Atlanta strip claims falling off?

avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin

All the mid reviews lately smh. This doesn’t seem like Atlanta at all. What happened to all the superb reviews of every club? Clubbing experience has been pretty bad here as of late. Idk man, Atlanta is def not a top club spot anymore. Might as well not even pay 300 vip rates, take a flight to SD, drive over to tj and club there. Flights are cheap as hell right now too. I’m currently in LA and this place is shit too. How do you guys feel about clubbing in Atlanta as of late?


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avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

Not claims I meant clubs but yeah damn auto correct!

avatar for Garfield84
3 yrs ago

@wavvycain I’ve been saying the same shit!!! It’s awful! These girls want so much for so little. I’m going to TJ may 6-9. I’m trying to make a pit stop in either Baltimore (to check out their scene , specifically Norma Jean) ,Phoenix go check out hi-liter or hit up COI clubs in LA. But the way you talking that seems like a waste of time (synn and spearmint rhino bad too?? Also lax fare is super expensive right now. Not the norm. I was going into lax and drive down to SD. Bump that. I just fly into SD and take the trolley it’s cheaper !!

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

I can make the 3 hour investment to VIP in Atlanta a lot easier than flying across the country. I am not a hermit and interact with other people constantly. It is easier to explain a 3 hour absence than disappearing for a day or two.

avatar for Garfield84
3 yrs ago

@goldmongerATL I hear ya. But vip in Atlanta is a total

Waste of time. I’m far from a hermit as well and have friends and family here but i can find an excuse to get out of town 3-4x a year.

Have you been to HK in TJ?

It’s a whole another experience

From London guy the FKK in Germany are even better. Too bad the country’s if closed to Americans at this moment

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

For me ATL was always kinda a one-trick-pony w/ that pony being Follies and the main-reason for a lot of out-of-town PLs to hit ATL - the other clubs all seemed hit-or-miss or air-dance-palaces

avatar for pistola
3 yrs ago

Lolz Wavy in LA and can’t find any ladies to BB for $60 and an eighth? How sad. 😂

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

@pistola I actually know girls out here and don’t have to pay. I don’t bother clubbing in La also, why would I spend 30 or 40 a lap dance? Are u retarded? Go to Arizona and dig your boyfriend winex up.

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

@papi_chulo I agree and now I’m starting to see it even more with follies absence. Some sports were good for a minute but it’s just not the same. Everyone is going everywhere trying to find a spot and many are not staying, pl’s and dancers.

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

@garfield tbh LA clubs just not worth it to me. I Uber too when I’m out here and In this pandemic the average Uber is 60-100 bucks on top of that lap dancers are 30 to 40 lol fuck that. I’ll rather just go to TJ. I only come to LA cause I got friends here. This place is turning to shit fast, Hollywood now has homeless lined up on the sidewalk in tents. Will look like skid row within a year.

avatar for pistola
3 yrs ago

Wavy says ‘I don’t bother clubbing in LA.’ Then in his opening says the ‘LA clubs are shit.’ How would Wavy know if the clubs are shit if he doesn’t bother going in the first place? That’s like saying I like Coke better than Pepsi but never trying Pepsi. Lol this sorry dude still runnin off at the mouth.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

Follies was an outlier, no other ATL club came close; so I don’t see why one would now – Follies seemed to have the ability/balls to offer mileage (both VHM-dances, and VIP) that no other club did or could get away with – i.e. I’m not holding-my-PL-breath for “the next Follies” – awesome if it happens but I’m doubtful

avatar for bdirect
3 yrs ago

follies closing was the worst thing since general sherman to hit atlanta

avatar for BuckMcNutter
3 yrs ago

My trip last week solidified some theories that Atlanta might be dead to us for now.

I had one air dance after another. I’m writing up a trip report some summarize a few dances and each club I went to.

avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

I think right now it is a question of which came first...the chicken or the egg. Customers are staying away because dancer quantity and quality is down and dancers are staying away because of the lack of enough customers to make enough money. Those dancers that do show up are asking ridiculous prices for VIP and some guys are desperate enough to pay it. The hotter dancers that are staying away have sugar daddies or are working in vanilla jobs.

I know one of my top favorites that was very popular at the old Follies stayed away for a year due to Covid fears. Since things have started to improve, she worked at Vivide one day 2 weeks ago, couldn't make enough money and hasn't been back. Another was went to Platinum and when it shut down is now working at Vivide. I got 18 Follies type dances from her yesterday. She plans to stay there.

I plan to do some looking around to see if I can find any more of my Follies favorites. But I am not giving up yet.

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

I think shadowcat hit on something. It is not just the club that is missing, but those go to white Follies dancers I banged repeatedly have mostly disappeared.

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