
Fastest you’ve gone

The view from the other side of the room
A post about cars a few weeks ago had me remembering an epic ride in a ’68 Corvette. When I was still in my teens and living at home I lived across the street from a hot shot mechanic/street (and track) racer with a big block equipped ’59 Vette. One day, invited on a test drive we headed north of Eugene where the freeway has a 30 some mile straight stretch. Just as we get to open country we spot a state police car entering an on ramp, and “Carl” hits the brakes. Once side by side with patrol car, Carl, a bold fellow, waves to the cop, rolls down his window and yells “My speedometer isn’t working (true), how fast is this?” Officer yells back “right on 70”. The Corvette is registering 2,700 RPM.

The cop takes the next exit on cop business, and Carl presses accelerator to the floor. No downshift, just a loud big block pulling and pulling until “that’s all she’s got”. 6,300 RPM. My math says something like 163 MPH. Remember when the freeways could be empty enough for shit like this?

But “Rick’s” Vette was another level. Rick loved to do massive burnouts, clouds of billowing smoke, he’d roll out of the car laughing his ass off. (Yeah, he bought of lot of tires.) A ’68 L88 Corvette, modified for even more power. He’d broken a few transmissions, but he found someone who built a 3-speed automatic that could take it.

One day we’re at the stoplight. Ahead is 4 lanes, empty of traffic, about ¾ mile long, then a curve (marked 45mph) to right. (Carl’s shop driveway is in the curve.) Rick stomps accelerator, tires fry, speedo goes to 70. Car hooks up, he slides shifter to 2nd. It really felt and looked like the jump to warp speed, the Vette shifts into 3rd at 140+. I see speedo swing way past 160. I’m freaking out that we won’t make the turn in the road when Rick stomps the brakes.

And as amazing as the acceleration was, the deceleration seemed incomprehensible. 180 or so to -0- in a couple of blocks. We didn’t go around the curve, we pulled into Carl’s driveway. Rick rolls out of the car laughing his ass off.

So – fastest I’ve gone in a car – maybe 185.
Fastest I’ve driven a car – 120 in a rented Dodge Charger.
Fastest I’ve gone on a (speedometer equipped) bicycle – 58mph. This was scary, the wheel’s gyroscopic effect made leaning into the curve at bottom of hill difficult.
Fastest I’ve gone on a (speedometer equipped) mountain bike on a single track trail – 32mph.
Fastest I’ve gone in the air – standard airliner with tailwind speed – 550?

Whatda you got?


  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I think maybe like 120-130 mph in a car? Nothing like your stories. I was in central Texas with a group of people in the car and had just turned onto the toll road, and it was THEN somebody had to complain that they had to use the bathroom. It’s not convenient to exit and have a gas station right there once on the toll road sadly. And it’s a wide open freeway with no trees or anything to duck behind and pee discreetly.

    So...went across town to get to the exit as quickly as possible. 😅
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    My uncle had a heart attack while hunting. I believe I hit 115 on a state highway driving him to the hospital.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Just to try to see how fast they could go, 105 in my 78 Plymouth Horizon, 110 in my 83 Dodge Spirit E/S Turbo (lots left, lol) and 120 in my current ride (2006 Dodge Charger Hemi - another 10 mph left before the ECU would have kicked in).

    Probably the most fun I ever had was in my Horizon a couple months after I had purchased it with the full handling package, manual transmission and standard steering
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    ...sorry about that premier post.

    One of my co-workers had been giving me a ration of shit about how it was a "bad handling car (based on a Consumer Reports Test in which a power steering equipped Horizon at speed was cranked hard over an the steering wheel was released to test the ability of the wheel to recenter).

    One day, he needed a ride to the dealership, and we drove to the ferry. As luck would have, I was the first car off. About one half mile down the road was a curve posted for 15mph. I took him through it a 45 without a squeal. When the color came back in his face, I asked him if he still thought it was a bad handling car. He choked out a "No" and I never heard another word, lol.
  • RockAllNight
    4 years ago
    In high school, I had a 1972 Dodge Charger with a 383 Magnum. Lots of deserted four lane highways nearby. The speedometer only went to 150, I guess it went 10-15 mph faster than that.

    Twice had the local police enter the highway behind me. Both times, the spun the lights once or twice and turned off. Not sure whether they didn’t want to kill me or if it was because they knew they had zero chance of catching me.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    We did this once before.


    I will add that while not the fastest it was the scariest. I tried car pooling it with a co worker on CA I-405 in a Lotus. That fact that the tires on the 18 wheelers were taller than us was enough to make me back out.
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago
    I never drive very fast just for the thrill.

    I’ve pushed it over 100 mph a couple of times in extenuating circumstances to put distance between me and a dangerous driver.

    The first time I was behind the wheel of a Jaguar (a rental car) I was so amazed at how smoothly it rode and how well it handled that I was surprised when I checked the speedometer and saw that I was going 95 mph.

    Fortunately it was after midnight and the freeway was empty.

