
Hot girls from other states

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
For those of you in locked down states, I just want to say thank you for sending us your hotties. Even here in lil ol' NE FL, we're greatly benefitting from dancer migration during these tough times. I've met girls who were dancing all over the country before shutdowns started. Shit just last night I talked to one gorgeous Asian mix here from Hawaii and another who was working in Colorado and doesn't want to go back yet because of the 10pm curfew.

So thank you for sharing. :)


  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    No wonder your burned out. You are not only fucking your own girls, but everyone else's too.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ It's a dirty job but someone's gotta' do it.

    But all kidding aside I'm not getting as much play with the travel girls. Between their constant moving around and the higher income expectations they're bringing with them from more expensive locales, it's a chore to seal the deal with them.

    But they are putting a lot of pressure on our local girls to expand their...horizons. My second to last meeting of the minds came after a girl who previously declined my offers was bitching about all the young new girls piling up in the DR when there weren't enough customers.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    ^ Don't lie Ricky. Your ass hole is burned out from the toy you gave me for xmas😉
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    And I said I was sorry 😞
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ==>“after a girl who previously declined my offers was bitching about all the young new girls piling up in the DR when there weren't enough customers.”

    If they were chilling in the dressing room, then what would be the problem?

    Now that I think about it, between this, the random rants against day job dancers who are “tourists”, and the recent bitching about Cubans bringing extras into the clubs...are you still even the Rick we know? Or did some old cranky burnt out stripper hack the Rick account as we know it, and start going on a Rick-parody rampage?

  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    It's my experience with traveling dancers is that they are not interested in developing regular customers because they don't intend to stay long. Instead they concentrate on the big kill. Promise everything and deliver little. No loss for them. I usually just pass.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    Leave my boyfriend alone nicespice! He is obviously sick of yucky vaginas and he doesn't want to talk to you! Go away! No girls allowed! 😡
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    The thing about Florida, is anybody truly from there?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "If they were chilling in the dressing room, then what would be the problem?"

    @Nice: Ah, I see the confusion - I should have been clearer. They were in the DR getting ready to start their shifts. She just got out a little ahead of them. Over the past 10 days there have been a lot of nights in the local clubs where there were at least as many girls as guys and sometimes more.

    As far as my views on Cubans and DJG's, I'm not sure where you're going with that. My reason for not liking the Cubans has never been because they don't put out, but because I don't like their attitudes or the games that some of them try to play. As far as DJG's, I know I've posted similar views about them in the past and they still largely hold true to this day. I'm as consistent as the tide rising Nice. ;)
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    We've all been to Florida. We keep the hotties and send the riff raff which floridians think are hot. Its like thinking Florida is a good place to live and work.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Whatever makes you feel better ski. 😉
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Not living in Florida does make me feel much better; thanks.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^I hear you ski. It's 70 degrees where I live, our restaurants and entertainment venues are wide open and we are enjoying a glut of willing strippers. Yup, it really sucks here. 😉
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I was just in florida where I did my 3 day sentence and left. I went to high school there and have spent about 3 years worth of time visiting family there since 1980. Know the state very well which is why I chose being an insurance investigator with no benefits out of law school rather than accepting a job with the state's attorney's office. Nothing on earth could make me live there. I'm a skier and a skater and unafraid of the cold so I live in the North. When we retire we will move further north because the people who gravitate towards warmer weather won't go near us and that makes us both very happy. To be fair the remainder of my family lives in Florida so in the unlikely event we need warm weather, we can go there. By the way I have about 20 strip clubbing trips in Florida since August; find the clubs nowhere near as good as before and never once in my life thought Jacksonville existed for any reason other than having a place to drive through on the highway. It does suck in Florida, but I've only been going there for 52 years.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Taking a brief break from ticking off Rick,I’ll pitch in to say I agree Florida is a nice state. Laid back culture. Good roads to drive on. And damn good hookah. At least in Tallahassee, Orlando, and Kissimmee. Supposedly Jacksonville has really good hookah too (but idk for sure) Hoping to show back up sometime end of this year. 😁

    That and Florida is (generally) a place known for hiring standards in clubs. I get the impression the easiest areas for less attractive dancers is the south and the Midwest.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Ski, I may be biased by the part of FL I live in. I'm not a big fan of cities like Miami and Tampa, which very much give off a dirty tropical slum vibe. But here in NE FL there is still a lot of local history and culture, along with lots of enjoyable wide open spaces and easy commuting.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Been to the panhandle and have golfed probably 200 rounds of golf in North central Florida as well. Its like Alabama and Mississippi. No, I actually enjoy both places. Biloxi is my current favorite, pre-pandemic, casino locale.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    A few dancers at my local Columbus clubs would also dance out of state for several months during peak times, so I suspect several have been doing that for the last 9 or so months.
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