Back from OZ

avatar for Drock918

My husband and I just got back from Oz in Clearwater. We had a great time. I plan to write a review but want it to be well thought out.

This was our first time at an SC together and both have minimal experience going prior to being together. The club was a fun and friendly atmosphere. There were so many dancers there we believe approximately 25 maybe more and really did seem like something for everyone. I did try to research alot and really appreciate everyone who previously answered my questions in other discussions. We went at about 745 PM on a Friday and stayed till 11:30 Pm. We both wanted to stay longer but decided we spent enough money for 1 night.

There were so many girls I wanted to get dances and had a hard time chosing. I had worried It would be difficult to snag them but that was no issue. The crowd was moderate and it really seemed many people were not getting dances. They do parades on stage every hour on the half hour to advertise 2 for 1 dance specials total $40. 

We watched a very talented blonde dance on the pole for quite a while she had great moves and was super energetic great smile. I tried to engage with her a few times and though she was polite I got the impression she didn't want to spend time with us for whatever reason. 

A girl named Anastasia early maybe mid 20s with brown hair pulled into a messy pony tail natural B cups with pierced nipples was the first girl to approach us. She had an athletic build with decent sized ass and had good pole skills we noted later. She had a pretty face about a 7 I'd say. Wore minimal makeup. She wouldn't have made my must do list for a dance personally but had me saying sure to a dance right off the bat because of her friendly and sweet nature. My husband and I went back to the booths for the 2 for 1 special of 40 dollars. She told us she loved dancing for couples and I told her it was our first experience. She told us she likes to dance for both but i told her I really wanted her to do dance for just my husband at least to start. She was so sweet but she spent the entire time practically talking about various things that were not sexy in anyway and barely danced on my husband. After the 2 dances she asked if we wanted more and my husband said no. He tipped her 5 dollars. My husband actually did really like her because he found her sweet and attractive and liked the style slow and flirty of her dance but again was hardly anytime. 

After going back out for a short while another girl approached us. Her name was Paris. I would say late 30s. Now she was not either of our type. But being new to this and not wanting to be rude I said yes to a dance. She was thin blonde with short hair and a small ass. Her body was not in bad shape at all but we just prefer curvy. She had B cups we assume natural but not sure. Her face was a 5. She was super personable and easy to talk to. I loved the way she danced on my husband. She was slow and sensual. Dragged her face around his pants. She asked me what i did not want her to do to my husband and i told her i really doubted id have an issue with anything she had planned. I did get the feeling extras maybe on the table w her but we werent interested. Very nice personal dance. I would have said yes to another dance but he said no later telling me he just was not attracted to her at all. Paid her 40 for her dance tipped her 5 and headed back to the stage. 

Now a lot more girls had come in and there were some really good looking ones with nice bodies. More and more coming in hard to keep track. The waitresses were super attentive and friendly as well as attractive. 

We watched the girls dance for awhile 2 to 3 on main stage and 1 on a satellite stage. Thats when i saw a pretty I think Columbian but thinking maybe cuban not sure. She was mid 30s at oldest with long black hair down to her lower back. Very large soft butt with toned back stomach and legs. C Cups natural. I knew Definitely wanted a dance from her so i called her over and she sat on my lap. Told me her name was Theresa and there was a total language barrier so nothing else could really be discussed. I told her we wanted a dance she popped up and said lets do it!! She was so energetic and smiley. We bought 3 dances from her she was very energetic dancer lots ass shaking and encouragement to touch her boobs and butt. We did alot of that she danced on us both but didnt touch us much really at all but we loved touching her ass bc it was so big and soft. Also had a nice toned back my husband liked. We tipped her 20. She was definitely not a slow sensual lap dancer was pretty aggressive with the ass grinding but my husband didn't mind. 

We were getting pretty tired but wanted 1 more experience with a dancer. I wanted my husband to chose this one and he took awhile. After all the girls did one of their parades he finally pointed out a girl and i went to find her. They honestly started looking the same to me at this point and i grabbed the wrong one.  He didn't complain though bc she was very attractive. 

We didn't catch the name but pretty face blonde hair to the shoulder. I believe she was cuban but her English was decent. Size C cups curvy but toned nice solid ass. She gave a really nice dance. I told her the dance was for my husband but she said she suspects it wasn't just for him. She had me grab her boobs and put them in my face a ton. I licked one what the hell I figured I was getting into it. She was very close and sensual dancer for my husband. I wish I could give a name bc shes worth talking back for a dance for sure. 

If you stuck around this long maybe you can comment some tips for our next trip. We are going to Old lyme CT and it appears to me we may want to drive to providence rhode island for a SC. Any thoughts on where within 2 hrs of old lyme if not? 

