
Which club is worse: Baby Dolls Dallas or 2001 Odyssey Tampa?

Just wondering. šŸ™‚


  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    Never been to 2001 but BDD used to be so much better. I visited multiple times in 2019 and it doesn't have the quality of dancers and experience that it did a decade ago.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    never to either totally virgin.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Never been to 2001 but I would like to to be able to say been there done that. As far as Baby Dolls Iā€™m not gonna write off with so many good looking girls working. Are you trying to decide where to work next nice?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Those are 2 popular clubs - IDK why the word "worse" would apply to them unless it's from a dancer's POV
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    iā€™ve been to mons twice. maybe 2001 might get my attention next time i visit dizzy world.
  • PredragDr
    4 years ago
    Tampa and Dallas aren't exactly close?!?

    I haven't been to either in 3-4 years, but both were ok. 2001 was sort of known where the Mons rejects would go, but not sure if that is still true. Baby Dolls is a much larger club and the top dancers there were greatly superior to those at 2001.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    BDD is the apotheosis of strip clubs. On the opposite side of the scale would be Lollipops in Hudson, FL, the absolute nadir.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    BDD has the strongest dranks. They put on my ass every time!!!
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    how d fk do i ā€˜likeā€™ macks comment?
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    BDD better for PLs
    2001 better for strippers
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    (iā€™ve allready hit the thumb up a dozen times.)
    4 years ago
    It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times...
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no_elVGGā€¦ ;)

  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    You know how you visit somewhere and you go to the tourist trap in that location. You know itā€™s probably going to suck but you have to go to say youā€™ve been there and experienced it.

    You go to NYC you go to the Statue of Liberty, you go to the Keys you go on a glass bottom boat ride. You go to New Orleans you go to Bourbon Street.

    When it comes to going to strip clivs if youā€™re ever in Dallas or Tamp you have to experience these clubs. I havenā€™t been there for years but most of my visits to Baby Dolls have been fun. I havenā€™t been to 2001 in probably 15 years but I remember a good experience.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    One is a tourist trap with alcohol, the other is a tourist trap without alcohol. Been to both and IMHO it's a tossup. Normally a tourist trap with booze would have the edge, but BBD's alcohol pour is the worst I've seen in probably 150+ clubs I've visited, so it burns me to order liquor there.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    ^ oooh, yeah, i hate it when I am not drunk enough to fuck a woman šŸ˜‰
  • Garfield84
    4 years ago
    This is interesting. 2001 is my favorite strip club in TB outside of Bliss. 2001 by far has the hottest strippaz Iā€™ve seen in Tampa. While mons is just average looking girls. Scarlettā€™s in Ybor city is just terrible
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Iā€™ve had really good times in both. And their reputations as non-extras clubs is not 100%. Iā€™ve stumbled upon the right girls in both and hope to again someday.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    2001 sucks imo and my first time there was 30 years ago. Bd is slightly better, but Tampa sucks overall; except for fond memories of the Tanga Lounge.
  • RamPaige
    4 years ago
    I never been to BD. But 2001 was the final club I went to before the shut down for a friend's bachelor party. And we all had a great time. It was a lot smaller than I expected, but the staff were friendly and the dancers were gorgeous. And we also saved a lot of money by not having to buy alcohol with their parking lot policy.
  • RTP
    4 years ago
    I have been to both many times, although neither in the past 3 years. I liked BD better, as I seemed to be able to find reasonable take out there with not much effort. The experience in the club could be disappointing in mileage, but there were good looking girls who clearly were mostly there to negotiate take out. As for the alcohol, they always had beer specials which is what I did there.
    I did not like 2001 at all. I found it to be more expensive than most clubs and disappointing. Lots of hard sell for expensive upgrades. I was just not as successful there and the costs just scared me. I only went there a few times.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    Iā€™ve never been to Baby Dolls but I spent a fair amount of time in 2001 years ago. Though based on all the ā€œno extrasā€ comments here it must have been a different 2001 than where everyone else goes. Extras were common and take out was readily available.

    As far as the ā€œno alcoholā€ well letā€™s just say I donā€™t do ā€œno alcoholā€ clubs and my TF (then favorite) knew it. Thatā€™s why they only served me the Crown Royal flavored Coke from the DR. Between my TF and the girl working behind the water counter, I never went without.
  • codemonkey
    4 years ago
    LOL, Nicespice!
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    "Though based on all the ā€œno extrasā€ comments here it must have been a different 2001 than where everyone else goes."

    I've been to 2001 multiple times. To clarify, extras are usually a sure thing at 2001. IF you are dumb enough to pay what they cost there. So when a serious PL says no extras are available, they mean 'no extras are available at a price a non-idiot would pay'. Aren't all extras expensive tho? Well, not as much as they cost here. Vegas prices for Mons B-teamers yeah tourist trap for sure.

    Mons is a place where there are truly no extras. If they happen there it must be some James Bond stripper shit.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    I could say that only an idiot PL would consider paying anything more than $40 for anything less than 24 hours of fucking an LBFM but I wonā€™t.

    Price is always a relative thing and value is determined by the customer. What may seem like an idiotic price to you may seem like a bargain to someone else. Throw in the perceived quality and the price will be what the market will bear. In Tampa, 2001 is has always been seen as second class to Mons (though Iā€™ve never cared for Mons) but if you were looking for bargain basement prices you had many choices in the TBA. But one idiotā€™s bargain is another idiotā€™s gag-me-with-a-spoon Seven Seas skank.

    So we are in agreement that extras are available at 2001. And we also agree that extras are not available ITC at Mons though the few times Iā€™ve been there I have been offered OTC which Iā€™ve always declined. I have no idea what the going price for that was but I like to think of myself as a non-idiot PL so I didnā€™t even bother to ask. Iā€™m sure whatever the price some PLs would consider it a bargain.
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