AG Barr's hearing.

avatar for Mr_O
What a discussing clown show put on by the "dimocrats". Were I the AG, I would have said, "You wanted me to testify, yet won't let me speak. Continue that and I'll will just excuse myself."


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avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Barr kicked their collective asses. Love that guy.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Barr is no shrinking-violet that's for sure
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
On related political news:

"... Susan Rice's son is outspoken pro-Trump GOP leader at Stanford ..."

"... One of Stanford University’s most vocal conservative leaders, who is determined to “Make Stanford Great Again,” is the son of controversial Obama administration official Susan Rice ..."…

avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Mr. O: He pretty much said exactly that at one point when he said "This is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard."

But the best part was when he laughed in Nadler's face and sarcastically called him a "real class act" when he refused to allow a 5 minute break.…
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Democrats always conduct these "hearings" as if they were 3rd graders on a playground, but this time they sunk to new lows. It made me laugh at the absurdity of calling the guy to "testify" and then refusing to let him speak. I felt bad that Barr had to sit through it though.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
He'd have made Hitler proud
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
All this:

+ support of Marxist BLM

+ defunding and disabling the police and letting chaos reign

+ the anarchist protests being allowed by the politicians in Seattle and Portland

+ today's "hearing"

+ 90% of the media supporting and excusing the violence

All this is an all-out political-coup by the left to get Trump out even if it means the destruction of cities and skyrocketing violent-crime - the left is likely concerned they would not win an election democratically and why they have resorted to a government overthrow of a democratically elected president - it's an orchestrated insurrection.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Couldn't have stated it better!

Interesting that this IceyLoco clown even bothered to enter the conversation. I would be embarrassed to show my face, but I guess the left has no problem showing their collective asses.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Icey, like all progressives, is quick to refer to Hitler, because deep down inside they know they are exactly the same type of people. I would love to see 2,000 or so of these "protesters" shot and killed by the police.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
There was virtually nothing on the Barr hearing on yesterday’s network news and virtually nothing this morning on the major internet web sites (except for Fox News), which is proof the hearing was an absolute disaster for the Democrats. What a bunch of amateurish arrogant clowns.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
The fake news MSM is talking about the hearing non stop this morning. 🤷‍♂️

I can’t stand Trump or Barr so no surprise I thought he came off poorly on some topics yesterday. I didn’t watch the whole thing and just saw the clips. We’re under 100 days until the election and very few people are undecided. I don’t think yesterday’s hearing will change any minds. Here’s where I thought he was weak:

Swalwell grilled him on the Stone commuted sentence. Barr testified at his confirmation hearing that dangling pardons by a president to protect him from perjury would be “a crime.” Swalwell then walked him through Trump telling Mueller that he didn’t talk to Stone during the campaign; Stone contradicting him and Trump praising Stone for not being a rat. Barr said it wasn’t worthy of looking into.

Barr looked bad trying to explain the announcement that the US Attorney for NY who was investigating the Ukraine connections with Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman was stepping down rather than that he was fired.

Barr also looked bad trying to explain his doublespeak about tear gas/pepper spray and ordering the clearing of protestors at Lafayette Square for Trump’s upside down bible photo op in front of the church.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Barr embarassed Swalwell but that douche gets embarassed by everyone.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
This is just meaningless political theater, with the useless democrat representatives trying to score points with their constituents. They do not care the kind of damage that this kangaroo-court style of government does to the country.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Trump haters believe all the lies told in the hearing. Protests broke out because of fascist federal troops. Barr is covering up for Trump. CoVid is 100% Trump’s fault. Trump is an idiot. Or, Hitler. Probably both.

No amount of logic will change their minds. Their self esteem depends on their being right about evil Trump, evil Republicans, evil cops, evil whites. Because, if this isn’t true, they may need to look in the mirror and question their own character.,
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
How typical! The class clown, IceyLoco, stops in, posts, his idiotic statement, then tucks his tail between his legs and goes to hide under the house!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... There was virtually nothing on the Barr hearing on yesterday’s network news and virtually nothing this morning on the major internet web sites (except for Fox News), which is proof the hearing was an absolute disaster for the Democrats. What a bunch of amateurish arrogant clowns ..."

Yeah - I think the Dem-supporting media realize that clown-show was not a good-look for their beloved Dem-party and why it's getting little-coverage in most of the media - I've also noticed much less coverage of the "protests" (i.e. riots) b/c IMO most Americans are not down with that and they are giving the Dem-party a black-eye.
avatar for jkuff1
5 years ago
If Susan Rice's son is conservative (or pro Trump) than liberal idiocy is not genetic. Must be the Kool Aid.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Here's IceyLoco rejoicing after what he thought was such a clever comment. And then after he's called out for being a moron...…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
Both parties have had their share absurdity over the last couple of decades and a half. Right now the democrats are far ahead of the GOP in insanity. But then again they have a lot of years to catch up with GOP absurdity.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

You do understand that most all the turmoil these days was caused by democrats almost 160 years ago, correct? If not, you should educate yourself. Likely they don't teach that in school any longer.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
It is amazing how many post a brainless rebuttal and when called out, they don't have the balls to defend their stupid posts! Such is TUSCAL and it's dweebs!
avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
There are literally SO MANY THINGS wrong with this conversation and its context I dont even know where to begin. But this seems to be a round table for neo conservatives so I doubt my reasoning would make a difference.

@Papi_Chulo I'm very surprised at your new persona you've taken on. This is either a new you or one who was hiding in the closet for many years. Do you honestly even like minorities like you claim?
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
It started with an obvious truth. Where it goes from there is up to TUSCL members. I don't think you are REQUIRED to read or post anywhere on TUSCL.
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