed a lot of actions he could have taken, like suspending the Jones Act. And his purely political appointment of Pete Buttigieg, who promptly took two months off to adopt kids (that couldn't have waited???) to handle the crisis.
"The ultimate trajectory of a woke military was the fatal disgrace in Afghanistan."
LOL. I hope they at least got their Pride flag (which must be an obsolete symbol of hate and erasure of some new group by now) and George Floyd mural out of there. Because the Taliban really care about LGBTQSILUSIFOWE#42893482w9rew!@)#($*@#!+ rights and BLM and gender studies programs in Afghan universities. Regardless of whether Trump planned it, the final execution fell on Biden, and his generals are more concerned about eradicating white supremacy than fighting wars. Even you have to admit this is a bad look.
If the Dems think all these are good things, let them run on them.
Let them say high gas prices are a good thing because it'll force the average American family to buy a Tesla that costs their annual salary.
Let them say we need to open our borders and end cash bail so as not to be bigots.
Let them say forgiving student loan debt (really, printing more money to ease life for the affluent and those who have made foor decisions) will make America prosper.
But they won't, because those messages would make Dems as popular as air dances here.
I wish. But the US is moving too far to the right. You can't have real progressive social change without economic changes.
^ Say you didn't read the article and are just trolling without saying it...
Didn't Gorbachev change their national anthem to this?
People oppose abortion rights, even when Science clearly shows it isn't murder. Those same people often wanna scream the commies are coming because of COVID policies based on merely questionable Science.
If you want to take away any justification for the likely illegal shit that the Obama administration did, abolish the Senate and the Electoral College, make the US a truer democracy.
I’m a big fan of Victor Davis Hanson too. When it comes to history he’s like the smartest guy I can think of on that stuff.
Hanson is good at making history more accessible. But his admiration for past leaders often clouds his judgement. He thinks, because those leaders didn't fully address society's flaws in their times, the flaws must not really be that bad.
Even the majority of Democrats agree that a common sense rule like limiting abortion to the first 15 weeks makes sense. If that was put to a vote, I expect 90% of Republicans and 60% if Democrats would agree.
Instead, the Democrat leadership has dug in its heels on allowing abortions up to, and beyond, 9 months.
There are reports that the Biden administration is considering the retroactive canceling of existing oil leases. Ten dollar gas, here we come ! I blame Putin.
You know the old bromide about the frog burning in a kettle while the heat was slowly turned up ? We’ll, that’s been happening with government spending for decades. CoVid turned up the heat so fast on spending that people finally noticed.
The solution to the supply chain problem is simple, though it will be painful in the near term. The supply chain problem is mostly a China problem. Implement gradually increasing tariffs on Chinese goods ( plus other bad actors ) and put tax incentives in place to build new factories in the US. Form alliances with friendly countries, like Australia and the UK, to have free trade.
Do this over a period of 5 years and our supply chain problem is solved.
“The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor.
The majority of mankind are working people.
So long as their fair demands — the ownership and control of their livelihoods — are set at naught, we can have neither men’s rights nor women’s rights.
The majority of mankind is ground down by industrial oppression in order that the small remnant may live in ease.”
~ Helen Adams Keller
~ Born June 27, 1880 Tuscumbia, Alabama, USA
~ Died June 1, 1968 Easton, Connecticut, USA
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
~ Awards:
~ Fritt Ord Award (2019)
~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019)
~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019)
~ Right Livelihood Award (2019)
~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019)
~ Time Person of the Year (2019)
~ Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)
“Science clearly shows it isn't murder.”
How does science prove a moral and legal question ?
I look forward to your explanation.
Well mark94 all you’re going to get is a bunch of quotes and no answer.
To be clear, it wasn’t CoVid that destroyed our economy, it was the 2 year lockdown, and trillions in give aways, that destroyed our economy. Sweden didn’t lock down and their health results were comparable to ours.
Spot on. Ideology regardless of consequences. The people Biden had in charge of the border won't even say directly they are trying to stop illegal immigration. The Secretary of the Interior won't answer directly if she feels gas is priced too high.
Very true, it was the botched response to covid that did the most harm.
' I dislike Biden as much as anyone, but you need to be fair when criticizing. Inflation and energy prices are not things he could fix overnight.'
Straight up, regardless of what you think or how you want to color it brandon broke it and isn't trying to fix anything. His policies and inaction in correcting them are the major reason we're paying $5 a gallon or more for gas that was around $2.35 when he took office. Prices had already dramatically jumped in the year plus before Ukraine and all he's done is blame others and play the fiddle while the USA burns! That is a 'fair' assessment.
Defund the police vs common sense
“Seattle is refunding roughly 100,000 parking tickets worth approximately $5 million total after transferring parking enforcement duties from police to civilian parking enforcement officers in the fall of 2021, finding that the civilian officers lacked the legal authority to write the tickets, according to The Seattle Times. Parking officers also conducted more than 10,000 car tows and impounded 1,700 cars without the proper authority during this period.
