
CoVid survival rates

Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:51 AM
The CDC last week posted its new estimate of the survival rates for COVID-19, broken up by age. 0-19 years: 99.997% 20-49 years: 99.98% 50-69 years: 99.5% 70+ years: 94.6% Those numbers are practically identical to those of the flu.


  • mark94
    4 years ago
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    On trump booty boys will downplay 200k people dying. Y’all are morons.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Time to move past the fear and lockdowns.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Wah said Breh, wah, I wish I was white she said, again and again.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    ^ Lol
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    That and the chances of you actually contracting the damn virus in the first place which I think are pretty slight as well. Just spent two weeks driving all over the Midwest / Southeast. Saw all kinds of "risky" behavior in "super-spreader" environments. You just have to protect yourself and be smart in your habits. I think we all have been exposed to some amount of viral load of the stuff. Get back to work and carry on.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Covid has fucked up my travel plans this year. My Florida trip next month will only be my fourth vacation this year as I cower in fear of a virus ......................
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    “You just have to protect yourself and be smart in your habits” Does that mean it’s not a good idea to get a lap dance without a mask on? 😢 I stick to the same dancer on every visit. I just figure there is no way most of the dancers haven’t caught COVID yet at some point. They interact at close range with so many people in and out of the club.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Only 4 vacations u old and broke 😂. I hope Covid takes u next for being a dumbass and keep calling me white.
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    I feel sorry for the people who are gonna lose their businesses because of this.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    From the beginning I have said that the real analysis will not occur until well after this is all over and done with so any conclusions were premature. The difference now is that there is adequate data to definitively say that the panic and the resulting worldwide response of shutting down was a horrible and harmful mistake. What is now clear is that the mortality rate is surprisingly if not shockingly low compared to initial predictions and that reality is reflected in the CDC’s numbers. That goes for the rate of hospitalizations as well. While the US numbers are inflated by the fear mongers, money grubbers and political opportunists the reality is that people have and continue to die from the virus. BTW this intentional inflation of numbers is not limited to the US as borne out by an Oxford study which determined that almost one third of the UK’s recorded Covid-19 victims in July and August actually died from other causes ([view link]). But the reality is quite different from what this revelation might suggest. The numbers worldwide are certainly much higher than are being reported. That doesn’t change the mortality rate and even assuming 2 to 3 million deaths to date which IMO would be wildly high but still it does not justify the damage done by the decision makers to close down the world to the detriment of the overwhelming majority to save the very, very few. And the damage is honestly unfathomable. We will never know how many millions and millions and millions of lives have been and will be cut short not from Covid 19 but from the decisions implemented to deal with Covid 19. There have been posts about suicides and delayed medical diagnosis/treatments resulting in unnecessary deaths but frankly that is too myopic a view. It was brought to my attention by acquaintances involved in providing inoculations to children worldwide that many of these programs came to a grinding halt. What that means is that tens of millions of children have not received vaccinations for easily preventable childhood diseases. If history is a guide about 30% of those are unlikely to see their tenth birthday if not soon inoculated. How many children will die prematurely? Who knows but certainly far more than deaths from Covid 19. And the economic impacts are worse still. Already hundreds of millions of people around the world have been driven into poverty. I’m not talking about US style poverty but rather real abject poverty and all the misery that goes along with that. The “hundreds of millions” is not an exaggeration and this is already a done deal which will get worse and worse every day this goes on. This situation won’t simply disappear with a Covid 19 cure. Millions and millions and millions of people will not only suffer for years forward but the unnecessary death toll will be beyond comprehension and will no doubt go unreported by the agenda driven media. And for the progressives who don’t really give a shit about little brown and black people in the third world there is more. For more than forty years there has been a great effort to protect the environment. The most effective effort has been the development of ecotourism convincing locals to protect and preserve nature for the benefit of wealthy Western tourists. Rather than profiting from destroying nature countless people have been profiting from protecting it. Well there haven’t been any of those fat money spending tourists. Guess what’s going to happen. Bye-bye elephants, gorillas, rhinoceroses and deforestation will become the normal state once again as parents will do whatever they can to feed their starving children. There’s a lot more but you get the idea. It’s bad out there, really, really bad. When this started we were all ignorant and perhaps mistakes made out of ignorance can be forgiven. OTOH AFAIC the fear mongers, money grubbers, political opportunist and yes, the cowardly old men hiding under their beds demanding the rest of the world suffer so they might live another day just so that they can yell “Orangeman bad” while they gleefully count each new Covid 19 death all have blood on their hands. It’s time to end the nonsense and get on with life. N95 and KN95 masks are now readily available and will protect you from those around you. Assess your own risk and act accordingly but don’t expect the rest of the world to suffer and die for you. End rant.