Puppy dogs.....

avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
Yes little furry puppy dogs are super duper cute and love em lots.


Men that turn into puppy dogs after talking/hanging out with are alittle different of a story. It's cute and flattering and to a degree I'll entertain somewhat, but I'm not good at being harsh and stomping of their hearts.

It becomes alittle awkward when they think it's like a legit thing we have and ask me out, I dont have the heart to be like ya sure we can go out but you'll still get a tab afterwards 😂🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

This is one reason I prefer being with married men, they usually arent looking for anything beyond what they set out to find. On the rare occasion one who is HIGHLY unhappy at home may get his wires crossed by how pleasant our time together is and thinks it's more than it is and make start to act like a puppy dog following me around more than he should, but usually the being married aspect snaps him back to reality, before I need to have an awkward conversation.

I'm told by some men I've been very good friends with for many years that I'm highly personable, good sense of humor and well the physical activities are on point so it's easy for some of the men to find it hard to separate our time together vs real life. I mean I guess that says I do a good job of creating a comfortable and personal expiernce, but can come with alot extra headaches at times when some get over attached.

Any tips to make those type of connections easier to bring up and explain to them they need to simmer down abit without 1. Hurting their feelings or 2. Ruining the current relationship. Or when it gets to that point is it time to put the nix on further getting together or best to just be upfront and honest?

I also find in general (so not dissing the single men at all) that the married fellas apperiacte a female ALOT in my spot, especially if they arent getting it at home , or if the getting isnt all that great at home, which is another reason I usually lean to and stick with married men. Maybe I just havent ran across the properly kind of single men in this hobby yet, who knows?!?!


last comment
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Sorry, but I've never had a problem with men before.

But ask Icey - he may be able to help you out.

Ask him about the time he was naked in a room with 5 men.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
Smh, didnt ask guys who have have had problem with men before.

Trying to get mens pov on how if they ever found themselves in this position with a female doing this hobby how theyd want to be let down if at all without hurting their feelings or ruining the relationship with the female or would it be better for the female to cut the guy loose at that point....

Smh lol

Clearly my post is about icey and 5 dudes though 🤦🏼‍♀️
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
I think Jayne wants to talk about other things without the thread being about or being hijacked by certain people on TUSCL for once.

I'm kind of dealing with a 'puppy' myself. Originally started as a sugar arrangement a year ago, but now he's acting like he's trying to be my boyfriend - which I established in the beginning (among other boundaries) I was not looking for. Sometimes you have to crack the whip to give a reminder, no matter how sweet they act and ESPECIALLY if you don't share the same feelings they do.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
It's near the end of my work day, and I'm just messing around. I hope you really did get a good laugh out of my post.

Now for a bit less levity.

It isn't surprising that you have a lot of guys fall in love with you. The best thing that you can do is be upfront on your intention at the beginning.

Spell things out for us.

With the blood rush to the little head, guys don't always think.

So when a guy is asking you out for whatever activity, be up front on what you want out of the arrangement before you even say the word "Yes".
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Its not love its vapid 8nfatuation. Give them a dose of reality.....dont pander to them. Make it obvious its a business transaction. Ask for more money if they insist on taking up more time.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Eve, why do I get turned on when you say you are going to "crack the whip' ? But I agree with your statement. Set your boundaries and then do some Tough Love.
I've had the inverse happen to me with sugar babies. I've had a couple of them now get very attached, want to become exclusive and even call me their boyfriend. It may be a natural progression for a lot of people. If you are around someone a lot and are intimate with them for a while, it's kinda natural for emotions to come in.
If you don't want that to happen, then you have to take steps to keep your distance.
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
Have to agree with Icey on this one, solid advice. Also tell them you aren’t at point in life where you’re catching feelings.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
Legit I'll be straight up, and let them know it's not what I'm looking for and a few have said they understand and in the next breath ask me to be their gf 😂😂😂

Smh hahahha

I couldnt do this type of hobby as just wham bam and message me when you want it again, that's almost too transactional and I wouldnt be able to get into as physically as I do. However im feeling maybe my GFE is too much of an expiernce lol or maybe I'm dialed in okay and they just get blinders on, dunno. Just seems it's more so the single guys who end up with hearts in their eyes after awhile, even though I treat married men in the same regard. Maybe I should be alittle more at arms length with single gentleman to prevent this.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
@eve I'm not a whip cracker! However usually the whip crackee... 😇
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
I have the complete opposite experiences as far as the man's status.