Do you guys always tip girls after private dances?  Do you tip the guys who take the money for the rooms? 

There were several very attractive girls at OZ I did not chose to do dances with bc they looked super stand offish Distracted and bored. Is this a good indicator of lap dance quality or totally hard to tell? 


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
The only reason to tip the bouncers is so they leave you alone inside the booths. At Oz, they are relatively private, so I wouldn't really see a need. Most guys tip the girls if they feel they got "extra" special treatment. But at $40 per dance, I'm thinking it would have to be something special for me to pay more than that.

Glad to hear you had a good time. I thought OZ was probably the right club for you.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@warrior yes we already want to go back haha
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Thanks for letting us know how it went (often times once a newbie gets the info they want we don’t hear from them again).

w.r.t. some of your comments:

“… She was so sweet but she spent the entire time practically talking about various things that were not sexy in anyway …”

Women like to talk – and *sometimes* a dancer wants to talk in the dance-booth in order to avoid having to give the custy mileage; but often times it’s the former – my M.O. is to not engage her much w.r.t. talking when getting dances; I’ll just nod and smile and not reply and just focus on touching her and they usually get the point – when they don’t get the hint that I just wanna enjoy the dance and not talk then I’ll just say something along the lines of “I don’t like to talk when I’m getting dances” or “we can talk afterwards” or something like that; although I can see that being a bit harder for a female custy to say.

“… She wouldn't have made my must do list for a dance personally but had me saying sure to a dance right off the bat because of her friendly and sweet nature. …”

Sometimes going for a dance can sorta break-the-ice in certain clubs and the other dancers notice one is there to have a good-time and spend; this may be more-so for couples – having said this the same-effect can “usually” be had by being proactive as a custy and approaching the girl or asking the waitress to go ask a dancer if she’d like to join you are your table, etc.

“… Now a lot more girls had come in and there were some really good looking ones with nice bodies …”

Yeah – sometimes one has to bide-their-time and $$$ especially when not hitting a club at peak-time b/c one can end-up spending most of their funds on the B-team b/f the A-team has hit the floor – in Miami where I live clubs close at 5am or later thus the nightshift dancer-crew does not start till 10pm and the club may not be in full-swing till about 11pm – per Google, Oz closes at 3am so IDK when the nightshift girls come in but decent chance the best-talent is not there very-early-in-the-eve – w/ a 3am closing time I’d “assume” nightshift starts around 8pm but IDK – even then some dancers take their time getting out on the floor or interacting w/ the custies.

w.r.t. tipping – as @Warrior mentioned, $40/dance is in the upper-range of dance-prices so one is already paying a lot – at those prices if I want the dancer to make more $$$ off of me then I usually just opt for an extra dance(s) – if she goes above and beyond like letting me do a lot of titty-sucking or her playing w/ my bare-johnson etc then I feel obliged to tip maybe a $20 or the cost of an extra-dance – also, when dances are this expensive often times the club takes a cut; i.e. the dancer does not keep the whole $40/dance so I tend to keep this in mind w.r.t. payment (I would assume the club likely takes $10 of every dance; some clubs may even take $20; but IDK how it goes at Oz) – I’m also cognizant they are not making as much when doing the 2-for-1 thus I either get an extra dance after the 2-for-1 (or do back-to-back 2-for-1s if that is doable although that is usually not the case), or if I just do the 2-for-1 and stop then I may tip $10 if I enjoyed the dance and I feel she put in the effort.

w.r.t. tipping the guy that mans the dance-area – it depends on the M.O. of the club (I’m not familiar w/ this club specifically) – the fact there is a staff-person manning the dance-area makes me think the club takes a cut of each dance and thus the staff-person manning the dance-area is there mainly to keep track of how many dances each dancer does so he can collect the club’s cut – “usually” one tips the person manning the dance/VIP area when one is getting more than dances (extras/sex) so he doesn’t interrupt – it’s kinda an “understood shakedown” to take care of him since one is often spending a lot in the VIP room – likewise in some clubs not uncommon also to have to tip the waitress to leave you alone if one is doing the VIP booths – often times a $20 to the bouncer and maybe $10 to the waitress although it depends on the club, but again this is usually when doing VIP/extras

“… There were several very attractive girls at OZ I did not chose to do dances with bc they looked super stand offish Distracted and bored. Is this a good indicator of lap dance quality or totally hard to tell …”

