Dose student loan forgiveness open the Pandora box for other debts ?
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Could see this ushering in massive forgiveness with mortgages, credit cards and so on
Not saying its a good or bad thing
Just reflecting on what this might dominos into
Not saying its a good or bad thing
Just reflecting on what this might dominos into
Yes juice, it's called the QFS or Quantum Financial System. It will replace the current central bank system. Plus something called NESARA. That will recalibrate debt along with the QFS. Consumer debt may disappear. Lots of things have to happen 1st tho. Do some research on the QFS and NESARA (National Economic Security and Restoration Act).
Don’t ask the do-nothing multi-million/billion endowment colleges to chip in - they should just continue to raise tuition way beyond the CPI every year. Let the professors take paid sabbaticals every 3rd year.
Remember, education is important for folks to be successful in our society. The rising costs of education are more than many can afford. So, student loan debt forgiveness is considered something that promotes the greater good of society.
Regardless of how one views the higher education system in this country, a college, or post high school vocational education, is necessary for most folks to become contributing members of society.
I don’t agree with debt forgiveness in any form, but I understand the democratic idea. It’s a mistake, as we shouldn’t push this country deeper into long term debt. It’s replacing one debt with another, and that isn’t good.
I don’t like the idea of government involvement in education, so I don’t have a good method of finding a way to decrease college tuition. It’s a cost that is out of control.
The price colleges list as the tuition is like the MSRP of a new car, as nobody should pay full price. There’s always a way to get them to cut a few thousand here and there. This requires a shift in understanding as most colleges need you more than you need them. They have such high fixed costs because they love new buildings - they need students to fill their dormitories and to go to on campus classes.
Otherwise, it is a big F you to everyone that worked hard and paid off their debt. Also, F you to future College students that have to pay for school. But you lucky bastards in between, you guys get a free degree!
If schools were forced to justify the existence of the available programs it would be much more difficult to get a degree in pottery making and sculpture than to get a degree in law or engineering because the very existence of useless course disciplines would be threatened that would be great for secondary education in these United States
Student loan forgiveness is a wealth transfer to the college educated who made a bad decision. If you were of legal age and entered into a contract, you have to deal with the consequences of it.
Now go have fun