
Ukraine: Dilusional Social Media Comments

I'm surprised by the large amount of people being interviewed, and commenting, in social media platforms that are actually advocating direct military conflict in Ukraine.

I blame decades of relative peace and abundance on the stupidity. I bet many don't know the history of the USSR or the cold war.

If these idiots ever gain decision power (inevitable) this world is done for.


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Maybe the Hunger Games wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Yep, people are going crazy stupid.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Biden wants ww3 to take attention away from his ineptitude on domestic policy
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I agree they want to use the troops (aka not them) sacrafice thousands of lives in effort to “cancel” Putin. Deescalate as much as you can, war is got to be the last resort. Just what all need more war.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I said it in a post a few days ago, some people out there are crazy enough to think war is good for their economies. The end of WWII turned out pretty good for Russia.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    There needs to be an IQ test for anyone seeking public office. Or maybe more importantly there needs to be an IQ test for anyone voting said person into power.
    There is a reason why Japanese and Chinese make so much of an effort to educate their young.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    623 - add operate a car, heavy machinery, own a weapon, have children, own a pet to that list.

    No IQ test required for posting on TUSCL for now.
  • wld4tatas
    3 years ago
    If it's at the cost of a million dead Ukrainians, strategic direct intervention absolutely should be considered. Unless you don't have a conscience.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Above post is a perfect example of the delusion. Risking the world's destruction for a questionable democracy that should not have pursued joining NATO.

    "Direct intervention" - holy shit!
  • wld4tatas
    3 years ago
    Lone Wolf sounds like a Russian propagandist. He might sit on the sidelines while a country gets massacred, but many won't. We're not at that point yet but time will tell.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Hey Rambo, how would starting WW3 help the Ukraine masses?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Wild4tatas why aren't you outraged by and protesting yhe US bombing of yemen????
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I don’t advocate that we get into a direct military conflict with the Russians, I have a better idea, I say let’s give them back the nuclear weapons that were taken from them by the Minke Accords seeing as we’re not defending them as we promised , betcha Putin beats his ass and army outta there double time.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    25, or he nukes us.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ History is full of examples of appeasement not being successful.
    If he nukes us that will be the end of Russia he knows that, fuck social media and all, the only way anyone has ever stopped a bully is to fight back.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    25 then you must support any and every action against America's wars sanctions aggression colored revolutions and other forms of bullying. Right? Or is it different when we do it? 🤡
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ I’m not going to waste my time discussing this with a treasonous coward like you.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    20 fag believes in amerikkkan exceptionalism 🤡🤡🤡
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Yes I believe in American Exceptionalism unlike you who believes in nothing
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago

    American exceptionalism on deadly display in Ukraine
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    "History is full of examples of appeasement not being successful.
    If he nukes us that will be the end of Russia he knows that, fuck social media and all, the only way anyone has ever stopped a bully is to fight back."

    25, almost all of the rest of Europe is protected by the guarantee of NATO. There's really not anywhere else he could go in Europe. NATO could however do something about Moldova.

    Putin may not care if he gets nuked back. Hitler, for example, by the end of WW2 didn't care that he was throwing away his own people.

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Hitler had a treaty with Stalin, that worked out right? didn’t we guarantee Ukrainian security in the Minke Accord ?
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Why is it that the dumbest, most senile, retarded fucks on a message board are always the most active and most aggressive? Being a failure in life isn't enough, but you have to punish the rest of us with your ignorance? 25IQ has as much in common with Putin as anyone.

    The only thing Putin cares about is his power, and its continuation. If he truly believes that he is going to lose his power, he will use nuclear weapons. If he can't have what he wants, he won't let anyone have anything (just like 25IQ).

    Ukraine is not a NATO member, therefore the US has no obligations to defend them. Rampant corruption in Ukraine is a major reason for this. That corruption is also why Ukraine has not advanced as far from post-Soviet rule as Poland and the Baltic states have. None of that makes it okay for Russia to invade the Ukraine, but it does explain why Ukraine has no mutual defense treaties with the west.

    Even if Russia is successful in toppling Zelensky's government and replacing it with a Putin-aligned puppet government, there may be years of unrest, insurgencies, and guerrila resistance. The west and other countries will need to keep Russia and Putin ostracized and cut off until Ukraine - Crimea, Donetsk, and all- are released to their unified independence. If Russia or Belarus tries to invade other US-aligned countries after Ukraine, e.g. Moldova, NATO members or not, then it will be necessary for us to send forces to that country (pending that country's request and our government's approval). Hopefully, our forces will only need to serve as a deterrent and not actually have to repel Russian invasion.

    I understand why people would want to see the American military go into Ukraine and fight Russia to end this horrific bloodshed, but they are not seeing the big picture. A Russian soldier shoots a US soldier. An F-22 downs an Su-57. A Russian sub sinks and American destroyer. An B-2 flattens a Russian forward command post. A Russian guided missile cruiser destroys a US Carrier group with a nuclear warhead. Wasn't it Einstein who said that he knew not with what weapons World War 3 would be fought, but World War 4 would be fought with sticks and stones?

    Go back and watch The Day After, Threads, and Testament if you still don't get it.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Everyone should google Minke Accords. Google it, Bing it, yahoo search it, Duck Duck Go it. Don't ask questions. Just do it and report back. Man, I'm tired of being right.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Gammanu you mean insurgencies like that against Zelensky when the.US toppled ukraines gov and replaced it with a pro us regime in 2014
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    American Exceptionalism

    “The idea that the United States is uniquely virtuous may be comforting to Americans.”

    “Too bad it's not true.”

    “Americans blind themselves (denial) to the fact/reality that they are just like everyone else around the world… (human beings)”

    It is also called Superiority Complex; a burning desire to minimize or undermine other human beings to make themselves feel better…

    Americans don’t always have self-awareness (denial) to know they are coming across to people around the world as a hypocritical, greedy bullying, opportunistic, imperialist power…
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Jen Psaki live now: (done now)
    WATCH LIVE: White House press secretary Jen Psaki holds news briefing amid Russian attack on Ukraine

    In full: Putin makes statement on Ukraine invasion

    'It's going to get worse': If Russia resorts to siege tactics, the Ukraine war could take a horrible turn

    House passes resolution backing Ukraine; Three Republicans vote 'no'

    Russian foreign minister talks attacks on Ukraine l GMA

    Ukraine continues fighting back despite Russia escalating their attacks | ABC News

    REI, a first store has unionized!

    Russian invasion of Ukraine makes Beijing not dare to act rashly


    X-The Have Nots live in Milwaukee, WI 8-28-15


    Guitar Lesson Video
  • anothercraig
    3 years ago
    "Everyone should google Minke Accords"

    You talking about the MINSK agreement? Still tired of being right all the time?
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    @anothercraig - EXACtLY! There is no such thing as the Minke Accords. But the demented old fogey, 25IQ, has been running around for a week telling everything "what about the Minke Accords? The US has to defend Ukraine by the Minke Accords." There is no such thing. By his idiocy and senility, he made it up. He is so deeply lost in dementia, he never even thought to check himself.

    Furthermore, the Minsk Agreement, which is real and does exist, does not involve the US. It is a purely European protocol.

    Always right, all along.
  • rdig
    3 years ago
    Absolutely Ukraine is not worth starting a nuclear war over.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    War in Ukraine: are sanctions working? | The Economist

    Ukraine conflict: Russia attacks nuclear plant, amid fears strategic border now at risk (channel 4 news 3 hours ago)

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