You should never be rougher with a woman's boobs than you'd want her to be with your balls. Unless she's made it crystal clear she's down with more roughness, with zero hesitancy.
The reason the comparison occurs to me is because an escort once totally did a number on my junk. I didn't tell her stop, cause she got SERIOUSLY sprung by doing it. It felt more like a wild civvie hookup than a date with an escort. But, besides the money, I was paying for it for about a week or so.
This does help answer something I often wondered about, why more women working for shit-paying jobs aren't tempted to dance. I knew dancing involved dealing with guys with ugly impulses to rough up women. But it's looking like it's much more common than I had thought.
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Cause I can do tender, light, or medium. Maybe medium plus. Within such guardrails much fun can be had 😜