
State Of The Nation

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Saturday, February 26, 2022 7:53 PM
To unseat Rep. Mike Honda, Ro Khanna had to run three times. But he was funded by the High Tech Community's movers and shakers, so he could do this. In a debate with Khanna, Mike Honda said, "No one should be working full-time and not be able to keep a roof over their head and put food on the table."

Khanna talked about his nieces and nephews, and how they talk on and on about Facebook and Twitter. And he talked about the people in East San Jose, who don't talk about these things, and asked what we can do for them. Now East San Jose is outside of the district he wanted to win, but it is close enough for Khanna to use it as a symbol.

Supporting Khanna were the Republicans who run the Tech Sector, and the Crypto Republicans who run Real Estate Industry and Local Government, and who have been found by our courts to be engaging in racial voter disenfranchisement.

And as it is, San Jose State has 7000 homeless students. Most of these are employed people who live in their cars. The President of a Chamber of Commerce explained at a City Council Meeting that he had had to live like that. People lament that SJSU faculty members cannot afford to rent here.

With ever increasing levels of automation, and moving ever more to an information economy, there is no way that many people can command enough wages for their work that they can afford to live.

But no matter, Work Harder, Work Faster, Retrain!

All it takes though is for one person to say, "Fuck You, I'm just going to sit under a tree and drink", and there is a whole arsenal brought out. "Jesus has so much pity on you that he wants you to have a second chance, and he wants you to have hope. All he demands is that you admit to your own fault and stop trying to resist." And then there are Psychotherapy, Recovery Programs, Salvation Pews, Motivational Seminars, and Work Readiness Programs, just so long as you don't try to fight back.

And of course you shouldn't try to get people who give voice to the point of view of working people into elected office. That would amount to just seeking political patronage and sewing divisions, and disturbing the racial harmony. Displaced workers are told that they are just hurting themselves.

And so Republicans and Neo-Liberal Democrats want to expand the economy, expand production and consumption, even though the present levels are clearly unsustainable.

And then when the Cold War ended, we were told to expect a Peace Dividend. Where did it go? It went to launching a new breed of financializes, people who can ride on the backs of those desperate for employment and living space.

So each day more and more people are forced into the shit job sector, and into pyramid scams, and into being lackies for the finance sector. More and more people learn to live with zero financial security, while they are subjected to increasing denigrations from the Right each day.



  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    What's means when the term economy is used, are the profits of the business sector and the wealthy. That's what our system is designed around. And we're finally at a stage where we can't ignore that such a system us unsustainable.

    Biden wants a war to take our attention off the systems failures and the pandemic.

    And this whole talk about liberals vs conservatives. No one in either party on any level of the spectrum wants to change the system. They're parts of the same system and simply want a few reforms to save the status quo.

    The most anyone wants is to throw us a few scraps and empty promises like ubi or uh. The few measures people were given during yhe pandemic were quickly taken away. Like extended unemployment or 2 weeks paid sick leave and protection from evictions.

    I'd rather see a business burn than watch it exploit people.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    "I'd rather see a business burn than watch it exploit people.

    I laugh at the irony of a self-proclaimed pimp saying this.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    People who try to fight back will always face just more denigration.

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