Of course it’s impossible to judge a book’s by its cover and be accurate 100% of the time – but it’s not that uncommon for the better looking girls to have a bit of attitude or not try as hard b/c it’s easier for them to make $$$ - some of them have what we around-here call GPS (golden pussy syndrome) – often times a dancer’s body-language and how they carry themselves does say a lot about how they are dancers – but obviously this is not foolproof – some dancers give a cold vibe and turn out to be great-dancers when one interacts w/ them – and some give off a great vibe but turn out to be duds or ROBs when it comes to dances – for those of us that have been clubbing a longtime, we kinda develop a 6th-sense that is often right but obviously not foolproof – in clubs w/ cheaper-dances one can often just do a test-drive of one dance and see how it goes; but in clubs w/ expensive dancers one needs to be a bit more judicious and if she’s giving off a vibe one is not comfortable w/ perhaps better to pass but this can also mean possibly missing-out on a good dancer - so often times doing one-dance as a testdrive is worth it and one has to be willing to eat the dance-cost if it doesn’t work out - sometimes the pre-dance interaction will be enough to know – e.g. if she doesn’t like me touching her while we’re talking then I usually pass b/c IME these have often turned-out to be hardcore-hustlers than don’t give good ROI – i.e. if my pre-dance interaction does not increase my desire to get dances w/ her then I assume her dances won’t be that good; but again nothing in SCs is foolproof.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
w.r.t. CT and/or RI, that’s not my area but RI is pretty-well-liked for SCing particularly club Desire but IDK how couples-friendly that club is – TUSCLer @Muddy has recently done a tour of CT and RI clubs has written reviews for a good # of them – you can browse thru his reviews if you want to get a baseline and then do a thread on the Discussion board asking for club info for a couple and state what you are looking for.

Did any of the dancers at Oz ask for additional/double payment for dancing for you as a couple? This is not that uncommon in certain clubs especially if the dancer is expected to give attention to both the man and the woman. In the context of tipping, I guess if both the man and the woman are both equally engaging in the dance then a tip may be in order if being charged the single-dance-rate.

avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@papi thanks for all your responses. I was pleasantly surprised that none of the girls we got dances with wanted double payment. I was also happy that none of them tried to upsell for longer rooms or more dances. The main concerns they had when we went for dances were is it ok to dance for my husband too or just me and is there anything I know is going to make me uncomfortable with him being touched. I did tell my husband I suspected we did not get anything too exciting in those dances that warranted too much tipping but we decided to tip this time and find out protocol for next time.

I don't know how you guys don't feel bad telling them no for dances though damn they are good at asking. I am talking about ones that come around on the floor. I did have 2 girls neither of us found appealing at all flirting hardcore with flattery trying to sell a dance. My husband said not to feel bad for them bc its not our job to make them feel good they just want money.. there was a girl there with a what i consider practically perfect body that looked like she didnt want to work. I did say to my husband I hate to take her for a dance and have it be so so but would almost be worth it just to touch her body 🤣 maybe she knows that i am sure
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
A lot of newbie-custies often "feel bad for dancers" and don't like saying no to them either not to hurt their feelings or b/c they may feel-bad the dancers are not making $$$ - at the end of the day strip-clubbing is an expensive hobby so most people can't really afford to tack-on pity-dances, not to mention one is setting a bad-precedent where other dancers then think you are easy $$$ - unless one is in a position where $$$ is not an issue then one can afford to dole out $$$ to everyone in the club.

If a dancer that I don’t wanna spend $$$ on approaches me, I try not to lead her on – my answers will be short and I’ll try to engage as little as possible – this is usually enough for most girls to get the hint and move on – if after 5-minutes she still there trying to close-the-sale, my go-to move is to tell them something along the lines of “I’m not gonna get any dances for now I just wanna chill and watch the stage for a while”, this is usually enough for most to get the hint and move on.

Based on your visit you now know a bit about the scene and you should think about what kinda things you need to do/say in the club to not get yourself in situations you don’t wanna be-in in-the-club such as being able to politely shoo-away a dancer one does not wanna spend $$$ on.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@papi so I saw a few girls sitting and hanging with customers for awhile. Is that just a dancer's preference or style? Or is that usual a perk of being a regular?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ it can be both – again I’m not familiar w/ this club specifically but in general good/popular clubs tend to have their fair-share-of-regulars so they either strike-up an ITC friendship w/ the dancers, or they are regular spenders and why the dancers give them time/attention since they know the regular will spend $$$ on them during a visit and thus they are not wasting their time sitting w/ them (I’d say more often than not the regular is a decent-spender and why the dancer may camp-out w/ him for a while as to not lose-out on his regular-$$$).

But – hard to know for sure the exact reason in every case – even if it’s not a regular known to the dancers, perhaps a dancer for w/e reason may think that he’s a good spender and why she may choose to spend more time w/ a particular custy – sometimes dancers wanna take a break from hustling and may camp-out w/ a particular custy for some reason – but more often than not it seems to be club-regulars known to the girls and if they are camping-out for extended periods of time then likely it’s b/c the regular is a regular-spender ITC.
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