The married men seem to get more emotionally involved with me. (The puppy I'm dealing with is in a sexless unhappy marriage.) The single guys are usually just as much if not more of a hoe than I am, so I don't have that issue with them as often.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Jayne, pure speculation on my part, but the difference between single and married guys reactions is probably directly related to the ease of getting into a relationship.

When you have to go through a divorce and lose half your assets to pursue a relationship, the barrier to entry is a lot higher.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
@winex if u read my original post without icey in mind you would have seen how I established the difference and preference of married men when I deal with men due to the fact they are married and bc if that less likely get into this phase with me....

Lol I dont need to be schooled on why most married keep distance bc a divorce isnt worth it especially if they have alot in assists, I'm smart enough to know that on my own hence why I more times than not prefer dealing with married men as I stated in post lol
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
You’re right Jayne you’re not a whip cracker, you’re just a cracker. Just Like the other men posting in this thread. You’re really seeking advice from Old socially awkward virgins?🤦🏾‍♂️ 😂 y’all be good! ✌🏾
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
@eve ya I've only had 1 married puppy ever and he was a handful to lead else where and redirect whatever he needed away from me, took sometime. Kudos to you for you having to deal with it more often.

The more so annoyance I feel with single puppy's is they dont have much else going on and pop up in my phone alot abd get whiney if they feel I dont respond enough or fast enough especially when they are feeling lonely. I dont like being mean but it's like I wanna just tell them they dont currently have a time slot with me so I dont owe them my attention and should be grateful I'm even entertaining a conversation at the moment when they get all uppity of feeling slided by me
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
"This is one reason I prefer being with married men, they usually arent looking for anything beyond what they set out to find. "

So how are you screening them?? Are you wanting it to be strictly physical?? What services are you comfortable with and what boundaries are you setting at the onset?? When you don't know where the guy wants to go, don't be surprised when you get there. Be upfront and clear from the get go to avoid the headaches that follow.

avatar for BAngus
4 years ago
One thing that might help is finding companions that are not local. That way, they can't expect to just drop what you are doing and stop by to meet their needs. It also reduces the chance the really sad puppies show up at your work, kids school, grocery store, your parents house, etc...
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
"...pop up in my phone alot abd get whiney if they feel I dont respond enough or fast enough"

Ohhh, I deal with those regardless of how deep in their feelings they are (truck drivers are the worst [sorry, MackTruck].). I promptly let them know before exchanging numbers that I'm not a big talker on the phone and actually suck at responding back to texts in a timely manner.

Sometimes what you say upfront can in one of their ears and out the other. If they can't deal with me not responding within 3 minutes of receiving a text, I remind them that I'm not near my phone half the time unless I'm expecting a call/message; in addition to that I've told them before that they can't expect me to respond back right away, because well . . . I'm trying to savor life as I'm dealing with it. Either that or working.
avatar for SanchoRG
4 years ago
It’s not your fault some men don’t learn how to act around women. Most normal adults get their cringey behavior over with in their first 3 decades. Those that got married early or never had a relationship end up weird as fuck until they figure it out. You gotta shut them down firmly. “Oh I think I’m in love with you” “No you’re infatuated, you want another dance?” Stuff like that
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago

Detailed convos and questions are applied prior to any meets. I am very clear up front what everything is.about and what I'm not looking for.

