Voting Advice from Joe Biden

avatar for winex

Gallup, in a survey between Sept. 14-28, found that 56% of registered voters said they were better off than they were four years ago, while just 32 percent said they were worse off.

Joe Biden said during an interview on Monday that the 56% of Americans who say that they are better off now than four years ago “probably shouldn’t” vote for him, adding that they have “memory” problems.



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avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 years ago
Wow. Another poll. More "quotes" taken out of context.
Meaningless, as usual.

The vast population of this country aren't wealthy people with vast amounts of money in the stock market. The ones who were well off long before the orange thing stole office are the the ones reaping the benefits of the stock market gains, not the average American. They are struggling immensely financially and their memories are short. All they will remember right now is how they are suffering. That's what they will take to the polls next month.
avatar for 623
4 years ago
Shouldn’t this be in the political ranting forum?
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I ain't black enough!
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@623 - yes, it should be. I made a mistake.

@Founder, feel free to move if you would like.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@ShadowCat - is anyone black enough?
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
4 years ago
56% of the population isn't a bunch of rich pricks.
Also, anyone that has ANY retirement plan has a stake in the stock market.
And, the only one with a memory problem is BIDEN!
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Another CD stat obsessed tbread.

Coz everyone is better off now than 4 years ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@IceyDogO - stoned and stupid is no way to go through life.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 56% of the population said they are doing better than 4 years ago.

You aren’t. But you are a loser. Long, downhill runs are a way of life for you.

But the poll isn’t the point of the post.

The point of the post is that Biden is as innumerate as you are

Biden is fine with 56% of the population voting for Trump.

Actually, this is probably the only issue I agree with Biden on. I am fine with 56% of 5he population voting for Trump.

I know that you ate too stupid to understand what this means, so I will spell it out for you


And Biden suggesting that the voters have memory problems makes this all the more special.
avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 years ago
^keep on spinning your Faux news. Nobody's buying it. Except the gullible deplorables, of course. And nobody cares about them anyhow.
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
This forum seems dominated by old white men who seem desperate to validate their opinions by posting very questionable "facts". Pretty comical, actually. But it's all just very easy to dispute windage.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Winex isn't am old white man. Hes a sheltered rich white boy incel with autism and a penchant for fucking inanimate objects.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Sclvr - no questionable facts here.

You can choose which candidate you want to support. But you can't choose which facts are true and which are false.

If you click the link I provided, you will see Joe Biden waying that the people who think the economy is doing better should vote for Trump. (He said 54% instead of 56% as the Gallup poll showed. Then he went on to criticize the memories of the people who realize that Trump built a more vibrant economy than Obama did)

If you question the Gallup poll that was at the origin of the question, here is a link for you…

Outside of the question from the poll at the root of this thread, there is something else interesting in the Gallup poll -

On the question of who they believe is more Presidential, Biden beats Trump.

On the question of who they believe is more qualified to be President, Trump beats Biden.

(Remember, this is a single group of people, not 3 separate groups)

There is a major disconnect between election projections and what this poll is telling us.

But if you think that you are better off than you were 4 years ago, you should do what Biden advises and vote for Trump.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
CD your obsession with statistics shows your lack of real lufe experience and inability to comprehend the fact that for most voting is a visceral act.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Shut up you fucking troll.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
CD calling me a troll and pandering to certain members doesn't make you veritable. Youre the biggest troll here. Doing what got you deleted the first time
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@Winex, numbers are beyond Icey's knowledge. Dumb it down.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Good point. And I am sure the word “innumerate” soared over his head as well.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Icey - 5 reviews, 141 people ignoring you - the sign of a troll.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Only an autistic idiot like you would try to claim that 1 poll proves that people are better off today than 4 years ago. As if you haven't walkes outside lately.

You need to live life a little CD.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Gallup is a reputable organization. They have been running the same poll for decades.

The February 2020 iteration of the poll showed 61% believed they were doing better than they were 3 years ago.

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ February was before the Corona Virus started really impacting us here, guarantee that poll is far off now
you might as well consult Nostradamus you'll have a better chance of getting a favorable result.
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
winex if you ever had any credibility at all you lost that about 100 politically motivated posts ago. You obviously have an agenda but you're not changing anyone's position here so what's that point? Let the election play itself out without all of the bullshit.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Sclerosis, Maybe you would be better off concentrating on posts aimed towards a less educated crowd.

I see that you live in Nevada. Maybe you can get Icey to talk to you. You seem to be intellectual equals.
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
Duly noted, whiner. You seem to surround yourself with mental midgets so as to be able to understand each other. Misery loves company I guess, lol.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Given your demonstrated ability to accurately assess information, I will take that as a complement.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Gallup, in a survey between Sept. 14-28, found that 56% of registered voters said they were better off than they were four years ago, while just 32 percent said they were worse off.
With Covid lock-downs, corporate bankruptcies rising, and high unemployment rates, these numbers seem incomprehensible. Then I thought about it. For the wealthy, reduced corporate tax rate, top federal rate dropped from 39% to 37%, and DOW went from 18 k to 28 k over the last four years.
For the poor, protection against eviction for non-payment of rent, $1200 free money, and thanks to neither party requiring any means testing, $600 a week plus State unemployment for people that were previously making minimum wage.
So that leaves the 32%, the middle class, that are worse off. And hey, guess what, they are also the ones that are going to have to pay for all this shit when the bill comes due.
avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 years ago
"This forum seems dominated by old white men who seem desperate to validate their opinions by posting very questionable "facts". Pretty comical, actually. But it's all just very easy to dispute windage."

avatar for Icey
4 years ago
You have to be a hermit amd or completely out of touch with reality to think were better off today than 4 years ago.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Icey - everyone who doesn’t avoid 401k plans because they think they are a scam is significantly better off today than they were 4 years ago.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
It's not fair to judge the state of the economy during a pandemic - but pre-Covid I can't see how most people would not be better off than four years ago with record unemployment, record stock market, and lower taxes.