“What’s going to happen here is that we’re going to get sued, I can guarantee it,” said Chuck Labertew, president of Lincoln Towing,”
I’m willing to admit that some of what Trump did contributed to our current problems, like allowing Fauci to start the lock downs.
What I’m not willing to accept is that Biden is blameless for the historic disasters that have occurred on his watch.
Sounds like you'd love living under Mussolini Franco or Pinochet.
Hanson is a clown who supported Bush Rumsfeld trump.....
^ Sound, thoughtful, and detailed response as always.
He’s a clown. Hitler ! Hitler !
You're just citing a right wing ideologue and ranting about Banning abortion and fanboying businesses. Out of touch as usual
You'd like Hitkers Germany but I think you'd prefer Pinochet
“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again...
I am not sure they got it...
I feel that is like beating a drunk in an alley, and they wake up and say “I am ready come back...”
~ Kathleen Madigan
~ Born: September 30, 1965 Florissant, MO
~ “Civil War Again”
~ Bothering Jesus is Billboards #1 comedy album in the world,
~ Published on Mar 1, 2018
Here’s an interesting fact. The government recently admitted it made errors in counting the 2020 US Census, which is used to determine the number of congressional seats.
Here are the states that the Census acknowledged it overcounted: Hawaii, Delaware, Rhode Island, Minnesota, New York, and Massachusetts.
Here are the states that the Census acknowledged it undercounted: Texas, Illinois, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas.
Notice a pattern ? With the exception of Illinois, Democrat states were over counted and Republican states were undercounted.
A coalition of taxpayer-funded trans organizations has demanded that society “decolonize the gender binary,” provide cash reparations to “gender-nonconforming people,” and affirm “mustache[s]” and “big dick[s]” as authentic expressions of womanhood. Seriously.
People in backward hick states are less likely to fill out a census form. Plus those states tried to count less minorities than are really there. For political reasons. Ie republikkkans.
And in your exaggerated bs statement you mean to say gender inclusion.
So you oppose gender equality abortion and minorities voting coz that's sovietization 🤡
In the name of clean energy, the Biden administration has quietly raised the amount of Ethanol in summer blend gasoline from 10% to 15%.
Ethanol is a valuable source of octane in finished gasoline, but it is chemically different than petroleum gasoline and cannot be used in concentrations above 10 percent in small engines — like outboard boat motors, motorcycles, lawnmowers, generators or chain saws — or in any cars made before 2001. Complicating matters further, most cars on the road today still aren’t warrantied to run on gasoline with more than 10 percent ethanol.
So, if your motorcycle, lawnmower, or even car doesn’t work this summer, you’ll know who is to blame. Ideology over common sense.
I thought Rick was the chemical engineer 🤔🤡
Gender confusion - making society Kow tow to the least sane among us. Abortion = murder. Minorities can vote, the same as white folks. Register, show up with a valid I.D. on election day, vote and be counted. If anyone cannot do that, they lose the right to vote.
There is a decision pending in the Supreme Court which could have a much bigger impact than abortion or gun control: West Virginia vs the EPA. If WV prevails, it would prevent the EPA from regulating carbon monoxide.
Congress did not pass legislation allowing the EPA to control carbon monoxide. Instead, the EPA decided, years ago, on its own that it had this authority. Indications are that the SC is poised to rule against the EPA, severely limiting the ability to regulate coal and the coal industry.
“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves; it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders.”
— George Orwell
Orwell was an anarchist. And you described capitalism
Credit card debt increased by $17.8 billion in April, the second highest amount ever.
The highest was March, when it increased by $25.6 billion.
An SPLC poll finds that nearly half of young male Democrats approve of “assassinating a politician who is harming our country or democracy."
Ideology over democracy. Dissenting views will be punished.
Credit card debt increased coz of capitalist price gouging ie rents and food going up due to greed
Capitalists are toobstupid. You can't have a consumer society if consumers can't afford shit
^ Which is why you're selling pussy at cost, Pimpy.lulz
A Washington state court ruling has overturned the conviction of a non-white guy for lying to a police officer. Why? Because the questions posed to the guy by a police officer were more threatening to him because he wasn’t white.
By making it harder to question people of color about crimes and suspicious activity, the state supreme court’s ruling will make it harder to solve crimes in communities of color, such as predominantly-black areas.
Ideology triumphs over common sense.
Here’s something to consider as we reflect on our 79 year old President and 82 year old Speaker of the House. In 1776, Washington was 44; Jefferson, 33; Hamilton, 21; James Monroe, 18.
I actually agree with that Mark94 I think there should be an upper age limit as well I don’t believe that anyone over the age of 65 should be allowed to run for President