Or just telling me when she's in? She made a big thing about how I've been on her mind ("Not just saying it" lol) and I'm just like, yeah this could be interesting, at the very least she wants to save me the hassle of turning up when she won't be working.
We don't know enough specifics to give intelligent responses that are specific to your situation. Speaking generically, she most likely wants to hit you up to "come see her" when it's slow. Arranging OTC is certainly a reasonably possible motivation, although in my experience that's something typically best at least broached in person. There's probably dozens of other potential explanations. And then yeah, there is an outside chance she's interested in talking to you on a personal level.
The specific situation, history, club type, many other things influence the likelihoods. A quick look at your previous topics makes me thing you've become a regular source of income and she's just thinking it'll be worthwhile to have a communication channel to ensure your stripper money goes to her.
All that said, does it matter? If you want to talk to her, give her your facebook and find out. What's the big deal? If she asks you to come in on tuesday afternoon, you'll know. ...Pay her phone bill/car bill/rent/etc ..." it's $400/hour" ... "Hey, maybe we could meet up for drinks Saturday night" ... whatever, you'll know. You're not gonna believe a bunch of strangers on a website anyway.
Dolfan I'm just a strong believer in strip club etiquette being turned on its' head compared to an interpersonal relationship. I'm just waiting for her request, as to why I haven't checked her out yet.
I've had just the opposite happen. Gotten a dancer's digits and a few weeks later she shows up on my list of possible new friends via whatever logarithms Google and FB use to make those suggestions. I stick to just the digits.
@grand1511. Lol. I literally had a very similar thing happen to me. A big titted, nice ass, non Asian massage chick just popped up on my Facebook page as “someone you might know”. Oh, I definitely know her body, face, hands and lotion and she definitely knows what I feel like, but I never knew her name until now. Turns out that she is a real estate agent and her phone number was apparently stolen by Facebook and it then suggested her as a potential friend. Next house I sell or but, she will get “the business” for sure!
@nightrid3. Ask yourself one question. If you saw her in a regular bar, would she come up to you and initiate conversation. Be honest with yourself. If the answer is an overwhelming, “hell yes, she would because I that fucking hot that cute chicks die for me!” Then, she probably wants to hang out. Otherwise, she needs a way to draw you in on one of her slow nights. It all marketing.
It means nothing tbh, girls give me their personal Instagram and fb. They just think you’re cool and not a cop. They prolly just wanna shoot the shit outside the club and also peak in on your personal life, doesn’t guarantee otc.
I have an idea. How about we create a thread where we can speculate endlessly about what it might mean for a dancer to ask for your social media account, including whether she might be interested in OTC even though she skipped many more obvious ways to let you know that...
You just go to the club and make your pitch, preferably on a slower night after you've fed her a few drinks to loosen her inhibitions.
As far as reviews go, I've written reviews that just disappear, so maybe some people try and give up.
Unless she's a total newb, a dancer has been asked a shit ton of times for OTC dates or private sessions. So be shit ton plus one, ask her politely for which ever one you're looking for. If she gets torqued at being asked, she's probably the typed of person who's permanently torqued.
He may be a troll. From another view point, she may want to learn more about you. Who are your friends, your family. She could be setting you up for blackmail or worse.
BRTP lackmail huh? A female friend felt genuinely afraid for me because she claimed women she knew would go out with a guy for a few months, then go "Give me $5k or I'll tell the cops you raped me".
Cashman1234 seems that this isn't sufficiently long for a review: "Free entry before 9. Drinks $10-15, private dances start at 70. Currently opening fri/sat only due to covid. All decent lookers"
@Nightrid if the above post is what your review was then that is indeed not sufficient. Read the guidelines. That shit you typed out up there has no detail what so ever. In the words of Michael Blackson, TRY AGAIN MUDDAFUCKA!
last commentThe specific situation, history, club type, many other things influence the likelihoods. A quick look at your previous topics makes me thing you've become a regular source of income and she's just thinking it'll be worthwhile to have a communication channel to ensure your stripper money goes to her.
All that said, does it matter? If you want to talk to her, give her your facebook and find out. What's the big deal? If she asks you to come in on tuesday afternoon, you'll know. ...Pay her phone bill/car bill/rent/etc ..." it's $400/hour" ... "Hey, maybe we could meet up for drinks Saturday night" ... whatever, you'll know. You're not gonna believe a bunch of strangers on a website anyway.
Before asking us, you should check what she posts on Facebook.
Generally, if she wants OTC, she will ask for your cell number. You don’t post OTC on Facebook - as it’s too public.
It’s most likely so she can let you (and several other customers) know her hours.
This could be a legit inquiry - and it could lead to a new add to our glossary!
ITCFS - not to be confused with full sex in the club - this is Free Sodas in the club!
Oh absolutely! That's just her way of building up the foreplay to a fuck your brains out crescendo!
If you saw her in a regular bar, would she come up to you and initiate conversation. Be honest with yourself. If the answer is an overwhelming, “hell yes, she would because I that fucking hot that cute chicks die for me!” Then, she probably wants to hang out. Otherwise, she needs a way to draw you in on one of her slow nights. It all marketing.
Based on your posts, you don’t have experience with women or strippers.
If you don’t talk to the girl - this back and forth shit is useless.
You just go to the club and make your pitch, preferably on a slower night after you've fed her a few drinks to loosen her inhibitions.
Unless she's a total newb, a dancer has been asked a shit ton of times for OTC dates or private sessions. So be shit ton plus one, ask her politely for which ever one you're looking for. If she gets torqued at being asked, she's probably the typed of person who's permanently torqued.
Ilbbaicnl I think I met her on her first or second night.
A review doesn’t use names - it is a description of a strip club.
It’s obvious you are trolling - and all of your posts are lies.
Review the club where she works. Remember this is an international site with club reviews from Australia as well.
You continue to affirm your status as a useless troll.