
St Louis MO.

Atlanta suburb
I usually stay away from politics on this board but I found this so bizarre that I had to post. The black female mayor wants to defund the police in the city that has the highest crime rate in the U.S. I took a look at the city demographics and found it pretty evenly split between black and white and what really got me was that the city police are represented by 2 unions. 1 for black officers and 1 for white ones. How racist is this. I've been an independent my entire lift but I don't think I can take much more of the present democratic party and progressives.


  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Oops I meant to post on the political board. Sorry. My bad!
  • 623
    3 years ago
    How is this a democrat party issue? It seems just the opposite of what “woke” groups would advocate.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    The woke progressives along with BLM started the f'ed up defund the police (and even abolish prisons) movement and they have been backed up by the Democratic party - AFAIK it's only been the Dems that have supported this and only Dem cities (NYC, Minneapolis, Seattle, etc) that have actually followed thru ; NYC defunded their police by $1-billion and had even cancelled their most recent police academy class
  • misterorange
    3 years ago

    Your comment is exactly what gives power to the Democrat machine. They have mastered the art of saying one thing while doing another, getting caught doing it plain as day, and never being held accountable.

    They wrap themselves in a cloak of "woke-ness" but their policies are and always have been racist and designed to create a permanent underclass, composed mostly of minorities. And the more they dish out the punishment the more the punished keep voting for them. It defies logic.

    Lyndon B. Johnson really meant it when he said, “I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    And you guys have a nut comparing wearing masks with the Holocaust give it a rest people this stuff is nutso and getting stupider by the minute
    No sane person is actually advocating defunding the police despite the disturbed ranting of Tucker Carlson
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    "No sane person is actually advocating defunding the police."

    100% agree with 25 on this one. It's the Democrats that are advocating for it.
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    "city that has the highest crime rate in the U.S"

    Obviously, they need more police? (https://www.google.com/search?q=Who+said…)

  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    That city needs help. There comes a point where you have to start sending in troops it’s so fucked up. Drive around North St Louis sometime and tell me I’m wrong. Thats where a lot of cities are heading unfortunately.

    The two union things that’s very odd I’m goggling it know who knew? I’ve never heard of anything like that.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    “Defund the Police” means take part of the police budget and use it for something else.

    No one can honestly dispute that.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^ I looked up the cost of homes in the neighborhood at one Airbnb I stayed in at north St. Louis. If houses en masse can be $45k then...well hopefully there isn’t too many bullet holes 😝

    In all seriousness, that is some interesting stuff. Granted in St. Louis itself police departments seemed pretty ineffective in the first place, so who knows maybe it won’t cause that much change. White suburbs might hire more private security though?
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    It's still doing better than East St Louis.
    And I think some of the surrounding towns (i.e. Washington Park?) on the East side of the river did effectively "defund the police" several years ago via bankruptcy...
  • Member6532
    3 years ago
    St louis is slowly dieing off, very slowly. There is so much old money and very little new money. Everyone has moved to the suburbs, similar to Detriot. As you drive in on 70 it just goes down hill the whole way to East St Louis then it can't get any worse, atleast in American standard. To be fair there are generally truly racist/bad cops in STL and businesses doing illegal/racist shit such as stop and pats on customers, but this mostly happens because of the volume of crime tho. The mayor's of Kc, Stl and Springfield all have increased crime, all had plans with the governor for more funding and met a few times to get a plan, until BLM BS. I know KC cut funding alot and is being sued over it.

    There are no cops in East st Louis, period. I went into a massage parlor, all the girls in sexy night gowns and was just asked if I wanted to fuck and to pick out the girl. There are 5 or 6 places next to each other and open 24 hours a day. I drove around for an hour or 2 and did not see 1 cop, but saw 10+ strip clubs and a dozen massage parlors. Apparently taxis won't even go in over the river cause of the crime.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^ were these Asian massage parlors?

    Until today I have never heard of police unions being separated by race. Is that the case in any other city?
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    ^across the street from, I guess it's called Pony T's now? (at least, the one I was aware of when I was there)


    Wasn't that bad when I was there. While the AMP's do kinda have to stay in low rent areas to avoid attention, they don't want to get too far into the wild or they're afraid of getting robbed themselves.

    If you really want to see a strip club with zero law enforcement, Dollie's Playhouse.

  • 623
    3 years ago
    Rational people agree that having police deal with crazies and homeless and runaway kids and a whole host of other not exactly lawbreaking issues is not a good use of their time. The move to hire professionals trained to deal with these and other legal issues just makes sense, it would leave the police time to solve crimes and deal with real criminals.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Many far-left Dems are anti-police period - in many Dem cities shootings and homicides are at either all time highs or the highest in many years - less police and hands-off policing has never proven to work.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    The democrats are playing to their base -deadbeats, predators, and criminals. It's that simple.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    This is what the left has done to the police where "don't have respect for anything or anyone" youths have basically been told they can do w/e the f*** they want and the Dem politicians will have their backs against the police - there was actually a police officer inside the car - disgusting at the total lack of respect for authority:

    Vid takes a couple of seconds to load

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