Las Vegas July 2021

avatar for jaybud999
Our club crew is planning a trip to Vegas late July. We're all vaccinated, and assuming that Vegas will be nearly completely open. We tend to be daytime guys, with a little bit of night. Is there anybody currently hitting clubs in Vegas right now? Are we almost back to normal? Still doing $20 table dances?

Clubs we generally frequent in no particular order: Chicas, Palomino, Cheetahs (now the Library....haven't been in since the remodel), Spearmint. We do Sapphire and Crazy Horse III when we have to. Don't like Hustler.


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avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I've been to Vegas recently and returning soon. I don't go to strip clubs in Vegas because I would rather save my time and money for places that have better clubs. In general, Vegas is a little different than I have seen over the years. It's always a little rough around the edges but it seems even more so now. Keep an eye on your six and be smart if you go.

A couple of weeks ago, the crowds had increased a lot than when I was there late last year. Seems that maybe people had those stimulus checks burning a hole in their pockets.
Things are more normal here everyday and I can only speculate what things will be like in July. You won’t notice hardly anything different between now and 2years ago in the casinos or clubs.
Desertscrub that's a complete experience is the complete opposite of yours.

Jaybud999 it'll probably be normal by then unless there's a 4th surge in NV

There's still a mask mandate.

Clubs aren't that bad nor that expensive.
2icee didn't you get kicked out for masturbating in the bathroom?
Not sure where icee is getting info from but there is no masks in the clubs I attended this weekend. I do agree that fun can be had at a reasonable cost if you don’t have an attitude like desertscrub.
A mask mandate us in place in Nevada.

And yeah you see them at some clubs too.

Ugh no. Im not.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
By accident, I drove past the Spearmint Rhino today. Parking lot was empty and while waiting for the light, the marquee said it is only open Thursday through Sunday. Seems some are taking the slow approach to opening. Maybe it will be different in a couple of months.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
Went for dinner and visited 2 casinos. Apparently, masks are now optional. Saw probably 70% of the patrons walking around without masks. Kinda caught me by surprise.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
What other personal medical details do you share with your friends?
Masks aren't optimal. But if you're fully vaccinated you don't need one. But rules aren't being enforces anywhere now really
I heard casino tables are packed and that there are some tables fully open and others with plastic dividers between players for those who want them.
They're supposed to have the plexiglass dividers in place. But mitigation rules aren't being followed everywhere. I don't gamble much but haven't noticed packed tables. Im not seeing much of a difference over the last 3 or so months.

But most casino floors are on the strip
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