The Worst Drivers Drive What Type of Car?
They never tell you what you need to know.
While most of you PLs and strippers were sitting at home last year during the pandemic I was out driving everyday and it was pretty damn nice. Now traffic has long been back to normal, and I think most people forgot how to drive. Pre pandemic I’d see people acting stupid maybe 3-4 times a week, now it happens 3-4 times a day.
If you see such atrocities happening what type of car are the offenders usually driving? Be specific. For example, the biggest offender I see are people driving 4 Door Jeep Wranglers. Most I see have jet black window tint and are lifted so much the 5’0” soccermom behind the wheel needs a step stool to get in it. Are those things so big they can’t see out of them? They make all the soccer moms driving Suburbans and Escalades look like skilled drivers. Also, I see just as many women driving 4 door Wranglers as men. For some reason, the few 2 door Wranglers I see (which aren’t many these days) mostly don’t appear to be idiots like their 4 door siblings. Go figure. Also I don’t see anyone acting like an idiot driving Grand Cherokees or Cherokees.
1. Jeep Wrangler 4 doors
2. Any jacked up, heavily customized Dodge Ram or Silverado pickups. Drivers of stock Rams and Silverado’s are mostly fine.
3. BMW 3 series drivers. Yes we are all thrilled you have a BMW, you don’t need to also drive like an asshole to remind us why we hate BMW drivers and don’t swing your dick too much because you’re in an entry level BMW. Why is this unique to BMW drivers? I don’t see Mercedes C class drivers driving like this?
BTW the people in above cars drive way too aggressive, you know, these are the assholes that will swing around you from behind going over the white line when you’re merging onto the interstate because merging going 70 isn’t quick enough for them. There are plenty of “too timid” drivers but they’ll and their cars get often overlooked.
If you see such atrocities happening what type of car are the offenders usually driving? Be specific. For example, the biggest offender I see are people driving 4 Door Jeep Wranglers. Most I see have jet black window tint and are lifted so much the 5’0” soccermom behind the wheel needs a step stool to get in it. Are those things so big they can’t see out of them? They make all the soccer moms driving Suburbans and Escalades look like skilled drivers. Also, I see just as many women driving 4 door Wranglers as men. For some reason, the few 2 door Wranglers I see (which aren’t many these days) mostly don’t appear to be idiots like their 4 door siblings. Go figure. Also I don’t see anyone acting like an idiot driving Grand Cherokees or Cherokees.
1. Jeep Wrangler 4 doors
2. Any jacked up, heavily customized Dodge Ram or Silverado pickups. Drivers of stock Rams and Silverado’s are mostly fine.
3. BMW 3 series drivers. Yes we are all thrilled you have a BMW, you don’t need to also drive like an asshole to remind us why we hate BMW drivers and don’t swing your dick too much because you’re in an entry level BMW. Why is this unique to BMW drivers? I don’t see Mercedes C class drivers driving like this?
BTW the people in above cars drive way too aggressive, you know, these are the assholes that will swing around you from behind going over the white line when you’re merging onto the interstate because merging going 70 isn’t quick enough for them. There are plenty of “too timid” drivers but they’ll and their cars get often overlooked.
I've never had problems with Prius drivers. They're just there ... so [shrug].
Suburus. Primarily because the turn signals must have been disabled. It’s gotten better as they’ve become more poplar than ever as the demographic of ownership has expanded. But it has a Karen Kar history to it. Plus people drive them on vacation to get out to the wilderness. But they never see more wilderness than a Highway construction zone. But they do hit every over priced coffee shop along the way.
Then I would say some oversized pick up truck/SUV there is definitely a issue on the roads that they just act like because they have a bigger vehicle than you do.
That’s just like my gripe with the Jeeps. Usually it’s some chick who has all the trim and wheels painted hot pink with a stupid “Jeep’s Are 4 Girls” sticker on the back, or some douche who is 5’4” who has to make up for his height deficiency by jacking up his Jeep a foot and attach a flagpole to the back flying a “Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Trump” flag. One extreme to the other so to speak. I understand you want to “bling” out your car but for godsakes that’s what they made garages, man caves and she sheds for.
Aggressive Dudes in full size pick-ups that drive them way too fast for their own or the vehicles capability.
Distracted Mom in a minivan or SUV with a phone in her hand when the vehicle based on age / model MUST have bluetooth capability.
As far as Jeep Wrangler…I got rear ended & car totaled by a Jeep Wrangler once. Hilarious stuff, the driver was trying to defend himself to the cop by claiming the light was already green and I didn’t go. (Not true) Despite the fact that there was two lanes and it would be easy to go around somebody even if there was an issue. The cop rolled his eyes and the guy shut up.
But that was the only incident that stood out to me so idk?
But over all, coming from Texas and currently residing in Colorado, I think both states have no shortage of douche drivers. So it’s tough for me to profile any vehicle. Texans will tailgate before passing (because if you don’t, then the other car will speed up and make it harder for you to pass. Got to get them appropriately nervous lol) And Colorado has this weird hang up about not letting you over, so you learn not to use turn signals.
But on the bright side, both states have a healthy appreciation for driving speeds. 🙂
mostsouped up civics and other similar types
A. A cactus has the pricks on the outside.
I drive a BMW.
Any car with a ton of political bumper stickers (especially leftist ones). As if it gives them license to misbehave elsewhere.
Any luxury SUV driven by a teenager, I guarantee they're texting while driving. I'll slam the horn to snap them back to reality.
I have better luck around BMW drivers than Mercedes drivers. The latter act like they own the road--super aggressive, never let you in, weave dangerously in and out.
I live in Mass, the land of asshole drivers, so the shorter answer would be who ISN'T an asshole driver.
Things kids drive are a close second. Modified Civics & the Suburu WRX or Scion FRS and similar cars are usually a safe bet for a bad driver. I'd throw in the Camaro's, Mustangs, and Challengers here but I don't think they really fall in that category anymore.
(my other car is a RAM 3500 with a 500 lb deer catcher, No one cuts that off, so it's gotta be the prius).
The last several cars that did just total asshat shit in front of me were all subarus. And the little wannabe SUV versions, not the WRX things. I'm always confused why anyone even buys that POSs, too damned expensive for a car that scream boring looser (hey, the prius might scream that, but it does so at no inflated price), and then drive around like a dickhead.
Bad Drivers: Anyone with grey hair driving a 20 year old Toyota Camry or worse a 20 year old full size Buick is probably long over due for follow-up driving test.
Asshole Drivers: Japanese tuner cars and BMW 3 series seem to be the worse.
Years ago when I live in Tampa, the running joke was if they had a UF gator tag they were probably an asshole and if it was a UF gator tag on a BMW you knew they were a gaping asshole.
Second are Prius drivers. They just seem oblivious to the world around them.
The latest are the Honda Crx drivers. So many of them here and none of them can drive for least the ones on the road when I am.
Good topic!