Ever had a regretful moment....

avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
You know how they say trust your instinct....

Ever have a moment where you felt .. ya maybe I shouldnt go along with this, however Jr in your pants got you to finally disagree with that idea and on you went with a decision you weren't sure about..

What were the warning flags looking back? What was the scenario? At what point did you think to yourself... ya this wasnt a good idea, I knew I should've listen to myself. What happen that made you regret making this choice, were you robbed? Injuried? Threatened? Caught/arrested? Did she turn out to be a man? Ha!

Do tell, I love a good "oh fuck I shouldnt of done that" story.


last comment
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
I have 3 experiences. Both when I was in my late teens.

A girl I liked asked me to come over. But when I did her crackhead uncle was there. She said not to worry about him so we acted like he wasn't there. Only to have him smoke crack and play with his dick while watching us. It made her upset but I just tirned her around bent her over and gave her uncle a show lulz our relationship wasn't the same after that and her uncle kept hitting on her.

This wasn't really bad but I wouldn't do it nowadays. A friend and I double peneyrated his girlfriend. Wed switch taking turns in her butt and pussy. I saw her onr on one a few times and that killed my friendship with him. I like running trains but dp is kinda nasty.

I was set up. A girl I knew said she'd fuck for some weed and when I was naked 5 guys came in. I grabbed my underwear and got out through a window. They stole my clothes money weed... They went after me but I was faster than I thought I'd be. They were them after me for a few months
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
This bot is a virgin he never had sex look at this ridiculous story for fucks sake. 😂

Maybe you’re the one on crack, not the uncle 😂🤦🏾‍♂️
avatar for loper
4 years ago
Yeah, commenting on this thread.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago

avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"A girl I knew said she'd fuck for some weed and when I was naked 5 guys came in."

You got away from 5 dudes through a window when you were naked and ready to rumble? Was it already open? Were they high?
avatar for winex
4 years ago
That’s Icey’s fantasy if he ever makes a porno movie - he’s naked, weed is involved, and five guys come in...
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Wallanon. As soon as the door was opening I got up and moved towards the window and as they came in got out. I had my underwear with me. It was in slow motion at the time but pretty scary. Ive had some fucked up times.

I got robbed by a crackhead once. I was so high and a crackhead came up to the car. Grabbed some stuff and the keys and i chased the bitch down. This was like 2 am in downtown LA in the ghetto. Fucked up but memorable lulz
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
One time I had a spider bite on my dick. It was really bad but the 0ain and swelling was like that fine line between pleasure and pain. My girl didn't believe me and accused me of cheating and getting an std. I went to the Dr to prove I was telling the truth
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I was invited to a gang bang with a super hot Latina babe - and 5 other dudes - and free weed!

I get there and there’s a skinny dude in Superman underoos - and a bag of weed on the floor. I’m like wtf dude? That weed looks like grass clippings - and where’s the lube?

I’m not raw dogging this weasel ass! We chased him down the block - and I think he shit himself trying to get out the window!

It was embarrassing - and it’s the first time I’ve shared this story. I need to be held! It’s bringing back such awful memories...
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Other than getting married?
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
@shadow 😂😂😂😂😂

@cash c'mere I'll hold you ;)
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
Too many over the years to even remember!
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
Not yet
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