The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, 2021

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money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
The Real Anthony Fauci
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr



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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ Glad to hear that!

I'll be reading it soon myself.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This Robert F. Kennedy Jr. book is blowing my mind.

Hydroxychloroquine really does work! It helps a lot in dealing with COVID.…

When Trump talked about it just dismissed the idea.

There are actually about 10 drugs they can give which help a great deal with COVID. They are long established drugs, just used for other things. Some say that doing this you could avoid all hospitalizations and deaths.

COVID Is like the common cold and Zinc helps there.

But the central authority, Fauci, very close to Bill Gates, wanted everyone to just be praying for that wonder vaccine. So he did everything possible to prevent these treatments. This was all about raking in drug money.

And then in every country that used the vaccine it correlated to higher rate of cases, hospitalizations, and death. But the US has still not released its data.

And the so called vaccine has serious other side effects too, far more dangerous than COVID.

Loosing weight, good diet, vitamin C and D supplements all hope if you are to get COVID. Fauci never said a word about any of this.

The masking and lockdowns have very little ability to protect you from COVID.

Fauci controlled all media.

And the US had the highest COVID death rate, in deaths per 1,000,000 population:

I just list some:

US 2107

Sweden 1444

Cuba 650

India 327

Norway 161

Kenya 97

Hong Kong 28

China 3

Tanaznia 0.86


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