“Oh, "monster". Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are da

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”

Title couldn’t say it all.

“Oh, "monster". Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are dangerous and, just now, kings are dying like flies.” ~ Tyrion Lannister

“This monster that was onstage with Mike Pence, who destroyed her last night, by the way. This monster, she says, 'no no, there won't be fracking,' there won't be this. Everything she said is a lie," ~ Donald Trump

Trump has a history of flinging controversial insults at women that have been criticized as degrading and sexist.

“I am back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I am extremely young” ~ Donald Trump




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avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

Trump should know a good lie when he hears one, since he's so good at it himself. Scary thing is that he seems to really believe all of the lies he vomits up daily. Sad.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

I think Trump is very much like Obama in that regard. Two fuck ups in a row. I wonder if Obama is pleased that he was able to start a race war?

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Worse than Trump are tge people who vote for him

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