I turn down 90 percent of offers for many reasons, bad feeling, hes drama prior to meeting, he wants something I do not provide or want, hes too wishy washy or seems like a time waster, hes too demanding off the bat, hes unsure of what hes looking for which leads to issues down the road.

I have my basic structure in which I treat all the same, however every arrangement is usually alittle altered in some way due to each man is different, some I have a stronger physical connection with or only physical connection with some vice versa, some want alittle banter in between meets which is ok if it feels. natural however I dont let it be around the clock and make this clear. Some like dates and some like to just get to it, however I always am sure they know what it is and isnt, as I'm not looking for a serious anything currently and they all know this prior to meeting and even get reminded of it at times if I feel things are shifting on their end.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago

Most arent local.... no one ever shows up at those places or my place unexpectedly.... alot of them dont even know that info so if they did theyd be deemed stalker status not puppy dog status lol

Some when I'm comfortable know where I live as we hang out there bc it's just easier with my schedule and allows for time not being rushed... when I mean they pop up it's more so via phone, apps, emails.... and again not even my phone number none get my actual number.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
"I always am sure they know what it is and isnt, as I'm not looking for a serious anything currently and they all know this prior to meeting and even get reminded of it at times if I feel things are shifting on their end."

Makes the decision easy. Be upfront and ready to cut him off. Tell him yall talked about this, what the arrangement was and wasn't. Make the decision is he paying enough to put up with the stress otherwise cut him loose sooner than later for both of your sakes.

avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
Ya you're right and part of me has known that I just hate coming across bitchy 😒
avatar for BAngus
4 years ago

I figured you wouldn't give out that kind of info, but stalkers can get pretty resourceful (as you mentioned).

About the "bitchy" part just above, based on what has happened over the last week or so here, it looks like you have the balance right on your tone and responses so I wouldn't stress about that.
avatar for yankeez4lif
4 years ago
Pre-screening is all well and good, but you never know what's going to happen until shit hits the fan. All you can do is be upfront from the get go and make sure the rules of engagement are defined and penalties for breaking rules are understood. Most important with any investment is to understand when to walk away and take a small loss and avoid a bigger one. As far as being bitchy, sometimes a bitch gotta do what a bitch gotta do.
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
All I have to say is....

Why can’t I find a professional like you?
Wish there were traveling hoes who provided GFE and PSE “for a night”, then disappear until the “next meeting”.

The closest I got to this kind of female was with a hot nurse friend. She looked at me Square in my eyes and said, “ ___, I want to fuck you just because!” I’m like, “ ok “. She then said, “ unless you think that I will fall in love with you.” I responded, “no fear, I promise to fuck and flee.... you marry your guy and I will marry my gal, but fuck and flee is what tonight is all about!” Best sex I ever had. We are still great friends, smile when we come into contact, yet never mention that night of fun.

I need more of those fuck and flee moments in my life. There just isn’t enough Proper inventory out there to engage the activity.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago

You know where to find me 🤣
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
The puppy/dog analogy is useful in this situation - as I’ve learned a lot from dealing with both dogs and horses.

I’m not comparing women to animals.

When you first encounter a horse - the animal knows within a minute whether you are in control - or if you can be controlled.

Dogs need training much more than they need hugs. A good dog knows it’s boundaries - and it knows the consequences of going beyond.

Huggable dogs are super cute - and sweet - companions. Guys must be men first. If they can’t act on their own, they aren’t useful men.

Regardless of whether a woman is a sex worker or a civilian - a dependent male should be her child - not her partner. It can’t be any simpler.

Falling for a sex worker is generally a rookie mistake, and it should only happen once. If a guy keeps falling for sex workers - it will end poorly. Some providers can smell dependent guys - and they can fleece them over several years as they string them along. Sadly, many providers only discover the dependency after a few encounters - and then it’s hard to shake.

Another animal analogy is getting rid of a dependent guy is like trying to get dog shit off the bottom of your shoe - the more you try to shake it off - the more you find stuck in the treads...
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