
First time in Vegas

Avatar for madmoneyg

I’m heading to Vegas for the first time in my life. I’ve been to TJ, city of industry, etc. I’m so used to finding high mileage clubs and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a high mileage club in vegas


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Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

If you take value out of the equation they are all high mileage but you’ll pay a lot. If you want HM at value prices, you might get lucky at Chicas, Little Darlings or the places that took over the old OG or Cheetah (based on recent reports not personal experience) but don’t count on it.

Avatar for Jb1212

I went to Sapphire recently and the mileage was high but so was the price. But a lot of girls to choose from and a lot of them were at least an 8.

Avatar for madmoneyg

Thanks for recommendations. Yeah, I’ve been spoiled by the prices in TJ. I can’t imagine spending $500 and more for HM.

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

If you can’t imagine spending $500 then it isn’t the place for you. 😬

Avatar for madmoneyg

I 100% agree! But like I said, I’m used to TJ Hong Kong prices

Avatar for Liwet

If you intend on spending $500 or more, you're betting off driving 7 hours south to TJ.

Avatar for Liwet

I've been spending the past 5 years trying to find a high mileage club in Vegas and still haven't found anything yet. You can try Talk of the Town but that club has its issues.

Avatar for Champphilly

Vegas clubs jus cash on tourists and gamblers. No mileage, only you will add mileage on your car. But better than getting cheap diseases from TJ.

Avatar for Lockjaw

You are better off going to the bars inside the casinos. Start sending drinks to the women sitting there. Discuss a price and have fun. You will pay twice as much for the same thing inside a strip club.

Avatar for Razarus09

For what you pay to have fun in a strip club, you can probably hit up some of the local pornstars to fulfill a fantasy.

Avatar for Jascoi

Vegas is fun... But so damned expensive overall.

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