Ignore me if...

avatar for Eltriste
You're a rightbwung nut job
You're a troll
You don't want the raw truth about stripper hoes and stripper hoe culture

To the trolls constantly ruining threads I post in with your incessant attacks and trolling.

There is an ignore option use it.

But stop ruining discussions coz you're butthurt trolls


last comment
This thread is ironic! On many levels!!!

avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Sjg you'd think that at their age they would be used to times changing and people having different views.

Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.

And her creation of new troll aliases is because the reputations of her previous two have been such utter failures that she can't do anything to make them look good, so now for the third time she's trying to reset and lose the old and tarnished reputations.

The only problem with all of this is that we all know. 🤭🤡
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
There's is absolutely no reason for anyone to troll threads harassing members and creating sick metanarratives around them.

Use the ignore feature.

They just prove they're trolls and get off on it
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) just needs to post to TUSCL as a means to sooth her fragile ego and self loathing. She has a lot of guilt and remorse for using and abusing desperate stripper whores. And she uses TUSCL as a defense mechanism to turn her reality upside down into an embellishment of being a sex trafficker. It's the only way she can face herself.

"There's is absolutely no reason for anyone to troll threads harassing members and creating sick metanarratives around them."

^^^This thread is a great example. 🤭🤡
"They just prove they're trolls and get off on it"

^^^Projection! 🤭🤡
SLD, all you are doing is generating a negative meta narrative about one of our members instead of responding to what Eltriste had said.



Stray Cat Blues
"SLD, all you are doing is generating a negative meta narrative about one of our members instead of responding to what Eltriste had said."

^^^Dumbass, this thread is inherently a negative meta narrative.

Hence my posts are on topic. 😝
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
"You're a rightbwung "

A what? Lulz
Calm down dougie, you're agitation is affecting your spelling like it always has lulz

Eltriste was trying to have a civil conversation with you and the other members.



Stray Cat Blues
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is incapable of truly ignoring because she's obsessed with herself (narcissist) and what others are saying about her. 😂🤭🤡
"Eltriste was trying to have a civil conversation with you and the other members."

^^^Naw, she's just being a passive aggressive troll. You're just a dumbass that doesn't recognize it.
SLD, you are the one who is refusing civil discourse.

"SLD, you are the one who is refusing civil discourse."

^^^dumbass, you might want to reread the OP first post. It doesn't meet the definition of a civil discourse.

Again, you're just a dumbass that doesn't recognize it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icey this isnt good for you, your heart rate should not be rising from stuff people say online. You mentioned you had heart issues. The heart rate should rise from exciting or maybe fearful activity, but not from internet posts...
The Frenulum is so easily triggered what a pussy
I da kang of da trolls mane!
@twentyfive it's that fragile ego she has.

The irony is that she could follow her own advice and put everyone that she wants on ignore. But she can't because of her fragile ego. 🤭🤡😂
SLD, Eltriste is just trying to make posts like anybody else. No reason to try and give him problems.




"SLD, Eltriste is just trying to make posts like anybody else. No reason to try and give him problems."

^^^ That's great and your opinion. FYI dumbass she's trolled me many times. FYI this is a troll thread, which only trolls do.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Again you're just proving my point. Instead of ignoring me or leaving me alone. You're ganging up on a trolling rampage. All you do is prove my point. I'm right about how disgusting you are
^^^Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.
LOL, SJG trying to be the enforcer of civility. Hey Walter Mitty, why don't you just threaten to exterminate, assassinate, incinerate, exsanguinate, masturbate, fellate, and ejaculate him? Oh wait, I got you to admit you actually don't do such things.
"Instead of ignoring me or leaving me alone. You're ganging up on a trolling rampage."

