Detroit questions

avatar for TxVegas
I will be in and around Detroit soon for work. I have read reviews of well known clubs and have a few questions for the DTW area regulars. I will be staying near the airport. I don’t mind driving a bit to get the best experiences. I have clubbed in Detroit in the past, but wasn’t sure where to go today. (I wasn’t sure how COVID and the closure of clubs like Penthouse affect where to go now).
1. If you were going to club around noon on a Saturday, which club has the best looking girls?
2. If you were clubbing mid day or night on a Monday, which club has the best experiences and most attractive girls?
3. Which club has the best non-extras dance scene for when I am in that mood? I would define that as attractive girls, good two way milage, and reasonable fees.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide. I am glad I had banked a large VIP credit so I can still read reviews.


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avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Check the reviews. They're written for posts like this.

And asking which club had the most attractive girls is like asking people what color is the best color. Everyone has their own flavor of what they find attractive.

Non extras clubs: none that are within the Detroit City limits.
avatar for Electronman
4 years ago
In the airport area, people tend to be impressed with the talent at Flight Club and Landing Strip, but as Wiffle Waffle points out, that depends on what you find attractive.

I would add some clarification to Wiffle's last sentence. To my knowledge (and Wiffle's knowledge may be more up to date than my knowledge), the clubs inside the Detroit city limits are subject to strict regulations that seem to preclude any extras, thus contributing to the demise of the Penthouse and the decline of many other Detroit clubs).
avatar for bman66
4 years ago
I would start a Saturday at the Cricket in the afternoon, no cover, no valet and $3 domestic beer, you can't beat that deal and a few attractive dancers.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Of course COVID has an affect on everything, and I haven’t clubbed the D since COVID started but if I was in your shoes here’s what I would do.

I would check out Landing Strip, Flight Club and BTs, that order is the closet to the furthest from the airport. I’ve even had airport hotel shuttles take me to these clubs before.

People also like Henry’s, Bogarts and Criket near the airport but those are dives compared to the first 3 I mentioned above.

Penthouse is closed, but there’s other clubs up on 8 Mile but that’s a good 30-45 drive each way from your airport hotel, and last time I looked the reviews for those clubs didn’t look that promising so be sure you check those before committing the time to travel up that way.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
I'm working downtown the next two weekends. My club looks the other way on dances. We're technically not allowed to do them right now due to the social distancing guidelines. The bonus to that is we can set our own prices or bundle x songs for x amount and not pay a house fee since they're not official dances. Unfortunately for the customer, this also means no grinding or straddling dances and tops must stay on. Legends, Players, and Coli are like that right now.

Extras clubs: Henry's, Bogarts, Landing Strip, Flight Club, BTs Dearborn, Silver Criket, and Subie's. Take your pick.
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
You will find the best looking dancers at Flight Club and Landing Strip. They are both near the airport. Criket, Bogart's and Henry VIII have less attractive girls. I can't give you any help on finding non-extras clubs.
avatar for Ivandrago2020
4 years ago
Does Rachel Rocketts still work in Detroit?
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^^^ here’s Ivan Drago still looking for a stripper wife to get him a green card.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Rachel no longer dances. She's a house mom, but I'm not saying where to respect her privacy.
avatar for TxVegas
4 years ago
Thanks all... maybe except for Ivan
avatar for silkypants
4 years ago
You can get a lap dance at any club in Detroit. Flight Club is $30 a dance plus $20 to the bouncer.
Cricket is $20 day shift per dance and one time $10 fee.

Extras are Extra.
avatar for NinaBambina
4 years ago
1. If you were going to club around noon on a Saturday, which club has the best looking girls?
---Pre-covid, Players had a very good day shift. Not sure how good their day shift is now talent wise. It is deep east on 8 mile though. Near the airport, definitely Landing Strip and Flight Club.

2. If you were clubbing mid day or night on a Monday, which club has the best experiences and most attractive girls?
---It depends because not all clubs are allowing full contact dances and not all the ones that are offer great talent. As far as attraction goes, Flight Club, Legends, and Landing Strip are all decent. From what I've heard, Flight Club is allowing full contact dances (they are a big extras club though), Legends' dances are limited due to covid, and I haven't been to Landing Strip since around Sept/Oct but they were doing full contact dances.

3. Which club has the best non-extras dance scene for when I am in that mood? I would define that as attractive girls, good two way milage, and reasonable fees.
---Some clubs don't really have a lap dance scene right now due to covid. When I worked at Players a few months ago, we could give low contact dances and had to keep our tops on. When I worked at Dream Girls in Lincoln Park recently, we could do full nude contact dances like normal. The talent at Dream Girls is inconsistent, but with the right girl you can have fun in very private rooms. You can also negotiate your price for x amount of time (15mins, half hr, hour) at Dream Girls, but only go at night. They don't open till afternoon and the talent often doesn't show up till later. And again, their talent is inconsistent so while they have a great vip set up, better talent with just as high contact dances can be found at Flight Club and Landing Strip right now.
avatar for 3131
4 years ago
2. if you catch a Monday dayshift at Subi's when Harley is working. Otherwise I have nothing else to add to what's been said above.
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