SA game is strong lately

Lil Jayne Doe
Put alil Jayne in your life....
Seems covid has enlarged the pool of men on SA looking for side activities.
I wonder if this is due to them being stuck at home more than usual or because of the shutdown of everything including beloved clubs....
Either way the pickings from a females perspective have gotten alot better in the last 6 months....
Hurrah to that!
I wonder if this is due to them being stuck at home more than usual or because of the shutdown of everything including beloved clubs....
Either way the pickings from a females perspective have gotten alot better in the last 6 months....
Hurrah to that!
There does seem to be alot more men on there, but also more serious men on there too. I know theres probably a ton of female time wasters and scammers on there but the guys were so bad also, like really bad. I feel like they are more serious, and are putting more effort into trying to meet, it's less like pulling teeth to converse on there (or off there on a different communication platform) I figured it would have gotten worse with covid because off ppl loosing jobs and income, or being stuck home with less reasons to be.out and about, but luckily not the case
one of the girls i met told me she talked to a guy for a full month. not texting - actually talking on the phone. that guy wasted her time and never met in person. she told me she had to endure a lot of bullshit whenever she would have to talk to that guy. most people would have put an end to that at max 5 days.
she sees my profile and sends me a message. she contacts me before i leave the house for work. 9-10 hours later we met and we had a real good time.
September 17, 2020
"Heres what you do Juice. You meet up with hot ass hoes for $300. Tell them 2x-3x week for $300. Explain its $2400-3600/mo but ppm only as youve been burned before. Fuck them silly. All holes. They think youre going to be the one so they go the extra mile. Then you ghost that ass and do it over again. And again. And again."
@Pistola gives a good example of what the girls on SA put up with: broke-ass fucking idiots pretending to be SDs to get some cheap sex (since Backpage is no longer in business).
The guys have it much easier, and it's simply a matter of being patient and meeting for unpaid meet&greets to screen out the escorts. I haven't been on in quite a while, but in the past five or six years, I've had some great experiences.
Hmmm, 5 reviews.
Supposedly I am using a fictitious profile and I blow your numbers away.
If that isn’t the ultimate mark of a troll, I don’t know what is.
No one else but your profiles are obsessed with stats incel autistic fixative and into fucking inanimate objects
You need help,…
But as for the site traffic.... I think the supply of women is actually getting smaller. And less quality. ( or maybe they've all blocked me?)