    I cut my speed immediately and paid more attention after that.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Years back over 130 in a 1986 LT1 Corvette, got scared when the lane markers became a solid line, my newest vehicle an AMG E coupe is fast but I've never opened it up long enough to see where the redline might be, on long stretches of open tpke I need to be alert as the car has a tendency to run up the speed to hit 100 inadvertently, the scariest fast I've ever ridden was my old Road King at 115 MPH, on a motorcycle the speed is super exaggerated, hard to describe the feeling of bugs hitting your wind visor at speed, the sound is like a gunshot though.
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    Hyabusa over bridge in Tampa, Speedometer buried past 185😬🤦🏻‍♀️
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    Audi R8 & Lamborghini just over 190
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    Probably about 200. I was just out of law school and good friend who was a state trooper invited me on a ride along. He had just gotten a new Camaro that had the “pursuit” engine. Around 3 am and we were on long straight stretch of interstate. He wanted to see how it handled. 55 to 120 in no time and at 200 it was still riding smooth. I was scared to death but he thought it was awesome
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    The speed pales in comparison to your stories - but a roommate had a Ford Escort from around 1985 - it was a sport model - which meant it was still an Escort but with bigger tires. On the NY thruway he hit a little north of 95 mph - and everything began to shake. It was like the car was having a panic attack.

    A NY state trooper spotted him - and it took a second for him to believe an Escort just flew past him at close to 100 mph. The ticket was only $35. Luckily my buddy kept it slow on the ride after that encounter.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Riding about 145 in a 1970 Grand Prix over a causeway in Florida... felt like the thing was going to disintegrate at any moment.

    Driving about 135 in my 1984 Mustang SVO... rock solid, no issues.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    140 in a '76 Camaro
    130 on my old Yamaha R6
    110 on my '17 Fat Boy
    Agree with twentyfive, going over 100 on a Harley can be a bit nerve-racking. The rice burners are built for racing speeds - you barely notice how fast you're going and still feel totally in control even at 130. A Harley rumbles and shakes a lot when you hit 100+. At this stage of my life, I enjoy the ride a lot more when I keep it under 80.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I've never been up to the speeds listesd here, but then I've exclusively driven trucks and SUVs tuned for towing and off-roading. I've never been drawn to luxury or road performance vehicles.

    I remember getting a little V-6 Ranger up to 90 on the I-10 twin spans. It started to shake and shimmy so badly, I had to decelerate before it fell apart.

    I had a Jeep wrangler up to 110 or 115 during an early morning confrontation with a road rager. The fucking speed limiter kicked in and violently decelerated me down to 80 or so.

    I've had my Raptor up to 100 or 105, but only rarely and very briefly. I've heard that most are speed limited to 100.
  • nj_pete
    4 years ago
    About 120 in a rented Camaro probably a 1995 or so on the Bonneville salt flats. Scariest ride though was on my bicycle on the shoulder of route 10 in Morris county nj with some friends, late at night, no lights, no helmets riding down the hills as fast as we could without being able to see anything in front of us except what was momentary lite up by padding cars. No idea how fast we were going, 35 maybe.
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    165 in my old BMW M3, despite the governor allegedly set at 155
    120 on my old Honda CBR600 F4
    Both well over a decade ago. I don't think I've gone over 100 in the last 10 years
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    SC, we've done this question at least twice before. In addition to your link, skibum started a thread about speed in late 2018. Myself... On land, 150mph in C6 Corvette. On water, ~ 40 mph plus on jet ski. In air, 760mph groundspeed in airliner, confirmed by a pilot I know well. Tailwind of ~ 200 mph for brief period.

    For your entertainment, suggest typing in "L A Center Speed Check" on YT search where SR71 crew one ups everyone on center frequency. When told by controller that they were doing 1992 knots, the navigator replied, "we show us closer to 2000."
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I had forgotten about a boat ride in a Donzi with 3-450 horsepower Evinrude outboard motors, boat was a 45 footer buddy got that thing up to 60 miles per hour, dang that was a thrill and the hardest ride i ever had.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I think that LA speed check is an urban myth. I've heard versions with an f-15, F/A-18, even an F-22. Never hears of an SR-71. Amusing story, though.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The scariest fast speeds I have gone have been 70 on skis; 45 being towed behind a car on the street using a tow rope and snow skis in 12" of snow; and 45 ice boat sailing.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    130. But it was on a NASCAR racetrack in a scaled down version of a NASCAR car. The track was a mile and a third oval so we were turning virtually all the time. But MAN was that fun.
  • SteveSutton
    4 years ago
    Living in Europe, I can go on the Autobahn every once in a while. I've gone 205KM/h, which is about 127mph. Honestly, at that speed I didn't feel comfortable because any slight mistake (or a mistake by another driver) and you're toast. So I normally will only go about 160 when I'm on a section of autobahn with no speed limit (which as many may not know isn't all that much).

    Now does a B747 cockpit count because then I've done faster closer to 200 mph on the ground (runway).
  • BigPoppa99
    4 years ago
    Before the internet bubble burst, my cousin took me in his Porsche boxer S in Cali. 172mph. For brief sprints on the highway. Honestly the traffic was bad and I was a little scared- sweating! lol
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Addendum: Several months after the above wild ride, “Rick” and his Corvette moved to Los Angeles. There he found more of his ‘tribe’, guys with the wherewithal and craziness to scream around the wide freeways of Los Angeles at insane speeds. (During the 2:30 to 3:45am empty freeway hours – no such time slot exists nowadays.)

    A year or so later, on a visit back to Eugene, I heard “Rick” tell of his day in traffic court. As he told it, the guy 2 cases before him got ticketed doing 120 something in a Pontiac GTO. The guy just before him 144mph in a Porsche 911 Carrera. Rick gets called up. Judge looks at him. Looks down at the papers. “Says here you were observed – on CHP radar – doing 184 mph in a Chevrolet Corvette.” According to “Rick”, everyone but the judge and lawyers stood up and applauded.

    Addendum 2: slightly surprised no ‘rick’ personas here have commented on driving technique.
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