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    ^ What he said.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    @BabyDoc: "While the US numbers are inflated by the fear mongers..." ________________________ I guess the death toll published by Johns Hopkins, probably the finest teaching hospital in the US, carries more weight than some kook on a stripper site. @BabyDoc references some Oxford study, but only provides a link to The Sun -- which carries about the same weight as the National Enquirer. Same old tired point by the OP and BabyDoc. The overall infection fatality rate is about 0.17% according to the same CDC report across all age groups. If we use 0.17% and 60% of the population to get to herd immunity, that's about 340,000 deaths. We're already over 200,000 deaths so we may well get to that death toll, absent a vaccine. Thanks for the interminable, content-free, rant.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    “Same old tired point by the OP and BabyDoc.” i agree WITH much the OP and Baby Doc. basically a power grab. at the expense of regular people. especially as this drags on. wear a mask (to ‘protect’ others) when necessary... but let us each make the decision of our own risk. open the frikin clubs, bars, theaters, gyms, churches, etc.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    What is it you agree with? That the Johns Hopkins numbers are deliberately faked to make Trump look bad?
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    it is unreasonable the response of political powers and the medical bosses in trashing the economy and lives of many in a power grab of our liberty. pandemics happen unfortunately. some die. shit. overall how many die from war, traffic accidents, drug overdoses, alcohol abuse and other causes? i choose to enjoy life and not be isolated in a room.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    There is no comparison between what we were told this would be vs what it is. How many million American dead were in the best models earlier this year? We are only now passing 200,000, and we know that thousands of those did not die because of COVID nor COVID related causes. If someone died in a motorcycle crash so gruesome, that the only recognizable piece of them was an ear, and the ME think he found a coronavirus on that ear, that was logged as a COVID death. Skip the studies, they are all bullshit. Wasn't the economy supposed to crash after Trump took office? Instead he gave us the greatest, most equitable American economy in history. Wasn't the Arctic supposed to be ice-free year 'round by now? Isn't New Orleans supposed to be under water? There is no objectivity any more, so your studies are barely worthy of lining the crate of a puppy with a bladder infection. This was an attack on the free economies of the world by China. It has been blown up by doomsaying commies and a fake news media. It is being wielded as a weapon by an opposition party with weakest candidate in American history and an even weaker track record.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Mark thinks his tin foil hat protects him
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    it doesn’t?
  • aleccorbett
    4 years ago
    200k people die from this virus but 2.8 million people die , in america, each year. Your individual chance of death went up, at worse, 7% from what it was currently. Most people under 70 have chances of death below .1% so congrats . You have like a 0.107 chance of dying instead of a 0.1% chance.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Democrats say they are a party of science. So, when the data proves conclusively that a disease only endangers the old and chronically ill, Democrat governors lock up the young and healthy while mandating nursing homes expose their residents to the virus. Party of science, indeed !
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    What some don't get is that surviving Covid also has consequences. The more that research progresses, the more that is discovered about long-term affects, some of which are lifetime disabling issues. So while the chances of dying might be small, the chances of having to live with a disabling issue have not been calculated...yet. But clearly there are consequences beyond death, some worse than death. Adults must weigh the risks and make decisions for themselves. A silver lining is that idiots will be "self deporting," as there is a special place in Hell for the Internet trolls and purveyors of misinformation.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    shit. i’m gonna die. had a mild covid experience. i predict i’ll die in my seventies. (i’m 70 now.) gotta die sooner or later. just prefer the die date to be after i consolidate my things to the simplest for my children to be involved with. and to die with a smile on my face.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    In the event anyone thinks that I was exaggerating in my above post about the economic effects of shutting down the world you may want to read the linked article. The authors didn’t attempt to present the entirety of the current worldwide situation but what they have presented is a good start to understand just how bad it already is. It is only going to get worse and worse every day this goes on. At this point the pain and suffering for hundreds of millions of people will be felt for a long, long time regardless of what happens with Covid 19. [view link]
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