How tall would you say the average stripper is? Is the average stripper taller or shorter than the average female? Is how tall or short the average stripper is a response to customer demand or is it just a situation where club managers have to hire whoever applies? Would you personally prefer more taller or shorter girls in strip clubs?
There are thousands of strippers across the country. So statistically, they are going to be the average height of all females. So about 5-4, 5-10 with the average stripper shoes.
I think there are enough comments I can see what direction this is going in. Based on hundreds of strip club visits and paying attention because I like shorter girls and look for them, I think the average stripper is taller than the average female. Not a lot taller but at least a couple inches over the 5'4" norm. I've asked several strippers at about that average height if there are more girls in their club taller than them or shorter than them and they say taller so that's further verification. I think, though, I'm an anomaly among customers in noticing that because most strip club customers don't care about height. People don't notice what they aren't looking for even if it is right under their nose. There is also a selection process going on in clubs where there being more of a certain type of girl also changes the type of customer because there are more customers who like that type who come in while guys who don't like that type stay away. So, for example, if there is a club where all the strippers are old, tall, fat, ugly women then the typical customer will be a guy who likes old, tall, fat, ugly women or is at least indifferent to those characteristics and therefore doesn't even notice them. Every other guy will just stay away from that club.
"Based on hundreds of strip club visits and paying attention because I like shorter girls and look for them, I think the average stripper is taller than the average female. Not a lot taller but at least a couple inches over the 5'4" norm."
Hey doc, no disrespect but hundreds of visits in the same metro area still translates to a small sample size if you're trying to generalize for all US clubs.
The average woman is about 5'4 inches tall, the vast majority wear at most 2 to 3 inch heals, and those in heals are around the same height as me. Those without are either a lot shorter than me or just slightly taller, so 5'4 is about right. In a club, the average heel height seems to around 4 inches, and quite a few 6 inches and higher.
I would say most dancers in the club are shorter than those outside.
Based off about 30 clubs in a dozen or so cities, with I would guess around probably 700 or so different dancers in that entire time, I have noticed most dancers when they take their shoes of for a dance, are probably around 5' to 5'2. The rest are either really short 4'10 or so, or at most 5'9
I also tend to like smaller dancers, especially when getting lap dances. Because of this, I often pay attention to how tall I think a dancer during stage reviews, a lot of the dancers all seem to be within an inch of two of each other when lined up, with a few taller and shorters mixed in, and that's regardless of whether they have very high 6 inch heals or shorter 2 inch heals. So this also points to around 5' to 5'2 inches.
So yeah dancers seem to be on average around 2 inches or so shorter than outside.
Due to the higher heals that most dancers wear, dancers in the club look taller than the average women in the club.
"Hey doc, no disrespect but hundreds of visits in the same metro area still translates to a small sample size if you're trying to generalize for all US clubs."
Wallanon, you may be right on that. Someone who travels a lot and does lots of visits to clubs in different cities would have the best idea. Any travelers out there, what do you see in the way of regional variations? If Indianapolis strippers are taller than ones in other cities and I like shorter girls then I'm just out of luck living here. I like ethnic variety too and Indianapolis may be lacking in that area also, though that seems to be changing in recent years. I can usually find someone I like but maybe a third of the time walk out without doing any lap dances.
I watched a fucking beautiful, hourglass figured stripper in Poplar Bluff MO. Biggest damn tits. Hottest fucking ass. I had no idea that she was 4’5” until she stepped off stage. Damn perfect height as far as I am Concerned!
Def like em on the 5' to 5.5' range. Thin and trim. Natural boobs only. Plus they fit so much better in your lap. Never dance with tall or big girls even if they are sexy.
In all my years of strip-clubbing the thought of strippers on avg being of different height never crossed my mind; and personally I don’t think it’s the case either – really can’t see why it would be – the only time height has come into mind is when a stripper takes off her high-ass platform shoes and I realize how short she actually is – often times the difference is dramatic when one sees the instantaneous change.
I personally prefer shorter dancers (and women in general) – I prefer voluptuous women and often times shorter girls may look more-voluptuous b/c of their more-compact frame – the only time I prefer taller-dancers is in the dives I hit where dances are mostly floor-dances and IMO they are better when one is sitting on a barstool – some short girls may not be able to grind as well when one is sitting on a barstool.
last commentHey doc, no disrespect but hundreds of visits in the same metro area still translates to a small sample size if you're trying to generalize for all US clubs.
I would say most dancers in the club are shorter than those outside.
Based off about 30 clubs in a dozen or so cities, with I would guess around probably 700 or so different dancers in that entire time, I have noticed most dancers when they take their shoes of for a dance, are probably around 5' to 5'2. The rest are either really short 4'10 or so, or at most 5'9
I also tend to like smaller dancers, especially when getting lap dances. Because of this, I often pay attention to how tall I think a dancer during stage reviews, a lot of the dancers all seem to be within an inch of two of each other when lined up, with a few taller and shorters mixed in, and that's regardless of whether they have very high 6 inch heals or shorter 2 inch heals. So this also points to around 5' to 5'2 inches.
So yeah dancers seem to be on average around 2 inches or so shorter than outside.
Due to the higher heals that most dancers wear, dancers in the club look taller than the average women in the club.
Wallanon, you may be right on that. Someone who travels a lot and does lots of visits to clubs in different cities would have the best idea. Any travelers out there, what do you see in the way of regional variations? If Indianapolis strippers are taller than ones in other cities and I like shorter girls then I'm just out of luck living here. I like ethnic variety too and Indianapolis may be lacking in that area also, though that seems to be changing in recent years. I can usually find someone I like but maybe a third of the time walk out without doing any lap dances.
I personally prefer shorter dancers (and women in general) – I prefer voluptuous women and often times shorter girls may look more-voluptuous b/c of their more-compact frame – the only time I prefer taller-dancers is in the dives I hit where dances are mostly floor-dances and IMO they are better when one is sitting on a barstool – some short girls may not be able to grind as well when one is sitting on a barstool.