“COVID, COVID, COVID. By the way, on November 4 you won't hear about it anymore”

CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
“As U.S. Cases Hit New Daily High, Trump Jokes Media Reports on COVID Will Stop on Nov. 4”
last commentBoo hoo.
He has been so dead on so far...literally. It went away last Easter didn't it? Just as he predicted? All these deaths are just people trying to make him look bad.
Look at his rallies. You don't see people dropping like flies...until after the election. Of course the infected VP staff are probably just a bunch of traitors. Those that are favored will likely go to the same facility where T-Rump received "the cure" that will be made available to the rest of us IF he is reelected. If he is not anointed, likely he will have his Big Pharma buddies destroy their stockpiles or delay their trials in protest while blaming the FDA for the delays. Or maybe they will not have to do so when the court yanks the health care rug out from under 20M people and all those socialist whiners will simply die off after they have given over their homes to big business trying to pay for the care that they need to stay alive. Americans should be self sufficient. If you need medical care either go to medical school, buy it from the privateers, or just STFU.
So glad we "rounded the corner." Too bad someone missed the "Stop" sign.
If the Courts "yank the healthcare rug" aka stop screwing hard working taxpayers, all it means is that the law was illegal and the Democrats fucked things up by cheating. Watching the sheeple in Europe get locked down after they did everything the filthy rats on the left demanded is pretty funny.
It is the out-of-work taxpayers who will be hurt the worst.
Its actually insane that we encouraged people to go into the hospitality and entertainment business, advocate for $15.00 minimum wage for them and then target them above all others in shut downs. Is it just me or is anyone else troubled by the "media's" rising criticism of social and family events? Orwell must be stunned..................