I also don't buy that the stock market just benefits the rich - many middle-class people are invested either thru workplace 401ks or investing on the side in Roths - this is one of many narratives the Dems constantly push to divide Americans, that the stock market "only benefits the wealthy" is one of many false Dem narratives - many avg people depend on their investments thru a 40 year working career (sometimes longer) in order to have a decent retirement - it is not hard to assume that there are way more avg people invested in the market than wealthy people since wealthy people are a small minority - i.e. a healthy stock market benefits way more avg people than wealthy people in pure #s.

And this narrative that wealthy people shouldn't benefit from their success and should somehow be shamed or vilified is mostly identity-politics of trying to gain political points and buying votes by turning people against each other - last time I checked I believe about 90% of millionaires are self-made and they have usually busted their ass to get there from the examples I've personally seen.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
It would be pretty-ironic if Trump ends up winning with exactly 56% of the vote - LOL
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
@Papi " it is not hard to assume that there are way more avg people invested in the market than wealthy people since wealthy people are a small minority "
Here are the 2020 numbers:
"Gallup Poll indicated that 55% of households own stock in 2020, it is the very wealthy who control almost all of this asset. A separate Federal Reserve report indicates the top 10% of households by net worth control 87.2% of the equities in this country."
The last four years have been great for my wealth. My portfolio has had tremendous gains in stock value and residential/commercial property values. The last 7 months have sucked for my income, but I could retire at anytime quite comfortably. I do recognize that many in the middle class haven't seen those gains and are currently struggling. That is not rich shaming, just my observation of some of the middle class associates I know.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
The rich are always doing well. Theyre irrelevant. The majority of the country is doing very poorly
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
The stock market is open to everyone (obviously) - and obviously the more one puts-in/invests the more one's gains - there are many people that are constantly buying the latest IPhone or driving very nice cars and then say they don't have $$$ to invest in the market and "it's not fair" - everyone can benefit from the market especially a good market and of course the more $$$ you have to invest the more you'll benefit - I just don't buy the idea that b/c some people are in a position to prosper that somehow it's "unfair or nefarious" - I do believe in a high tide lifts all boats vs saying that it's not fair some people can afford big boats and some people can only afford little boats so let's get rid of big boats; per se.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
If you were able to keep your job during the pandemic, then likely you *are* better off than 4 years ago - the stock market set a new high about a month ago and due to Covid many people are probably spending a lot less on discretionary stuff like eating out, trips, shopping, etc (and strip-clubbing)
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
The stock market is just letting corporations gamble with your money
avatar for winex
4 years ago
You really are a special kind of stupid.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Most people get nothing or very minimal returns. When things go south their funds can be lost. Its not a viable strategy
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Reread my last post until it sinks in.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Let's say you started your career in January of 1980 and invested $100/month and retired in January of this year - this is what you'd have if you followed the S&P:


i.e. you'd have half-a-mil just investing $100/month - many people spend more than that on Starbucks - problem is too many of us are financially iliterate and back-in-the-day pre-Internet it *was* harder and there was a lot less info:…
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
I will vote for whoever is the most manly
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Its easier said than done. Wages are low and cost of living too high. Say you make $15 in Los Angeles. You make $1920 a month after taxes. You can't even afford your own apartment. Add car payments power bill food gas etc.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
At the most recent Trump rally in Florida:

15,852 voters identified

31.8% were NOT Republicans

16.3% were Democrat

24.4% did not vote in 2016

14.4% did not vote in the last 4 elections

How many Republicans and new voters have been showing up for Biden rallies ? You know, among the 10 or 20 people in attendance.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
In polls like this, a surprisingly high percent of respondents always seem to support policies that benefit the “wealthy”. That’s because many Americans believe they too will become wealthy some day. They support policies that will allow them to keep their hard earned money. God bless America !
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Wages for the uneducated and/or unskilled are low It’s part of the law of supply and demand. There are too many low skilled people in an economy that is increasingly demanding skills. This competition drives down wages.

Fortunately there is something that most people can do about it.

Work hard, suck it up, and acquire in demand skills while you do whatever it takes to survive.

That’s exactly what I did all the way through obtaining my masters degree.

The formula is well known and works.

But all too many people like you are looking for an easy path while complaining about their woes in life and expecting people from Washington DC to solve problems inherent in their own character.

Well I got some bad news for you Buttercup.

Help isn’t coming from Washington DC. Not this election cycle or any election cycle.

The people promising to create conditions where the stupid and lazy will flourish without work are conning you.

They don’t want to help you. They want you to give them power. They may throw you an occasional bone, but they need you to remain a dog in life so that they can maintain power.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
The poorest work the hardest and get the least. During the lockdowns we saw who was essential to society and who wasn't.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
The people who don’t understand what is happening around them earn the least.

Stoned and stupid is no way to go through life.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
That not true . Youre autism is showing again.....your inability to emphasize. Youre a fucking idiot who is out of touch with reality.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
ok. stoned and stupid is the way to go through life.

Carry on.
avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 years ago
^ignorant and self righteous is no way to go thru life either.

Speaking of life, try to get one and not live yours on this site 24/7. Your political desperation is depressing.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
In America, a large percent of the population starts out poor and eventually exits poverty. Some even become rich. A lot of the millionaire McDonalds franchisees began as minimum wage workers behind the counter.

The left believes that being poor is a lifelong curse, brought on them by the rich, from which there is no escape. That’s true only if you believe it’s true.
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