More PC Insanity: 6 Dr. Seuss books won't be published anymore

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 11:19 AM
6 Dr. Seuss books won't be published anymore because they portray people in 'hurtful and wrong' ways [view link]


Earlier this week, a school district in Virginia made headlines for allegedly banning books by Dr. Seuss. "Research in recent years has revealed strong racial undertones in many books written/illustrated by Dr. Seuss," LCPS said in its statement, which links to a School Library Journal article from 2018 about the National Education Association focusing its Read Across America efforts "on Diversity Not Dr. Seuss."
3 years ago
Mein Kampf is still available.
3 years ago
One Jew, Two Jew, Red Jew, Blue Jew?
3 years ago
When people find they can vote themselves money that is the end of the republic. Benjamin Franklin. Systematic racism, defund the police, income equality, sexism, racism, anti-asian racism, misogyny, trans rights and on and on forever. It's about money and nothing more. Extermination.
3 years ago
No loss
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
What a bunch of retards.
3 years ago
And good ole Taylor swift is getting her fans to boycott Netflix or one of the streaming shows due to ONE show had ONE joke about her. Oh the humanity (it was a joke saying she's had a lot of boyfriends nothing worse than that)
3 years ago
Public Enemy No.1=Muppets Public Enemy No.2=Dr.Seuss 'Tis a rough world we live in
3 years ago
I remember when conservatives were boycotting Teletubbies because the pink Teletubbie was "gay". There have always been loonies on both sides.
3 years ago
This stuff is getting crazy. Cancel culture is a great way to stifle creativity. This is another case where the characters inappropriately portrayed are probably mostly unnoticed until cancel culture drew attention to them. I don’t see any folks getting worked up over the content of Blacked or Blacked Raw - where black men are portrayed as being able to better satisfy women due to their large penises. They are portrayed as satisfying white women so much better than a white man. It’s racist!
3 years ago
On Seuss, the article said the books were "researched" to find these issues. No one complained. Some mentioned are ridiculous. The white man is the only one with a gun, showing he represses and is better than the other colors, the white man is pictured above the Chinese men, showing white superiority, etc.
3 years ago
@atl “On Seuss, the article said the books were "researched" to find these issues. No one complained.” Doesn’t this precisely mean the opposite of cancel culture? Nobody complained but Dr. Seuss Enterprises pulled 6 of his books off the shelves. Can you cancel yourself? That is what is happening here. The company that owns Dr. Seuss is exercising its own judgment. I thought you repubs were the ‘fuck your feelings’ party? It looks to me like y’all run around getting butt hurt by everything that melts your little snowflakes. Pussification of America indeed. And who even reads those titles? Green eggs and Ham and the Grinch are safe. "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" "If I Ran the Zoo" "McElligot's Pool" "On Beyond Zebra!" "Scrambled Eggs Super!" "The Cat's Quizzer"
Hank Moody
3 years ago
>Nobody complained but Dr. Seuss Enterprises pulled 6 of his books off the shelves. Can you cancel yourself? It wasn't self examination. They've been complaining about dr seuss for a while. for example this article from 2017:
3 years ago
Saw today Dr Seuss books are bestsellers again. 9 of top 10 on Amazon. People voting with their wallets and giving a big Fuck You to cancel culture.
3 years ago
The estate said they would stop publishing those six titles. eBay now refers to them as "banned" books and canceled all listings selling new or used copies.
3 years ago
But to build on someone's earlier observation, there are still 66 listings selling Mein Kampf.
3 years ago
Just goes to prove if someone want's to be butthurt they'll find a way.
3 years ago
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