
Memorial Day from our VP

I didn't want to turn the other Memorial Day thread political so here's another one. Our new VP clearly doesn't get it.
Let the excuses begin..



  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Celebrate the way you see fit thank you for your well wishes, I wish you well too,
    I enjoy your jokes keep them coming
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Not much of a surprise. She and that dunce we have for a President don't believe in the concept of freedom so why would they care about those who died defending it?
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    I'll remember this when I vote in '22 and '24.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    And i just realized that this thread ended up in VIP when I actually intended to post it in the political forum. My bad on that.

  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    She was picked because of skin color and not brains.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    There is a reason why she did so badly in her own party's primaries.
  • herbtcat
    3 years ago
    Your criticism might have some merit, if 75% of the US population wasn't going to a beach, or a backyard cookout, or Vegas, or a rave this weekend.

    I've been, to or participated in, Memorial Day observances almost every year since 1985. They just don't draw the crowds today that they used to.

  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Eh, I am obviously not a big fan of hers. But I'll pick on her for more important things that this. There is nothing "wrong" with what she said. Should the VP probably say something about what we are celebrating ? Yeah. But to most American's, they view Memorial Day as the start of the summer.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Are we gonna start attacking Memorial Day like they do Columbus Day? These fucking Mamalukes never stop
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    While it's true that most American's don't give a shit about Memorial Day (or Veteran's Day, or Labor Day) except as an excuse to take off work, as the fucking Vice President, it wouldn't have been out of line for her to *remind* people what the day means, irrespective of how we choose to celebrate it.

    And by the way, I don't think "celebrating", in addition to remembrance, on Memorial Day is at all inappropriate.
  • vmaxhp
    3 years ago
    Seems the twice impeached failed ex-pres doesn't get it either. Like all things, he tried to make it all about him. What a f&cking moron. I'm former military and very happy this American Hitler is out of office.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago

    Since when has once being a cub scout qualify as former military?
  • vmaxhp
    3 years ago
    Since when did attending a prep school dressed in uniform qualify a president as having more experience than Generals?
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    So I'll bet you think a draft dodger who in his own words said he loathed the military, clinton, a community organizer, nobama, and a VP who sucked her way up the scale were/are qualified to command generals? The only president since WW2 that had more actual real world experience than generals was a general himself, Eisenhower, in his time the general of the other generals.
    Trump's gone, he's in the past so get over it cubby.
  • vmaxhp
    3 years ago
    Three.. LOL.. what a trumptard you are. Failed twice impeached ex-pres trump claimed he knew more than the Generals because he attended some kinda prep school where he had to wear a uniform?
    Have a nice day pumpkin
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    Well at least I addressed your previous comments which you can't counter because you have nothing other than the snowflake talking points so you go back to whining about Trump.
    Trump's gone, moved from Washington to living in your head rent free cubby and all you're capable of is whining about it from your perceived safe space.
    Former Military? Right, current pussy is the correct summation.

    You can go on whining if it makes you feel better and like a "real military guy" but I'm done wasting time with you.
  • vmaxhp
    3 years ago
    Hey lil REMF, seems 56% of repugnants haven't moved past trump losing in a landslide and believe the election was stolen. You're probably one of those Q believers. Have the feds charged you yet with your activities at the insurrection?
    Why would I engage in a political debate with you? You Q don't like facts, logic, reasoning. Arguing with the likes of you is like wrestling a greased pig. You'll never win and the pig enjoys it.
    Have a nice night pussy.
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