^^^Instead of ignoring your trolls or leaving them alone. You're creating troll threads in a rampage. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
^ If you wanted to be left alone you’d act like a human being not a self absorbed moronic scumbag, you’re so full of shit it’s pathetic
You are provoking each and every attack you receive.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Stop trolling me. Stop following me from thread to thread ruining threads
^^^Instead of ignoring your trolls or leaving them alone. You're creating troll threads in a rampage. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
You don’t want to be left alone I had you on ignore for two weeks and every thread you posted on mentioned me so fuck all to use your logic don’t I have the right to defend my self from your derogatory and defamatory remarks
Fuck you Iceefag go play in traffic
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
25 stop trolling me it's that simple
^ yes it is Iceefag stop trolling me I know you cant
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
25 your posting history shows you to be the troll
^ I’ve never been kicked off the site, plagiarized a review, rape d a woman, hit a woman, tried to commit suicide, nor any of the horrible acts that you’ve admitted to right here on this website
So when you seriously want to talk posting history we could compare notes, guarantee you won’t come off looking very good.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
25 I've never raped anyone beat a woman nor have I committed suicide. You're welcome to ignore me and quit trolling me
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
You'll be on here trolling 24 7
^ I’m tired of your tedious lying, go smoke some more crack or meth which ever one you’re addicted to.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Please stop trolling me
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Youre welcome to ignore me
"Please stop trolling me"

^^^If you sincerely mean this and want me to stop, here is what you need to do

1) First admit that you're a troll too and apologize to everyone you've trolled. Do it in this thread. And be sincere about it.

2) Recognize what trolling is and simply stop doing it. And I mean 100% stop. And to be clear...
- don't put down anyone and insult them, even if they are trolling you
- don't mock anyone
- don't address a member with a disparaging nickname
- don't call out trolling because whether you realize it or not, this is a form of trolling

3) When you are trolled, ignore it. This is truly the way to avoid being a troll yourself and I think you've failed to realize this which is why you keep getting called a troll. You think this thread is a simple defense of trolling, but it's not. It's a troll thread. Sorry that you don't understand this but it is.

^^^if you can consistently do all of these things 100%, then I will for sure stop trolling you. Because the only reason I've ever done it is because you posted something that meets the definition of trolling. And I felt like trolling you back for it.

Good luck! I hope you can truly stop being a troll. And don't regress back to it. 🤞🤞
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
You're telling me to shut up and let you incessantly troll me. And claim defending myself is trolling. You can stop trolling me and ignore me.
^^^LMFAO you need to work on your reading comprehension. Try rereading it a few times instead of giving a knee jerk and strawman argument response.

You can stop trolling me and ignore me. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icey that comment you said to subraman was very desperate. He made a neutral comment and you literally called him out saying “subraman you’re a troll too, your problem is you dont do enough to call the trolls out on this site”. Icey im convinced even if Biblical prophets were here you would say some nonsense like you aren’t donating money why don’t you donate more. Or why don’t you pray more
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Stop trolling
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Please ignore me and refrain from harassing me.
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
All you're doing is proving me right
Eltriste (aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. This thread is a perfect example.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Heaving. Youre right. And There's a difference between fun and joking. And the malicious attacks and harassment I get from a few disturbed individuals.
"Like you start threads such as "Free legal advice" on a strip club forum and actually expect a conversation that's not making fun of you for doing that."

^^^and it's not just a one time thing. As Iceydodo she had multiple threads about free legal advice. All of which generated ridicule of her and back and forth trolling. Same result multiple times. Nobody ever took her seriously. But yet she kept creating those threads like an autistic compulsion.

This is yet another example why it's clear that Eltriste wants the trolling. She relishes in it. She invites it (in her passive aggressive way). 🤭🤡
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
There's no such thing as "right wing." The whole concept of right vs. left is an archaic hold over from the French Revolution. Today it is globalist pseudo-elites vs. human patriots. Which side are you on? The New World Order horror show or a decent livable future of humanity?
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Eltriste sounds like another Icee alt.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Eltriste has never committed suicide. Darn.
Um, who are you again?
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