
9/11 Memorials vandalized, high school tribute canceled by principle

A student senator at Washington University in St. Louis was caught red-handed stealing flags from a 9/11 memorial display

Vandals at Occidental College destroyed a 9/11 Never Forget Project memorial



Rantz: High school cancels 9/11 tribute, says it could offend some students


  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    one from last year
    Vandals cut down flagpole at 9/11 memorial for fallen firefighters in New York
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I was going to post some of the same links under the subject: "How to Tell if You are a Failure as a Parent."

    Seriously, if those were any of my neighbors' kids, I would be warning the parents to not let me catch those guys outside. Safer and cheaper to rent them a summer apartment away in their college town.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Very sad and despicable conduct. These are peaceful remembrances and they should not be removed by those who wish to rewrite history.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    FUCK ISLAM. Joe Biden and the rats called democrats want more foreign garbage here. The shithead pig in Saint Louis was a muslim rat. Piss on a youngster day is tomorrow, use carbolic acid today.
  • StripperSimp
    3 years ago
    expel? Fuck that deport that asshole
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    In my view, Islam could benefit from having a leader similar to the Catholic Pope.

    If the leader is a peaceful and pious person - focused on worship - they would denounce the horrible acts of the breakaway branches of Islam that practice terror. Those breakaway branches of Islam are not focused on piety and worship - they are focused on hate and revenge.

    It’s possible the terrorist branches of Islam would denounce the leader as well, and that would prove they are not focused on worship. But, without a leader, Islam is left with hundreds of fiefdoms where they pervert the true spirit of the religion.

    The biggest promoters of Islamophobia are groups like the Taliban - as they pervert scripture and preach hate and brutality.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Islamaphobia is a fake word designed solely to prevent criticism of the sick disgusting religion known as islam. Prophet with a 9 year old wife.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    "In my view, Islam could benefit from having a leader similar to the Catholic Pope. "

    i don't know, do they make a pointy hat large enough to fit over a turban?
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ politically incorrect but good one buddy LOL
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