Trudeau gets grilled
Justin Trudeau arranged for the Canadian government to give $500 Million to a charity called WE. Then, it came out that in the last year, WE has given $300,000 to Justin’s mother, $300,000 to his sister, $300,000 to his brother, and $300,000 to his wife ( for unspecified expense reimbursement, they claim ).
Here he is being asked about it by a parliamentary committee on ethics. Hilarious.…
Here he is being asked about it by a parliamentary committee on ethics. Hilarious.…
Similar to Oprah Winfrey and her "white people get ahead b/c of their whiteness" BS; coming from someone that used "the white supremacist system" to go from nothing to a billionaire - I guess if black people do well it's b/c they overcame, but if white people do well it's b/c of their white-privilege, not b/c they busted their ass.