Psychology of nudity and dance mileage

North America
In many of the nude clubs I’ve been to, the girls will try to get you to pay $40 for a nude dance vs $20 for topless. This is especially a thing in Deja Vu clubs. Never seemed worth it to me...if my dick has to stay in my pants, it’s going to feel the same to me either way. Seems like just another low effort money grab. I really don’t think the girl would give me a better dance.
On the other hand, one of my regular clubs is infamous for the city’s no nudity ordinance. The entire bikini area needs to be covered, so that means no nipples and no thongs or string bikinis either. A bunch of the girls have told me they appreciate it and they’d never work in a topless club. But by and large those girls give a way better lap grind than the Deja Vu girls. I wonder if they think they need to “make up” for the lack of nudity. Maybe the girls really are more comfortable grinding their crotch on strangers if they don’t have to show their nipples. Who the hell knows.
Obviously this all mainly applies to non extras clubs.
On the other hand, one of my regular clubs is infamous for the city’s no nudity ordinance. The entire bikini area needs to be covered, so that means no nipples and no thongs or string bikinis either. A bunch of the girls have told me they appreciate it and they’d never work in a topless club. But by and large those girls give a way better lap grind than the Deja Vu girls. I wonder if they think they need to “make up” for the lack of nudity. Maybe the girls really are more comfortable grinding their crotch on strangers if they don’t have to show their nipples. Who the hell knows.
Obviously this all mainly applies to non extras clubs.
So I can kinda see that logic. Idk, I’ve worked in nude environments that were lower and higher contact. There might be something to the OP but I kinda suspect what the norms in area a club is in trumps everything else.
I've never paid more for a nude vs topless lapdance because I agree with the premise that its not worth any more to to me. I've told girls in places where nude dances are the norm that they can keep their panties on if they're more comfortable that way.
As far as the grinding itself goes, I think its kinda obvious is it not? What stripper wants to grind her naked pussy on some dudes pants? Especially considering hers could easily be the 5th one there in the past hour. And who wants that? Last thing I want is girls juice on my pants. If my pants are coming off, its a whole different discussion.
I like to keep the situation (dance) on a fantasy level, for me all nude it a bit too real. I understand others feel differently. No pun intended.