Thin and hot to fat and not. Young people are literally ridiculous. People of today are even fatter than we think. My Mom is 85 and 114 pounds, the same weight she has been for 70 years. She tells me that she was a size 6/7 when she was 15 and is now a size 0, at the same size. A woman with a dress size of 10 today would have been considered grossly overweight back on the day.
cow, sow, not worthy of a single plow - it's all good. the one from 6 years ago i'll send to your way. the one 6 years to the present i'll gladly perv on with delightful glee.
Very odd but hot looking girl. Little skinny girl that transformed her ass and legs into steel by doing 1,000 squats in the gym everyday, for the past 5 years.
Women have convinced men that fat cellulite pocked asses are hot. Men should return the favor. Hey ladies, large pendulous beer bellies are a sign of virility. As of right now I'm canceling the gym and starting my doughnut and milkshake diet. Stay tuned for my annual YouTube updates.
Jelly of the thicc girls. I don’t think they make the highest amount of money per say, but I think it comes to them the easiest. Too bad the surgeries for the ass is both expensive and dangerous.
excellent observation 'spice. all my faves would tend to do consistently well almost every night. thick thighs and big asses are a niche market at the clubs. does not translate to top earner status but the consistent revenue is usually there. their only real competition is other thick girls. but there's enough customers for them all.
@nicespice- Interesting comment about how the thick girls make money easier. Is that because guys that like that are more likely to make it rain or what?
Yep, the make it rain crowd. From both stage and when they twerk their ass in front of them when sitting with them at their table (often a bottle service table). My success with that group of customers is way more hit or miss but the bigger ass girls seem to get that more consistently. What I like about that group is that they are faster decision makers. They will give you money or they won’t. And some give a good amount. At my home club, I usually end up getting most of my money from older whiter regs. Nothing wrong with that because my regulars are a good pleasant group of individuals. 🥰 But I like the gratifying quicker “gimme me money” type of thing. Trying to figure out if I can find a good middle ground in weight to still appeal to both crowds. 😅
Oh and when in higher mileage locales, where customers get pissy because you aren’t doing xyz in dances, the more urban dancers are getting away with doing air dances and twerking their asses in customers faces and the customers loving it.
last commentI'm with Elmer on this, I just don't see the attraction of big cartoon looking asses that have come to the forefront as the "in thing".
Here is a woman with a natural 43" butt complain about it.…
Very odd but hot looking girl. Little skinny girl that transformed her ass and legs into steel by doing 1,000 squats in the gym everyday, for the past 5 years.
Good job 👍
I would not want my woman to get anything done boob or butt.
Can't fit through the kitchen door.
If she would couple all that training with a proper diet, I might piss on fire to put her out.
Oh and when in higher mileage locales, where customers get pissy because you aren’t doing xyz in dances, the more urban dancers are getting away with doing air dances and twerking their asses in customers faces and the customers loving it.