
YT Ad Increase- Put Up, Pay Up, or Punt ? (OT Warning)

Any place that interests me.
In the last 6 months or so, there has been an annoyingly exponential increase in You Tube ads. Time was that save for some occasional 15 second ads at the beginning of some favorite movie scene clips, comedy specials, etc, one could sit down and enjoy several consecutive minutes of the clip(s) without these annoying ads. Now a lot get interrupted every 3 frigging minutes with an ad. Often, there is the skip ad option, but on a 20 minute clip that ads up to 30 to 60 seconds of your time wasted/intruded upon. Afaic, that's a 5% productivity loss of my leisure enjoyment time. My (left ? right?) side brain resents this blatant "stick up", while my other side grudgingly accepts this as a cost of doing leisure.

So how have my fellow (I'm guessing some tusclers have some interest in YT) dealt with it ? Was the ad free payment option worth it ? (It seems like buying into this entails another different viewing platform.) Also, would donating to Patreon for applicable channels get rid of the ads ? If I join, say, Bill O'Reilly's website, would that do likewise ? What has been some of your specific experiences ? (I've heard that some of the ad revenue goes to some individual person's channel, so some channel "owners" may opt for a shitload of ads for the non- Patreon folks.)

I'm not a total cheapskate, I just hate letting too many little "ad ons" get out of hand. Thanks for any 411/insights.


  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Hey, you know what, that has been getting worse, hadn't thought about it. 😒
  • csdnoob
    4 years ago
    Mozilla Firefox with ad blocker 😐
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    It has been getting worse. The internet at first offered free content, but the big companies now want to make all the money they can.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    J-slash: More like big companies want to swarm in on cheap advertising space. It's not just the big companies, but also snake oil peddlers who either tell you that most of the food is bad for you, but their supplement can save you, or you can make money by subscribing to their newsletter, or, or........
  • Sgtsnowman
    4 years ago
    I pretty much never use YT. When you guys post links to that site I just move on to the next article.
  • alldaylong
    4 years ago
    YT ads and the like are a tax on the poor. I'd begrudgingly pay double to not see them, and YT knows this. So I'm just waiting for them to raise it.

    Can't watch YT on a non-ad-free account esp when there's a 30 sec ad on a 1 min vid nor the random interruptions. At least old school ads were spaced out and placed accordingly.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Big money looking to be bigger money controls the internet hence the commercialism and various ads.
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