
A combat Marine's opinion of Trump

Wednesday, September 9, 2020 9:31 PM
I'm actually quite surprised that a liberal rag like the Cleveland Plain Dealer would publish this article but here it is.. Just as I fought to protect my Marines, Trump is fighting to protect the American Dream: Michael Logue I lay flat on the rooftop, providing security while mortars came in on my location. I counted the time to impact, praying the Lord’s Prayer as I heard the shrapnel tear into the radio tower above me. I was exposed but had to keep my defensive position for our Marine company’s safety. They were hunkered down below me inside a complex we had just taken. As a trained mortar man, I knew the math and results. I counted down the time of flight that could lead to my severe dismemberment or death. All I could do was keep my gun trained on the road entrance, expecting small arms or a suicide vehicle bomb. I must have watched myself die at least a dozen times, but I kept my duty to my Marines. During my first mission, a rocket-propelled grenade nearly took my head off, and for the next 240 days, we experienced combat on a daily basis. Our work led to voter turnout in Al Anbar province increasing from 1% to 32% in 2005, but at a great cost. Forty-nine Marines and Navy corpsmen serving with the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines — based out of Cleveland -- were killed in action. After returning from Iraq, I had survivor’s guilt — why those Marines, why not me? I recognized that my service couldn’t end when I returned home and that I needed to live a life that honored the fallen. While in Iraq, we fought with sub-par equipment — thanks to Clinton-era military cuts — against terrorists whose training came directly from Iran’s Qassem Soleimani. We’d ride in the open bed of Humvees using sandbags and Vietnam-era flak jackets as makeshift armor. Our aluminum amphibious assault vehicles were from the 1970s and should have been replaced in the ’90s. Fourteen years later, as I remembered one of the bloodiest stretches in Iraq, I got a call from the White House and was asked to greet President Donald Trump in Cincinnati. At the base of Air Force One’s stairs, my mind raced through memories. From combat to happier ones, like waiting for my beautiful bride and seeing the birth of my two sons — something I never expected to live to see. I thought of the Marines we lost, and the powerful emotions it invoked. However, when the door opened, I was overcome with calm, as if my fellow Marines were standing there with me. I told President Trump about Lima Company, the 3rd Battalion, and the ultimate sacrifice so many made. I told him about Soleimani’s role in these attacks and thanked him for rebuilding the military. Not six months later, President Trump had the courage to take Soleimani out. I was proud. Just as I was focused on my mission to protect my Marines, President Trump is focused on his mission to protect the American Dream. No president in my lifetime has faced the unbridled opposition that President Trump faces, but he refuses to quit – he is doing his duty. This president has listened to the military and delivered what they needed. President Trump began rebuilding the military the day he took office, and today, military planes are flying again, and the rate of aviation accidents has come to a stop. As we approach the 2020 election, it is critical that we live up to our duty of honoring the sacrifices of Lima Company. The best way to do that in this coming election is by voting for the person who will protect opportunity and liberty for all Americans, and that person is President Donald Trump. - In 2004, Cpl. Michael Logue’s reserve Marine infantry unit, Lima Company, deployed to Iraq. The unit spent 210 days of their 240-day deployment engaged in combat. Today, he is a business leader and first-term Union Township trustee in Clermont County, Ohio. Link> [view link]


  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    So a poor white guy whose only option to avoid a minimum wage fast food job is to join the military to become a paid murderer for the military industrial complex votes Republican. Big surprise
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Wah icey semen swallower. Wah skin color. Wish I was pastel. Loser. Failure. Fuck you.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Poor yabba, no semen to swallow today cuz the tranny bitch dun got hisself covid-19. Glad you're suffering.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    This is a very important point to understand. I found the recent news regarding Trump referring to veterans as suckers - and if that is true it’s awful. I hope it’s not true - not because I love Trump - but because it’s horrible to view the selfless sacrifices of our veterans in that way. However, Trump has worked to rebuild the military. In my opinion rebuilding the military is more important than his alleged comments.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @Cashman - watch this quick video clip and tell me what you think that President Trump thinks about the people risking their lives to defend our freedom. It is only 35 seconds. [view link]
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Oh look, it's Tex, liking his own posts again. Remember to do that under your other alter egos here.
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    This polling was done less than two weeks ago and shows that active-duty service members prefer Biden: [view link] "The latest Military Times poll shows a continued decline in active-duty service members’ views of President Donald Trump and a slight but significant preference for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election among troops surveyed. The results, collected before the political conventions earlier this month, appear to undercut claims from the president that his support among military members is strong thanks to big defense budget increases in recent years and promised moves to draw down troops from overseas conflict zones. But the Military Times Polls, surveying active-duty troops in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University, have seen a steady drop in troops’ opinion of the commander in chief since his election four years ago."
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    TUSCL has a truly odd cross-section of the American voting public.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Trollbot is spamming this discussion enough that he is going to be ignored soon.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Of course a left wing University like the Cuse would have polling just as honest and decent as anything on the daily Beast; newsweak etc. Polls lol. 1.048 hand-picked left wing, non-white democrats were randomly chosen for the poll lol. If dumb ass Joe wins, and I think he will, all the republicans need is 51 Senators and Biden gets nothing done. Fine by me to leave things as is. Stalemate means no one loses, as long as they have their own money that is.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "Trollbot is spamming this discussion enough that he is going to be ignored soon." Well I'm not going to ignore him, there are others that deserve it more that I don't ignore but yeah trollbot is spamming as much as his targets. Ease up there trollbot.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    I have ignored TrollBot, but I haven't ignored Yabba Dabba Do. What sucks about the Trollbot posts is that there is no way to see unread messages. I look for the last post in a given thread. When Trollbot s the last poster, I don't know if a thread has something that I have missed or not.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "watch this quick video clip and tell me what you think that President Trump thinks about the people risking their lives to defend our freedom. " Just as I was surprised that a liberal Cleveland newspaper published the opinion piece I posted I'm just as surprised that CNN aired that Trump clip.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Better would be to give Trucidos' latest alter-ego the boot and let TrollBot go into sleep mode.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @TheeOSU - yeah. CNN probably aired it because the hat blew back off.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    ^ Agreed
  • winex
    4 years ago
    But that notwithstanding, seeing actions like that, it is hard to believe that he has a fundamental disrespect for our troops.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Agree again!
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